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Other bindable buttons/actions?


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So I was doing some research online, while trying to figure out some ways of maximizing my QoL while playing.  I was trying out a beam rifle/plant blaster, but one thing I wanted to be able to easily do was to toggle hover without having to hunt around for the key said power was associated with.  I tried mbutton, but soon realized it replaced my ability to hold the middle mouse button down to pan around my character.  I settled on mousechord for the time being, since I don't really use click to move.  Is there a way to bind a power to a double-click?  I've read up on some of the binds that allow you to have hover on while remaining still, and switch to flight when moving, but I'm not quite at that level yet.  Also, how do I restore the ability to pan around while my middle mouse button (the mouse wheel) is held down?  I tried "NoP" and that just cleared the previous bind, and mouselook wasn't it either.  Thank you all in advance!

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6 minutes ago, Vanden said:

You can bind actions to combinations of keys. For example, all my characters with Hover have it bound to lcontrol+button5 (one of the mouse thumb buttons).

I know about that.  I was specifically looking for a way to bind double-clicks.  I also mentioned the mousechord, which is both right & left mouse buttons pressed simultaneously.  Thank you, though.

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17 hours ago, biostem said:

Also, how do I restore the ability to pan around while my middle mouse button (the mouse wheel) is held down?  I tried "NoP" and that just cleared the previous bind, and mouselook wasn't it either

/unbind <key>
That, in general, is "how do I restore..."'s answer. It's counter-intuitive, but it doesn't truly unbind - it undoes your /bind, which is different, and still "sort of" justifies the command name. It restores the default binding, in other words.

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Thank you to all who replied.  I still haven't fund a way to bind a command to a double-click, so I've taken to using either mousechord, (both buttons pressed simultaneously), or keys around WASD, (such as q, e, or `).  I've used shift, ctrl, or alt + a key in other circumstances as well.  If anyone has any other suggestions, I'm all ears.  Thanks!

Edited by biostem
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I ran across this reply earlier today, which mentions a way of binding double clicks. I haven't tried it myself though.



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