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Flight Speed


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The maximum speed cap for movement types is inversely proportional to the freedom of movement offered by those movement types.


Or to explain it the way that I always put it in chat channels back on Virtue ...


Superspeed is faster in a straight line, but Flight flies in straighter lines.



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2 minutes ago, Megajoule said:

My understanding was that while balancing 3d freedom was a factor, the main reason was always technical -- what computers back in 2004 could keep up with rendering.


It's 15 years later. Bring the speed.

The technical speed limitation is in Super Speed. Fly’s speed limitation is a matter of balance.

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I think fly is fine, but TP needs a huge endurance cost reduction...

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42 minutes ago, Megajoule said:

A flyer can potentially see the whole zone, however. SS sticks to ground level and ramps.

That’s all client-side. The issues that going faster than Super Speed caps can cause involve the server, I imagine.

Edited by Vanden
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