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Posted (edited)

I love using emotes, but can't always be arsed to type out /em this and /em that; plus I can't ever remember what is a built-in emote and what will result in white text.


So I made this popmenu. It has most if not all built-in emotes; I'm sure I've missed some but hopefully not too many. There are two sections: one for the quick access to most frequently used emotes (and I do realize that it may be a bit bloated, so feel free to pare it down or edit it to whatever you feel is appropriate for you); the other is all emotes listed alphabetically, in categories. I tried to keep menu lengths manageable (and at the same time not get into the weeds with too many nested menus).


This is what it looks like:



Use it by placing the universalemotes.mnu file under your <CoH Install>\data\texts\English\menus directory; launch the game, and create a new bind:


/bind <key of your choice> "popmenu UniversalEmotes"


I also recommend creating a second bind:


/bind <another key of your choice> "emote none"


This allows you to cleanly stop a looping emote animation and return to neutral stance without having to move or do something else to break the animation loop.


Let me know if I missed something that should be included in the popmenu.





Edited by Extor Prime
Updated the Popmenu with missing emotes - 10/9
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Posted (edited)

You're missing facepalm and the Homecoming emotes that use smartphones instead of the ancient 90s/2000s bricks.


em facepalm

em smartphone

em text

em cameraphone


I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple.

Edited by Derek Icelord
  • Thanks 1

Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?

Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!

1 hour ago, Derek Icelord said:

You're missing facepalm and the Homecoming emotes that use smartphones instead of the ancient 90s/2000s bricks.


em facepalm

em smartphone

em text

em cameraphone


I'm sure I'm forgetting a couple.

Cool, thank you. I'll let it be for a couple days in case people come up with more missed stuff and then amend and reupload the menu.

  • 4 weeks later

You had said to place the file here:     <CoH Install>\data\texts\English\menus


I am newly returning to the game and I just installed the game about 5 days ago.

I checked... and even searched my entire installation DRIVE for "menus", but I don't appear to have this path (or any "data" folder at all) installed on my system??



If the folders do not exist, create them.


Normally the DATA folder does not exist except inside the game's compressed PIGG archive.


If you create a DATA folder, the game treats anything you put there as if it was in the PIGG archive, and thus as if it were part of the game.


Additionally, any file in there that duplicates the name and folder position any file present in the PIGG archive overrides it. So you can replace sounds/meshes/textures with custom ones without actually re-coding the game. Only you see the changes, though.

  • 4 months later
Posted (edited)

I'll preface this by giving full credit to Extor Prime. The emotes menu is fine work and I merely saw an opportunity to advance/expand their work in a way that I hope is useful.


I took the liberty of running a comparison of the emotes in the original menu posted in the OP with the emotes listed on the wiki to see if any were missing. I also scrounged around the forums (thoroughly, but not necessarily exhaustively) to see if I could find any new emotes mentioned, and found some in this thread as well as this thread, some of which were not in the original menu. In total I found a little over 80 emotes that could be added to the menu, so I added them. Adding this many emotes necessitated adjusting the sub-menus slightly so that each sub-menu holds about 20 items.


I also added all the costume change emotes in a section at the bottom. Each costume change emote allows you to choose which costume slot (1-10) to change to. You have to choose a different slot from the costume you are currently wearing. For instance, if you are wearing the costume in slot 2, and choose 2 from the costume change emote menu, nothing will happen.


A few other items of note (behind spoiler tags to avoid a wall of text):

  • I tested every single one of these to make sure they work (or don't work, as noted below)
  • I found a few emotes (like matablet and listenpoliceband) that are locked behind in-game achievements, so I re-coded those where appropriate using the 'LockedOption' command tied to the specific in-game requirement to unlock the emote. If the emote is greyed out, it needs to be unlocked.
  • The wiki lists dice1 through dice6 as valid emotes, but I could not get these to work. Nor could I figure out how to unlock them. I left them in, on the chance that someone might figure out how to get them to work, but keep in mind they likely won't work.
  • Similarly, dice7 does work but it is locked behind one of several different possible achievements that were not easily coded using 'LockedOption', so I left it as-is. It will work if it is unlocked.
  • The emotes 'ghoulflex' and 'tantrum' are locked but also were not easily coded using 'LockedOption'. They should work once unlocked but I haven't personally unlocked them and could not test those two.
  • I checked to make sure the emotes I added were not simply aliases of emotes that were already in there, but I might have missed one or two
  • I added some idle emotes to the 'Idles' menu, but I was not exhaustive in that effort. There may be other emotes that would work well as idles that could be added. Likewise, it might be prudent for the individual user to prune this list to contain only their favorites, as it is already a bit long with the additions I made.


Edit: Turns out it wasn't as hard as I thought to code the unlock mechanics for dice7, ghoulflex, and tantrum. If only I had read the Popmenu wiki page first! At any rate, I fixed the code for those three emotes so they should unlock at the appropriate time, but I have not had time to personally test it so please let me know if they don't unlock for you.


The full list of emotes added is hidden below (not counting the costume change emotes, which are listed on the wiki page.)




If I missed anything or if you notice any errors, please let me know!


Edit: Download removed due to update, see post on 2-Dec-2020 below.


Edited by AboveTheChemist
Removed old version, add link to follow up post
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Derek Icelord said:

@AboveTheChemist oddly, the dice emote works (random roll on a 6 sided die), but not the specific # ones.

Yep I noted that in the spoilered section under 'A few other items of note' (3rd bullet).

Edited by AboveTheChemist
  • 9 months later
Posted (edited)

I've published an update to the prior version of this popmenu. There's only one new emote. Most of the update was just some cleanup/clarification of some things. I was prompted by Shenanigunner's update to the CoX Technical Guide, which included a revised emote list. I compared the list in the technical guide to the popmenu (and to the HC wiki Emotes page) to make sure the popmenu was as up-to-date as could be.


Please, at the very least, read the sections on Installation and Removing/Deleting Old Installations, as most of the answers to questions I receive are contained in those two sections.


If anyone would like to use this mod as a starting point to build your own mod, please feel free to do so. All I ask is that Extor Prime and I be acknowledged for the work that has been done to date, and that you take credit for any modifications that you make to this menu.


Installation and Use


The (strongly) recommended installation method is via the City Mod Installer. It is available there as Universal Emotes popmenu (version 1.3).


Manual installation is via a .pigg file (named universal_emotes.pigg) available from the City Modder website at the link below:




For manual installation, you'll need to locate the root folder (which I'll refer to as <CoH Root Folder>) for your CoH installation. If using the new Homecoming Launcher, click the settings button (which looks like a little gear) in the upper right corner of the HC launcher. When the settings window appears, the installation location is shown at the top of the window. The following screenshot illustrates what you'll see (the settings button appears in green here):




If using Tequila or Island Rum, you'll either need to search for the install manually, or you should be able to check the properties of the shortcut used to launch Tequila/Island Rum, and the installation location should be listed there.


The .pigg file is a self-contained archive that functions identically to the .pigg files that contain all of the game data. It should be placed in:

<CoH Root Folder>\assets\mods

If your <CoH Root Folder>\assets folder does not contain a directory named 'mods', please create a directory named 'mods' within <CoH Root Folder>\assets and place the universal_emotes.pigg file within.


The final step is to modify your game launch parameters to tell the game to check your <CoH Root Folder>\assets\mods folder for the new mod by adding the following text:

-assetpath assets\mods

This is a one-time change so if your launch parameters have already been modified to add the above text, then there is no need to do it again. Instructions for locating and modifying your launch parameters can be found in the post at this link.


Users that have one or more existing launch parameters can simply add a space at the end of the existing parameter(s) before adding the new parameter.


Here's how to deploy the menu in-game:

from chat: /popmenu UniversalEmotes
via keybind: /bind <your_key> "popmenu UniversalEmotes"
via macro: /macro <macro_name> "popmenu UniversalEmotes"


Removing/Deleting Old Installations


Users that had previously installed the Universal Emotes popmenu either manually or using the CoH Modder tool will need to remove or delete their old installations in order for the new version to be visible in game. This is because the installation process now uses a .pigg file and the old process installed the mod files individually into the <CoH Root Folder>\data folder.


Old versions of the Universal Emotes popmenu were installed to the following location:

<CoH Root Folder>\data\texts\English\menus\UniversalEmotes.mnu

Simply remove or delete this file and the new version should appear properly in-game.


Update Log


Dec 2, 2020

  • updated/improved changelog
  • added backflip (same as flip, left flip in)
  • minor reorder in boom box songs to correct alphabetization
  • adjusted quick keys for Stop and Salute (to avoid having two 'P' quickkeys)
  • added ledgesit variants, adjust names in 'Sit' menu to match emotes more closely
  • added descriptors to dances and reorganized dance menu
  • removed non-working dice roll emotes
  • added observedice emote (as Observe Dice Game)

June 5, 2021

  • added Rainbow and LightMagic costume change emotes
  • corrected some inconsistent capitalization

November 26, 2021

  • added innertube emotes

December 01, 2021

  • added new donut, coffee, and other eating emotes per the changes mentioned in the Nov 30, 2021 patch notes.
  • added a sub-menu for 'Food and Drink' emotes to the quick emotes section
  • added 'Brew Tea' (same as 'Tea Time', left 'Tea Time' in)
  • adjusted naming for existing food and drink emotes to be more descriptive, and re-alphabetized some of the quick emotes submenus
  • corrected 'Emotes U - Z' menu to 'Emotes W - Z'

January 5, 2022

  • removed lock requirements from tantrum, ghoulflex, and listenstolenpoliceband
  • changed unlock criteria for matablet

August 23, 2022

  • removed lock requirements from certain donut eating and coffee drinking emotes
  • added casting, channel, defeated, and two ledgesit emotes
  • added /roll command alongside graphical dice roll emotes
  • duplicated a few quick emotes that were missing from the alphabetic list
  • replaced some dividers with appropriate titles
  • added descriptions to emotes with multiple options
  • adjusted come capitalization for consistency
  • uploaded mod to CoH Modder tool as Universal Emotes Menu (v7)

October 12, 2022

  • no changes to the menu contents (inadvertent reversion to Jan 05, 2022 version)
  • uploaded mod to City Mod Installer as Universal Emotes popmenu (version 1)

October 18, 2022

  • added new kneel emotes in new kneel submenu
  • properly restored all other elements of most recent version
  • uploaded mod to City Mod Installer as Universal Emotes popmenu (version 1.1)

April 26, 2023

  • added four new i27p6 emotes (three variants of drinking from mug, and eating watermelon)
  • uploaded mod to City Mod Installer as Universal Emotes popmenu (version 1.2)

February 21, 2024

  • added eight new and three legacy i27p7 emotes
  • these include new donut, hot dog, and onigiri eating, as well as pumpkin mug drinking, and several new and legacy cell phone emotes
  • uploaded mod to City Mod Installer as Universal Emotes popmenu (version 1.3)


If you have any questions or notice any errors please let me know. Thanks!



Edited by AboveTheChemist
updated pigg download link
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  • 6 months later

I've published a minor update to include the Rainbow and LightMagic costume change emotes, and to update some inconsistencies in capitalization. The update file is available in the post immediately above, and on the CoH Modder tool.

  • Thanks 1
  • 5 months later
Posted (edited)

I've published a minor update to include the new innertube emotes per the i27p3 patch notes. The update file is available two posts up, and on the CoH Modder tool.

Edited by AboveTheChemist

I've published another update to include all the new emotes introduced in the Nov 30, 2021 patch. The updated file is available at this post above, and in the CoH Modder tool. More details are available in the changelog in the linked post above.

  • 1 month later

I've published an update to include the relevant emote changes from the Jan 4, 2022 patch. The updated file is available at this post above, and in the CoH Modder tool. More details are available in the changelog in the linked post above.

  • Thanks 2
  • 7 months later

I've published an update to include the relevant emote changes from the Issue 27, Page 4 patch, as well as some general housekeeping fixes. The updated file is available at the post at this link above, and in the CoH Modder tool. More details are available in the changelog in the linked post above.

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