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Base Builders Cheat Sheet

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1 hour ago, ShardWarrior said:

Unfortunately, no.  There is no "blank" or "sky" option for walls or floors, only ceilings.

That's fine, I just went ahead and replaced it with a tech-themed wall and it looks great, but thanks again for the help and information. I appreciate it.

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  • 4 weeks later
On 5/10/2019 at 12:28 PM, Silk said:


Not seeing those two options?


is there a sounds or options somewhere else other than from the menu at top right?



What "Sound tab" and what "Options"?  I see neither in the game menu (just like your screenshot), nor can I find a "Sound tab" in the base editor.  This thread references "Music channel" several times.  Where is it?

Edited by Vindicator
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36 minutes ago, The Philotic Knight said:
  1. Click Menu
  2. Click Options
  3. Click Graphics and Audio
  4. Slide the Sound FX Volume and Music Volume sliders to the desired levels
  5. Click Apply Now

Hi PK.  I know where these are 🙂  The problem was they referenced something that they misnamed, which caused a lot of confusion not only for myself but also for other posters in this thread.  Instead of "Sound tab" it should be referenced as "Graphics and Audio tab", and instead of "Music channel" and "Effects channel" they should be referenced as "Sound FX Volume slider" and "Music Volume slider".  When I couldn't figure out what they were talking about, I did an ingame search for the "Music channel" in the Channel Search, and there IS a "Music channel".  Obviously joining it didn't help 😄

Edited by Vindicator
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I was today years old when I learned I can stretch the item window horizontally to get a better mouse position on color picking.  It makes the tiny little boxes wider and easier to choose!


I haven't read the whole thread and if this is already posted my life would have been so much easier this last year lol.

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  • 4 weeks later

The new sgmusic command is great. I got my .ogg files in the correct place and working fine. However I am uninterested in using the command unless visitors can hear the music. All the CoH music files from the suggested link are .ogg files. Those must also be in another's ogg folder for them to hear the music. I see that .pigg files in the pigg folder will be heard by everyone. Is there a link to the CoH music in .pigg form?

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  • 3 months later
On 12/3/2020 at 2:41 PM, Arisara said:

The new sgmusic command is great. I got my .ogg files in the correct place and working fine. However I am uninterested in using the command unless visitors can hear the music. All the CoH music files from the suggested link are .ogg files. Those must also be in another's ogg folder for them to hear the music. I see that .pigg files in the pigg folder will be heard by everyone. Is there a link to the CoH music in .pigg form?


I'm replying to a very old post here... but in case someone has the same question... the answer is No, there is no link to all available music in .pigg. You can use the list posted on this thread to find available music, or check the wiki. There are additional songs/ music that can be used in the .pigg files, however, it requires you to individually open each .pigg file with a tool such as "PiggViewer", and then search for the specific music file you want.


Excelsior Server: Giovanni Valia, Operative Velez, Fortunata Valeri, LongFang Mercer

SG: Shades of Arachnos; 315-6811

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  • 5 months later
  • 4 months later

Here's another base building tip...


If you're having trouble selecting a wall or floor because a plate, floor, or other items is in the way, try holding CTRL down and clicking on the wall/floor with the mouse. 

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  • 5 months later

A few more base editing commands and such...


/attach_cycle    Toggle object placement attachment (Floor, Wall, Ceiling, Surface) while in the SG base editor. (F5)
/base_lighting_type number    Sets lighting type while in the supergroup base editor. 0 = Indoor, 1 = Outdoor sky lighting, 2 = Outdoor with shadows
/base_redo    Reverse your last Undo and/or repeat action while in the SG base editor. (Ctrl-Y)
/base_select    Select base object. (left click)
/base_undo    Reverse your last action while in the SG base editor. (Ctrl-Z)
/center    Centers view on current x/y." At mouse cursor location
/centersel    Center on current selection.
/drag    Drag a base item.
/grid_snap_cycle    Cycles through object placement grid sizes while in the SG base editor. (F1)
/mousedrag    Start a mouse drag.
/quit    Used to stop base editing, but now unselects items and cancels drags while editing the base.  (ESC)
/room_clip_cycle    Toggle wall clipping on and off while in the SG base editor. Alias: /room_clip. (F3)
/rotate    Rotate Selection. (RIGHT-CLICK)
/select Select a base item.
/select_last    Select previous visible detail (SHIFT+TAB)
/select_next    Select next visible detail (TAB)
/sell    Sell a base item. (DEL)


In all honesty, @Impish Kat gave us the bulk of what we need to edit a base. These additional commands can come in handy if something in the editor is giving you trouble. Otherwise, you can totally get by without them. I figure it's good to know they're there, though.


Some additional default bindings while base editing...


esc                "quit"
leftdrag        "+mousedrag"
leftclick        "baseselect"
leftdoubleclick    "center"
R                "rotate 0"
RightClick        "rotate 0"
delete            "sell"
TAB             "select_next"
CTRL+Y             "base_redo"








Edited by BlackSpectre
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I saw there was some interest in this, so yeah.


Here is a complete list (531) of MUSIC file names to call upon for base building. I will include another document later for ambient/atmospheric loops and other sound fx loops. Link below:



Edited by Vexxillion
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15 hours ago, Vexxillion said:

I saw there was some interest in this, so yeah.


Here is a complete list (531) of MUSIC file names to call upon for base building. I will include another document later for ambient/atmospheric loops and other sound fx loops. Link below:



That is great work, Sir! Looking forward to your future releases!  🙂

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  • 1 month later
  • Retired Community Rep

Actually I think there is. I have demorecords of my bases in the event that something horrible happens.

You can create a demorecord of a base by entering and typing /demorecord FileNameOfYourChoice - once you hit enter count to 3 seconds or so and then type /demostop.
The recorded demo will be saved to your City of Heroes directory in the "client demos" folder.

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    (\/)     Easter Bunny 
   ( . . )    Retired Community Rep  |  
Active Base Advocate

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On 9/13/2022 at 11:40 AM, Easter Bunny said:

Actually I think there is. I have demorecords of my bases in the event that something horrible happens.

You can create a demorecord of a base by entering and typing /demorecord FileNameOfYourChoice - once you hit enter count to 3 seconds or so and then type /demostop.
The recorded demo will be saved to your City of Heroes directory in the "client demos" folder.


Yeah, but that's just a vid. It's not an actual file you could use to enter your base. 

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  • 3 weeks later
On 9/14/2022 at 3:09 PM, CaptA said:

but that's just a vid.


Demorecords aren't 'just a vid'.  They're a text file that the game 'replays' to create a cutscene.


In that text file are all the elements of the scene, and their placements.  Which means if you had a method to read it back in when building, you could theoretically restore (or copy) a base you recorded.  I don't think such a command exists, so in this case the demorecord file is more like a blueprint/shopping list than a backup.  

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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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A) I was wondering if there was any possible way to set up lighting to simulate a club environment. Like the Skuls Warehouse Raves. Flashing lights, laser beams, etc.


B) Also,, would HC devs ever consider putting faction NPCs in the base building as well? It would make for a good aesthetic.

Edited by Infamous_Breach
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