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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. If you have no means to heal your pets your probably have some very good debuffs to kittenize foes or good buffs to protect them anyway. My Ninja/Cold's pets don't take much damage between innate defense, pet-aura IO's, both Ice Shields from Cold, Arctic Fog, and Manuevers. Also Snow Storm to apply wide-area -Recharge. I do need to stand semi-close to them, but it's worked fine from 1-33. I did dip into Sorcery and use Spirit Ward. I can't hit them all with it, the cooldown is high. But I can go several spawns at +1x4 with bosses, without losing a single minion. Not bad for still levelling up.
  2. MTeague

    Pet Names

    Okay, that's good inspiration for a Bots MM. I'll go with names of the late 70's/early 80's "Shogun Warrior" robots. Danguard Ace, Giking, Raiden, Posiden, Mazinga, Grandizer. Probably not the "official" Japanese spellings, but hey, going with what I remember from my childhood. Keep any other ideas coming though. Probably other MM's out there looking for inspiration! 🙂
  3. There have been kind of a lot of "first post ever but gonna seriously stir the pot!" posts lately. Not it.
  4. Definitely fine with anything that keeps it optional. If extendable timers are used, you might need the timer base value / bonus value to be dependant on the map type / size. Small office building? Don't need that big of a timer (though @Coyotedancer has a good point on accessability issues for various players...). Giant Orangabanga map? Yea, you're only gonna get so far so fast. You'll need more time. Big Shadow-Shard cave map? Probably don't need as much time as a big CoT map, but again, you can have some serious twists and turns to navigate, and the timer shouldn't assume you have speed boost or super speed.
  5. MTeague

    Pet Names

    So what kinds of themes do people use when naming their cannon fodder? Oh, Cannon Fodder's not very nice is it? Naturally I mean Expendable Resources. How about, Valued Employees? Summonable Bro's? So far I've got: Beasts: Daisy, Buddy, Lily, Fluffy, Mittens, Mr. Snuggles (stereotypical crazy pet lady names) Ninjas: Rain, Hail, Snow, Thunder, Lightning, Hell (all words that pair well with "Storm" after their name... rainstorm, snowstorm, etc) I've got a few other MM's on my backlog to try out, but I'm drawing a MAJOR blank on name-themes. What are other folks using?
  6. I have not noticed procs firing well with Caltrops on Homecoming. It's possible I just have bad luck / poor observational skillz. I admit, I did not look at my combat log. Mainly I use them for Area Denial, and they're fantastic for this purpose. If I start to take too much damage, Caltrops, and I get time for inspirations, or for Regen to kick in, and 3-4 free hits. Usually even more, since some mobs then run back in (slowly) to melee you and then are like "omg! I'm on caltrops!" and run back out again (slowly). They're also the hands-down best way my Scrapper has to IMMEDIATELY take heat off a squishy. Yes, "kill the baddies" is a better long-term way of taking heat of the squishy, but if they're not going to live long enough for me to cycle some AE attacks, I can fire off Caltrops with a Keybind-and-Click. I always do this if I see someone get nailed by a Sapper and Detoggled. Toss caltrops at their feet, for a measure of protection. Then claw the Sapper's face off. (/SR, the Sapper didn't hit me...) My Thugs/Traps used them a lot at lower levels to keep minions alive before I got both Enforcers and Force Field Generator. I still like them for the same reasons above. And they're a nice One-Slot-Wonder. You certainly CAN slot them up for certain set bonuses, but they're good for the job I use them for right out of the box, too.
  7. When I play Tank my default is "Soak the Alpha strike and any successive strikes until things are a) good and pissed at me, AND b) starting to get very hurt. Then, run off in search of the next pack, let DPS mop up the rest." A few mobs will chase me and DPS will just shoot them in the back / stab them on the run as they follow. That seems to be what most groups want from a tank these days. Or at least, what most groups that I've found myself in, on Excelsior, have seemed to want. That said, I've got zero problems changing how I handle things upon request / if the group seems struggling. If the squishies are taking too much pain during mop-up, I'll stay longer. If it's really bad, I'd even to the point where I wait for everything to be fully dead if I move on. That's almost never needed, but my first job is "Meat Shield", not "Keep Pulling Moar!". And of course some missions require much more aggro control than others. A generic council mission is one thing. "Defend The Midnight Mansion" is *quite* another thing entire.
  8. He did it in German. So, don't anyone try to create an Ubermensch character with a big U on their chest. (Actually sight unseen, such a character must have been created, on several shards, though it may have been generic'd.)
  9. The real killer on the Oldschool Posi TF's, you'd have a travel power, was Old Faultline. Because there was always someone who fell into the Marinara Trench, but who somehow managed not to die, and wanted to try to find their way out, instead of just sucking it up and taking the Hospital Express back to safer ground. Plus that mission filled with piles of CoT spectral demons stacking -To Hit buffs all over the place, when most of the players still had only Training Enhancements, and hardly could squeeze in Tactics. (if that was even POSSIBLE in the old scheme)
  10. And then people would be moaning that Defeat All mission has stray mobs left behind they have to go and get, what an operatic tragedy it is that they have to run around the map to find the mobs they couldn't be bothered to stay and kill before. Though I am somewhat salty after fighting with code that Is Bad And Should Feel Bad all day long.
  11. I still do the Mender Ramiel Arc anyway if I'm going to use incarnate powers at all. Mostly for RP reasons. (And a select few of my characters, will not. Ever. Not even an alpha. Because they're just mortal humans.)
  12. I just think it's illogical to the point I can no longer suspend disbelief to have 20, 30, or 40 mobs all attempting to dogpile the tank, even when they cannot physically even compress each ohter to get close enough to melee the tank at that point. At a certain point, excess hostiles would say you know what? Rather than take a number and wait until I can physically get close enough to the tank, why don't I smack this Blaster / Defender / Corruptor / Squshy instead?
  13. But the nice demon lord / devil / Circle of Thorns mage / demon binder whose business I was poking into / whatever, told me so! They would never lie to me, would they? Next you're going to say the car salesman isn't really my friend....
  14. Another option. If the name was "Praetor Weaver".... you could try just "Weaver"... starting on Goldside.... then get them to lvl 50... and then upon dinging 50 you should get the "Praetor" badge, and could set that as your Badge Title. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Praetor_Badge Edit: although, I don't hold much hope there. Most single word names I've tried were taken.
  15. Realistically, you have done what you can do. You sent them an in game email. Hopefully they read it. Hopefully they respond. There is no way to force either. Now, you have the waiting game. You may also wish to pop onto some of the other shards to see if your name might be free on them. Maybe you can't get it on Excelsior, but can on Torchbearer, or Everlasting, etc.
  16. I thought it was a fairly straightforward "Not opposed to the idea as such, but would way rather see dev time spent on other things first".
  17. I do not know if the pet window can be opened for non-MM's. If it can, I would certainly expect all pet commands to be greyed out. But I can understand a desire just to have the window as a means to monitor pet health at a glance. It's possible to build a macro / keybind to target your pet with a single keystroke or click whatever works better for you. That would at least take away the time of manual retargetting. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Target_name_(Slash_Command)
  18. I actually like Clicky mez protection. Among other things, it can STACK with itself, offering far superior magnitude of protection. But I do get that for others, fire-and-forget while leaving your autofire free for something else is very appealing.
  19. Extremely high pressure water does not take no for an answer. You can even use waterjets to cut diamonds, but that's generally too time consuming. They tend to use lasers when they need to cut diamonds themselves. Waterjet cutters tend to have a pool of water beneath them, becuase that's one thing the waterjet won't cut... the force of the waterjet agitates the pool of water like nobodies business, but the force is dissipated in the process.... as long as the pool of water is deep enough.
  20. fair point, but yes, I meant for that character to personally acquire the tip.
  21. Not sure on Magnetic Lash teleporting foes, UNLESS, a change is made to the pool power version of Teleport Foe to make that something that's actually reliable and works well on Bosses as well. An Electric Melee taunt shouldn't be able to magically Teleport Foe that the pool power by the same name cannot affect.
  22. If this happens, City of Heroes will immediately become a single player game for me. Because I loathe the 45+ "everything is incarnate" content. When the entire team has T4 Barrier and just rotates it's use. When every spawn dies to a Judgement and 1-2 other AE attacks. When anything remotely challanging is steamrolled by a flood of Lore pets I fall asleep. And if everything scales up to 50, it won't be long before everyone EXPECTS you to want to do all content at lvl 50, and would cry foul at the thought of exemplaring down again, ever again. I would never even bother try to team again because it would be frustration city.
  23. No! people must fight and BLEED for their power descriptions! in fact, detailed info should have all the numbers, uncolored, just in paragraph form, and not evne numbers, but spelled out as words, so you have to use reading comprehension to know that assault "Boosts damage done by ten percent" None of the +Damage 10% stuff. (Not a serious suggestion)
  24. If I start a TF, I'll stay for at least 3 hours or 20 full wipes, whichever comes first. But there is a certain point, where if we're just pounding our faces into the blender seeing if we can dull the blades, that I do feel authorized to tip the king and concede. But has to involve a LOT of wipes. And many attempts to change course. Including a pause to google for strategies we may be missing, etc. I mean, in my WoW days, back in Pandaria expansion, I had no problem sucking it up and wiping for three hours STRAIGHT on Mythic Seigecrafter. I mean, I did repeatedly question why I was putting myself through that lol. But I had obligations freely accepted and I was darn well going to suck it up and keep going until it was official 'Call Time'. We eventually got him. But oh god the pain, the agony, the suffering for many weeks.
  25. Earth/Poison was not exactly the fastest killing controller I've ever run in the 1-20 range. Fantastic at kittenizing the baddies. Not so much at actually defeating them. Slotting several damage procs helped, but in the 1-20 range you have only just so many slots to go around, and you still need accuracy too. I relied a LOT on Sands of Mu, and the Def Debuffs meaning that I wouldn't miss with it. But I think I still had to stop and rest after every group of mobs. On +1x1 with bosses. The one that I sometimes try and rage at each time is still my Peacebringer. The Quantums. The Void Hunters. They enrage me so. I will acknowledge it doesn't help that I am entirely irrational on his build and would sooner delete the character than use either shapeshift form. No matter what he's up against. No matter how much functionally better certain powers may be. He is human only, period, anything else is OFF. THE. TABLE. Also it doesn't help that I refuse to level up via DFB, and when I join a team before lvl 20, I disable XP. The lvl 1-20 range is important to me, and I feel like my character has to EARN his stripes on his own, has to be able to defeat baddies on their own, or they don't merit the title of Hero. No powerlevelling and then being a god later. They have to earn their way up. "It is not logical. But is often true." -Spock
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