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Good question.  I actually haven't tinkered with building below, so not quite sure on that point.


My guess is that with room clipping enabled, you should be able to sink things below the floors without filling the sections.  Though, you may need to "place" them on the floors like usual before using shift to sink them.  That's just a guess, though.

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This is my base, Wings Memorial Annex. (On live, my base Wings over Paragon was insanely huge and amazing-it was old school and used thousands of desks to raise floors and items.)

This one is compact and efficient and created in honor of the original. I wanted everything uncluttered and easy to access.











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y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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The Temple of Midnight's Shadow (nothing overly impressive or original but....)





Teleporter Room



Control Room



Generator Room






Training Room (That big round thing is supposed to be a gong)









Housing (Interior)


"Not all who wander are lost" - JRR Tolkien

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My underwater zen garden, complete with schools of swimming fish and a Japanese-style hotspring bath. Feel free to stop by and take a look around, it's way more interesting in person.


Base code: THEDEN-1940 on Indomitable server.







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Pheeonix, Your Arachnos Base is a-mazing!... How did you get so much done so quickly?  The detail you've put into that is incredible.  Can't wait to see what else you come up with.


10kVolts, That courtroom... wow.  And I dig the whole industrial vibe you got goin' on


Silk, That almost looks like a nightclub in my town... even the people dancing on the tables, lol  I like how the banners give a sense that there is a "VIP" area beyond. 


Healix, You've got a nice cozy personal base there.  I love the elegance of the entrance and the memorial. 


sykoholic001, Don't worry about being "original", you've got a nice feng shui feeling for your temple.  It works.


Vertigo Blue, I love how you've used the ambient lighting to create the underwater feel.  Very fantastical and surreal.



I love seeing every project.  Even if it's still a WIP, sometimes just sharing bits here and there can be inspiring to others. 

So, thank you all for sharing!  Can't wait to see more.  ;D

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For Memorial Day I added a monument to the Unknown Soldier to the Amazon Army base.



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TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291

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Lovely memorial Heraclea.



I finally got around to tinkering a little more... 


I made a thing...










I have a concept for an outer and inner base, but I'm holding out for the outdoor lighting.In the meantime, I have a very small, cozy, bare necessities base.


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I made a thing...







I might have to "borrow" that thing idea


A bit more work done on the Temple of Midnight's Shadow...


Med Bay Entry



Med Teleporter Bay



I think I may have gotten a bit carried away with the tech.  :o


And...  a Brazier (sort of)



Basically a destroyed holodisplay, an upside-down CoT column base, a full wire spool, and an oracle flame. The oracle flame didn't give off much light so I've got a floor torch tucked down inside of it as well.

"Not all who wander are lost" - JRR Tolkien

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I made a base that's meant to be functional rather than stylish. I got the idea during an RWZ raid when half the raid didn't know where RWZ was or how to get there.




The point is that it's meant to be as efficient as possible for getting people from Point A to Point B. It comes in handy during Hamidon raids (since the SG warp point for Eden is right next to the Hive) and during Numina TF. It's also meant to be public, hence why there's no private stuff in there. The passcode is WARPZONE-4141 on Torchbearer if you want to check it out yourself - feel free to give it out.


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The Talos Keys Lounge and social bar is located along the Talos boardwalk. Come join us for an evening of fine dining, live music, and a beautiful view!




Live music, including dueling pianos, plus an open dance floor are our center attraction!




The bar on the second floor gives you a place to socialize while having a great view of the show below!



Seating on the second level gives you a vantage point to watch the music!



If you want a quieter dining experience, the second floor patio is a great place to enjoy your meal with the relaxing sound of the ocean waves!



I hope to make this a social RP space for the RP community. I think some players would appreciate an alternative to the Pocket D and I hope this base could provide that occasional alternative.


Code on the Everlasting server: Lounge-1871

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Talos Keys Boardwalk - An SG base made for the public RP community to use! It features a classy restaurant and additional attractions, ICly located in Talos Island.


Check it out and use it for your RP needs at SG base passcode "Lounge-1871"

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