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Everything posted by General Idiot
Why must you post those when I'm not at home to go make any of the alt ideas I just got. 😛
If you happen to have the global message of the day window open when you go into the enhancement screen, you're stuck in there. The window resizes and relocates and ends up both covering the exit button and putting its own ok button off the bottom of the screen, which as far as I could tell when it just happened to me there's no way of activating other than clicking on it so you're trapped and have to close the game. For reference, I run at 1680x1050. On higher resolutions this may not be an issue, I'm not sure.
If nothing else, I'd love to see the path auras split off into their own slot rather than having to choose between a path aura and a normal aura. I'd love having two or three slots for normal auras too though. However, a clientside option to disable multiple auras on other players' costumes may be necessary if this goes ahead. Some people do still play this game on toasters after all, and might not appreciate having to render 50 extra auras on screen during a mothership or Hamidon raid. Theoretically it shouldn't be hard to get it to only show, say, the first aura slot if the option is enabled, though standard code rant definitely applies there.
I Want to Talk About Buffing Mercs
General Idiot replied to Shazbotacus's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Not specifically mercs, but one change made on another server I'd love to see here is making all the mastermind upgrade powers automatic - instead of having to upgrade every time you resummon pets for any reason, it's just an auto power that upgrades any nearby pet every few seconds if it's not already upgraded. The only downside is it takes away the option of not upgrading specific pets, though I'd argue that was already done when the upgrades became AoE given how finicky it is to exclude a single pet from being upgraded as is. -
Give AVs and GMs a break bar like in Guild Wars 2
General Idiot replied to DougGraves's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
For a while on live the standard strategy for the Recluse Strikeforce was to bring a sufficiently IOed mind control dominator to put the whole Freedom Phalanx to sleep so they could be easily woken up and fought one at a time. So it's definitely possible. -
Fortunata Widow Power Colors/Customization
General Idiot replied to Amonosolete's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Widows with not widow claws would be great, yes. Even if it's limited to only the non uniform costume slots. -
Tanker: Secondary: Street Justice: Knockback-Knockdown issues
General Idiot replied to Squid Vicious's topic in Bug Reports
Knockback with magnitude lower than 1 is knockdown. The only times you'll see sweeping cross or spinning strike do knockback instead is if you use them on enemies I think two or more levels below you, in which case the level difference results in the magnitude being higher and thus enough to do knockback, or if you put a knockdown proc in them and both the proc and the power's normal effect trigger on the same enemy, in which case the two effects combine to produce a magnitude high enough for knockback instead. Similarly, other powers meant to do knockback can end up doing knockdown on higher level enemies for the same reason of being scaled down by the level difference. If you look at other powers that do knockdown, you'll see they all actually do 0.67 magnitude knockback. Knockdown as a seperate explicit effect does not actually exist, though I'll admit the power descriptions could be clearer on that. Regardless, none of this is a bug. -
Mid's Reborn: Hero Designer
General Idiot replied to Metalios's topic in Mids' Reborn Hero Designer's Forum
So I finally got around to downloading the new version of this and I have one likely not so small request. Can the colours used for the power list be customisable? Because the old one had green for powers you have, yellow for available and blue-grey for unavailable while this one uses blue for powers you have and grey for unavailable and my brain finds that extremely jarring. Also being able to change the yellow now used for the toggle buttons and current level back to the green it used to be (Or to any other colour) would also be nice. Additionally, in the configuration the size option for stats/powers doesn't appear to change anything while in the old one it changes the size of the text for powers in the primary/secondary/pool lists. -
This is not a bug. The rarity in packs indicates your chance of getting that particular drop from the pack, not the quality of the ATO you'll receive. All ATOs from super packs are at the normal orange quality and require enhancement catalysts to become purple.
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incarnates New two Judgement Incarnate Suggestion
General Idiot replied to Purrfekshawn's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
A slightly more silly suggestion but I always thought the best new Judgement power idea I ever saw was Fleet Judgement - just an oversized version of Propel that throws an aircraft carrier at someone. Also yes please on the orbital cannon. So perfect for so many characters where having an enormous energy blast they fire themselves makes no conceptual sense. -
Blaster Archery/Ninja Training
General Idiot replied to ChronoCross's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The same thing happens with Katana and Ninja Blade. If the sword isn't already drawn, you get the sound effect but no animation on the first power you use. Notably those two do have redraw options - if you use them, the first power activated will play the draw animation but still not play the power's animation. And then there's the other bug where your sword is only visible to other players when a power is animating. The moment you're idle again it vanishes on other players' screens even though you can see it on yours. Both of these bugs only happen with sets that use the katana, as far as I'm aware. -
Relieving the slot crunch on Tri-Form Kheldians
General Idiot replied to Redlynne's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
That 'useless' melee range hold is the highest damage single target power a warshade has though. The actually useless one is Essence Drain, their other melee attack which is a clone of Dark Melee's Siphon Life power. But while Siphon Life was long ago buffed to deal decent damage in addition to its self heal, Essence Drain remains so lackluster that a lot of people forget it even exists. The bigger issue of using the normal melee powers for dwarf is a matter of cooldowns. Most notably Sunless Mire and it's two minute cooldown compared to Black Dwarf Mire having if I remember rightly a 20 second cooldown. You can adjust cooldowns on them in different forms (the two T2 powers already do that, being 4 seconds in human form and I think 6 in nova) but if they're on cooldown already when you shift they stay on cooldown. Not a huge issue with a two second difference between forms, especially with how much recharge a lot of kheldians build for, but much more of one with a minute and 40 seconds difference. To remove the form specific powers entirely and simply use the normal versions in forms as well would likely require giving both archetypes a full on revamp because of this. Not that I'd be against such a thing, but that may be beyond the available development resources we have currently. And then there's the cottage rule to consider as well, though whether merging two copies of effectively the same powers into one actually breaks that is debatable. -
Ever felt Dark Extraction was a bit fiddly to use in combat, with having to find a dead target under all those particle effects and use the power on it before it despawns? Try this: /bind KEY "+$$target_custom_near defeated enemy$$powexec_name Dark Extraction" Replace KEY with whatever button you want to bind it to, of course. You'll target the nearest corpse and extract it in one button press, no searching required. I still don't entirely understand exactly why, but the "+$$" at the start causes it to execute the bind twice per button press, instead of only once and requiring two presses to actually make the power activate.
None of those powers are overpowred on their own, no. But, having effectively extra power slots could be very overpowered in some builds. Instead of taking boxing, you could take that primary or secondary power you'd otherwise have to skip to fit the three fighting powers in. Multiply by however many prereq powers you can now skip taking and that could make a very significant difference.
About Force of Will - Scrappers and Stalkers really need the same fix that Tankers and Brutes got to ranged damage modifiers, because currently Force of Will's two damaging attacks do more damage on a tank than on a scrapper and that's just wrong. I suspect such a fix is likely already planned, but maybe fix the numbers for Force of Will at least before it goes live or you're going to have a lot of disappointed scrappers out there. Also, Weaken Resolve is an amazing debuff on a tank. -15% resist for one power slot, plus the ability to slot Achilles' Heel for more debuff as well might make the people grumbling over the loss of bruising over in the tank thread fall silent for a bit. Also would it be possible to get an option to hide the extra power tray that pops up with Mystic Flight and now Mighty Leap? Even if it only hides when it's just those extra powers and not mission specific stuff. On an unrelated note, one as far as I know unnoticed change to Psionic Melee. Greater Psi Blade no longer does AoE insight strikes on a tank. I suspect that is a bug on live with the current implementation of Gauntlet since it hits the same five targets as Gauntlet does in the same radius, but I always liked it because it gave the tank version of the set something unique. Is there any chance that functionality might be restored and made a proper feature of the set, given tanks' new focus on AoE?
Pretty much as the title says. I'd really like an option for this power to make it not completely hide my costume when I use it. Keep the same FX, just make it not make me vanish entirely. Peacebringers got a similar option for Light Form and one could argue Dark Armor got one for Cloak of Darkness (The Soul Noir theme lacks transparency, though uses different FX) so it's not something completely without precedent.
Focused Feedback: Tank Updates
General Idiot replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
With how hard it's been said to be to change that, I really want to know what the original devs thought was going to happen that they had to absolutely nail it down that you couldn't do it. Unless it's less intentional and more a symptom of ten years of spaghetti code stacked on top of it. -
Literally ANYTHING to stop ranged henchmen from brawling
General Idiot replied to Weylin's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I could be wrong but if I remember rightly some of the demon summoning pets actually do lose their basic melee attack when you use either both upgrades or just the second specifically on them. If it works for them, one would think it reasonable to assume it'd work or could be made to work for other pets. -
Focused Feedback: Tank Updates
General Idiot replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Perhaps worth noting this also fixes the few powers (the ones added when all epic pools got a 5th power) that always used ranged modifiers and thus did terrible damage. It may also have changed the damage on Arcane Bolt in the Sorcery pool too but i havent gotten onto the beta server myself to check that yet. -
Resistancer Rifle for Assault rifle set?
General Idiot replied to Rad's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The powers the Resistance enemies themselves use with it function more like Assault Rifle, too. And given the two sets already share some weapon models I don't see why it couldn't happen. -
Focused Feedback: Bug Fixes
General Idiot replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
Can this change be applied to Willpower's Rise to the Challenge power as well? Currently it applies a 1.25 second Mag 3 taunt, which makes it rather easy to lose aggro as a Willpower tank when there's other taunt auras around. Additionally, could that duraction be changed to the standard 13.6 seconds? Every other taunt aura, on tanks at least, has at least that duration. The only other outliers are higher duration, not lower. I never understood why Willpower arbitrarily has a so much lower duratiion on its taunt aura - if there's an actual reason for that, I'd love to know what it is. -
Focused Feedback: Tank Updates
General Idiot replied to Leandro's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
If it really does apply to any power that takes accuracy enhancements, as was said, it should logically also be affecting pool powers. -
Can confirm, for Mu Mastery at least the lightning fires the moment you hit the button. It should, presumably, fire when the character's arm jerks back a half second or so later. The slow version of the power animates correctly, but the fast version reliably has this problem every time it is used. Edit: Nevermind! I just noticed there's a new patch on the beta server which among other things includes a fix for Zapp's timing. Whether the same issue affects other snipes in epic pools or otherwise and whether the fix is for them as well if it does, I am not sure.