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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. Because it would probably use too many resources, but now that I understand the design better, I'm not as put off about it AND it explains why each planet drop is Instanced vs smooth transition like in NMS. They would have gotten less flack about it had they gone ahead and fleshed this out before release. A bunch of hate for nothing.
  2. I watched a video yesterday that explained why roaming a planet is pointless due to how the game is designed. Basically, every time you pop down to a spot on a planet (not a static designed city), the game randomly generates the terrain. Each and every time. So if you roam area A, pop up to orbit, pop down to area B that's adjacent to area A, then you're not going to find the Same terrain that you found the previous time you were at area A. So aside from popping down for resources, there's no reason to spend all that much time on a planet it seems. The upside is that you probably won't deplete that planet of resources (from the little I've played). Oh and it's REAL EASY to fill up all your starting storage, but so long as you don't go mining right away, then you'll be able to grab all the loot from the first story area (from start of game to the first settlement) all while being only 200% over encumbered. πŸ˜› TBH, you'll want to do it as you'll double the measly amount of credits you find / start with to that point. That's as far as I've played though, so IDK how maximizing credits is going to go yet, but I do see just how expensive things like ships are going to be. O.O
  3. I think I played about an hour at the most before needing to pass out. It continues the trend of "are these Really current gen GFX?", there aren't all that many Accessibility choices, very minimal actual options (compared to like the Horizon series), and I spent most my time trying to figure out what buttons did what and realized that the buttons' functions were only gradually being unlocked (unlike most games where they're active from the start). I'd like to know what idiot put the CC AFTER the bloody intro mission as well. That's normally almost the first thing you do in most games, but I must have gone half an hour before I got into it. Now granted, having played all these Bethesda games in the past, I was spending a lot of time making sure I didn't miss anything (not knowing if that even had a point beyond demoing the function of the tool), so a 'normal' person could probably get through it in like 10-15 minutes before making it to the CC. I still don't see how they couldn't unlock the consoles for 60 FPS and let us deal with the usual Bethesda "features" that we're all used to.
  4. IDK if it was the SAME site for sure, but I know there was a site that I could go check my stats on. It might have been a Titan site, but I'm pretty sure it's archived at this point as is Faces.
  5. IIRC, the same site was where we would ALSO post our builds using the build tracker and other stuff though.
  6. My instinct was to point you to this (and it may still be useful), but I'll take a look at my install real quick. There's a BIN folder in the root of the installation folder. For me, that's located in C:\Games\CoX\Homecoming. If you're not sure where you've installed it, then right click your icon for the game and look at the path.
  7. Tequila and the variants like it (AFAIK) are unsupported. That's one reason why the HC launcher exists.
  8. Hahahaha, didn't even need to click it. And that's coming from someone who basically self-banned from things like Destiny because of the BS grind and all but forced PvP.
  9. I guess that depends on what "aspects" of a character you're wanting to have, but yeah, compared to the limited PG-13 games I've seen, that's about right.
  10. Wait, we have textured pants now? God I've been away too long.
  11. Heh, this is what came to mind, but yeah, it'd be Real cool to have a lot more animal heads and even alternate forms like we already have for panthers 'n' such.
  12. Yeah, I vaguely recall (back on live?) something about how they were limited by the basic design of the characters, so unless they rewrite the graphics engine, then it'll have to be kinda limited.
  13. Yeah, I imagine it'd be rather tricky to do it for Every player and I imagine that this is something that's been done since the first player fell (whenever that may have been) on live.
  14. Well, I started playing around i2, so Maybe? Hard to say as it wasn't tweaked too much IIRC.
  15. I mean, back when Trial accounts were a thing, I tested my current rigs (old) specs by loading up like 8 accounts on Win7. Not bad for a stress test with only 16 Gb of RAM at the time and a GTX 970. I've since doubled the RAM (maxed) and nabbed a clean 3060 Ti (the last EVGA GPU I'll ever be able to have), so I imagine I could run a few more if I wanted to. πŸ˜› And the whole point of that was to say that I'd Also created like 7 temp email accounts back then (but I obviously kept track of it all). >.<
  16. People often forget they're using a throwaway one with apple I'd imagine. I forget what the feature is called.
  17. IDK if it would make a difference, but have you tried the Cloudfare DNS? What about assigning the laptop a Static IP?
  18. This as you have to remember that the game was originally running when things like "that's so gay" were a thing. Granted, I'd imagine that they'd have full access to this subsystem, so maybe it depends on how they're wanting to approach it and the abuse it may face.
  19. Wait, that's a thing? I didn't think they'd do such a thing, even for old content.
  20. I'm pretty sure we had at least some posts in here or am I remembering incorrectly?
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