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I am so incredibly happy that this game is back! Also, hello.

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Howdy Heroes and Villains:
Just a quick message to say that I am amazed, thrilled, and grateful that this game has returned. It was absolutely one of my favorite MMORPGs when it was released. I purchased City of Villains when it was released and played with friends. It was the first MMORPG where I hit max level with a character. Anyhow, I don't have the free time now that I did back then, but I'm delighted to be able to experience it all over again. Glad to be part of the CoH Homecoming experience.

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Always nice to read threads like this. Make sure to turn up those speakers nice and loud to hear that fantastic menu music or the magnificent Atlas Park music when you enter for the first time!

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Dude!  This is not just "City of Heroes."  This is the "new and IMPROVED 'City of Heroes.'"


Two words: travel powers.  Mind.  Blown.


I wasn't a Live player.  So I don't know what it's like walking barefoot ten miles through the snow, uphill (both ways) to get to a mish and back.  And I thank G-d for that!

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@Super Whatsit

Superbase passcode (Excelsior) is "passcode-6475"


It's all a Nemesis plot.  But not everything is a Nemesis plot!

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Ohai new friend you bring teh donuts?

My Dear you deserve the services of a great wizard but youll have to settle for the aid of a second rate pick pocket



So you mean you'll put down your rock, and I'll put down my sword; and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?

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