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Family got a new.....

Marine X

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Was doing some Missions Solo +4/+8 from Unai Kemen and got the " Get Readings from the Last Dimension " mission. Came thru the Portal and saw it was Family as the Villain Group Packing Energy Guns and thought, " oh this will be a chance to get that Family Bosses Badge.......DEAD ". The Mob about 8 shot me. I have Resist Damage Capped and Defense about the same, Multiple PSI resists, and Resist Elements/Resist Energies on a Invulnerable/SS Tank level 50 ( 1 level shift ) at Vet 10 and 5 Incarnate Slots filled to Tier 2 to 3.

What in the heck do those Energy Guns they had fire? Nuclear Waste? Contaminated Poison Ivy? Nictus Droppings? 

Looked at the combat log and nothing looked that powerful. Went to Hospital, came back, Same thing....DEAD. Finally lowered the mission to +2/8 and reset, Dead again. I must have a gaping Hole in my build but have never had this happen and the build I used for Marine is almost spot on to what I used before shutdown, only with better sets and Incarnates.


I want one of those Guns, or was it something else in the Crowd I didn't spot, never really had trouble with Family before. Pretty Much breezed thru the Knives of Artemis and Freakshow missions before this one so was a bit stunned.

Edited by Marine X

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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Remember how there used to be an outdoor Steel Canyon Family map people farmed to heck a while back?

XP nerf aside, the Family never got over that.

They bid their time, trained long and hard behind the scenes, and after years and years, you've got the result in front of your eyes: Beam Rifle, Titan Weapons, Time Manipulation. High-level Family is no joke.

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I would like to send out a Heartfelt Apology to any Family I may have Offended, and Once I finish picking Asphalt Chunks out of my teeth I will do so in Person, with an Actual 8 Member Team along for the event, lol.

Edited by Marine X
  • Haha 3

" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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19 minutes ago, nihilii said:

Remember how there used to be an outdoor Steel Canyon Family map people farmed to heck a while back?

XP nerf aside, the Family never got over that.

They bid their time, trained long and hard behind the scenes, and after years and years, you've got the result in front of your eyes: Beam Rifle, Titan Weapons, Time Manipulation. High-level Family is no joke.

As a guy who wasn't around for that part of the game before Homecoming came by...



Excelsior Server | The Nightwatch


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3 hours ago, Marine X said:

I must have a gaping Hole in my build but have never had this happen and the build I used for Marine is almost spot on to what I used before shutdown, only with better sets and Incarnates.

Post your build or approximate it if you have to copy it off-screen.

We can see where you might have a problem.

  • Haha 1

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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3 hours ago, Marine X said:

Was doing some Missions Solo +4/+8 from Unai Kemen and got the " Get Readings from the Last Dimension " mission. Came thru the Portal and saw it was Family as the Villain Group Packing Energy Guns and thought, " oh this will be a chance to get that Family Bosses Badge.......DEAD ". The Mob about 8 shot me. I have Resist Damage Capped and Defense about the same, Multiple PSI resists, and Resist Elements/Resist Energies on a Invulnerable/SS Tank level 50 ( 1 level shift ) at Vet 10 and 5 Incarnate Slots filled to Tier 2 to 3.

What in the heck do those Energy Guns they had fire? Nuclear Waste? Contaminated Poison Ivy? Nictus Droppings? 

Looked at the combat log and nothing looked that powerful. Went to Hospital, came back, Same thing....DEAD. Finally lowered the mission to +2/8 and reset, Dead again. I must have a gaping Hole in my build but have never had this happen and the build I used for Marine is almost spot on to what I used before shutdown, only with better sets and Incarnates.


I want one of those Guns, or was it something else in the Crowd I didn't spot, never really had trouble with Family before. Pretty Much breezed thru the Knives of Artemis and Freakshow missions before this one so was a bit stunned.

I have it on good authority that what those guns fired was Hilarity.

I went to Ouroboros all i got was this lousy secret!


COH bomp bomp: 



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I did the TV mission recently that's half Family/half Nems.  It brought back some memories.


Back in ye olden days, you'd say "Nemesis spawn- better be prepared" then "HAHA, Family, time to pwn!"  Now the roles are reversed.  That's a good thing.  Anything to increase the challenge in game.

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We should get Philotic Knight to resurrect his AE "bubble farm".

If you're looking for challenge...

I remember testing it early on, and being blown around the map ON A TANK, there was that much KB/KD going on...

  • Like 1

If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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