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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. I think that's one of few things missing from Ouroborus. Once you ding 30, I don't think you can do a 20-29 tip mission ever again. Once you ding 40, I don't think you can do a 30-39 tip mission ever again. I'm hoping there IS actually a way to do it that I just don't know about yet. Similar to the way you can do the Villain Disruptor / Hero Slayer badge and then do any Safeguard/Mayhem that you outleveled.
  2. The level range factors into it. At LOW level, Doc Quantum basically was a hero. I think you only see him defending banks at fairly low level Mayhems. As you level, he becomes more and more evil, more and more twisted to figure what people will do for what reasons, never mind who he hurts along the way. Similarly, Frostfire, at low missions, is basically a superpowered thug. And in tip missions in the 20's, that stays true. In the 30's, the tip missions have him kind of conflicted in the 40's the tip missions have him reformed as a Hero. Some of the NPC's in tip missions change like that over time. Not all of them. I think Hollow Point / Savage Siren are always Vigilantes. Echidna and Pyris, I think are always Villains. But some shift as you level, to simulate them changing over time (since they weren't really planning on people powerlevelling to 50 in a day or two...)
  3. I'd like a short-to-midrange set with Mr. Fantastic / Plasticman style body-stretching melee. Sort of a Shapeshiter, but not to be confused with a Beastlord shapeshifter who melees as a panther or something. So like... a punch.... or a kick... but from 40 yards away. Maybe include a grapple / hold where you wrap them up for a short duration.
  4. This. Most of mine are written up in third person, but no particular style. Some are written as an intelligence dossier on the character. Some are written up as the character speaking in first person to someone else. It really varies a lot on the character in question and the essence of what flavor I want people to get for that character.
  5. I think a good balance is keep the existing 1024 as what you first see. But also add a "Read More" button that could be clicked to take you to an bigger text area. Then anyone who finds the opening synopsis interesting can get more, but you don't have to worry about if just inspecting someone is going to pull up 'War and Peace' right out of the gate. That said, I absolutely love this idea and hope it gains traction.
  6. I have found two workarounds for this. Option #1: Copy your full bio text, tab out to Textpad or Notepad or something, paste there, edit there, then delete out your whole bio from the game and paste in from the outside editor. Note that this approach, doesn't seem to hang onto hard returns / paragraph breaks. So you have to manually break up any intended paragraphs after you paste it back in. Option #2: In the in-game-editor, manually delete out each space between each word in your bio, and add them back in, one-by-one. Sometimes what looks like a single space is actually taking up 7-8 characters worth toward the 1024 limit. This seems to happen most often if you write out a bunch of text, then click up to the middle of an earlier line, and edit something that causes the wrapping to change in the in-game editor. It doesn't handle that right at all. But if I manually delete out the spaces and manually add them back in, I can often reclaim like 150-200 characters.
  7. Spelt is spelled spelt if you're referring to an obscure grain. 🙂 I'll crawl back under my Grammar Rock now. It's two doors down from Fraggle Rock, and across the street from Schoolhouse Rock.
  8. If you take Kick, Boxing, and Crosspunch, I believe Boxing gets a much higher innate chance to stun. (even if your proc's didn't fire). Plus, Crosspunch might give you an additional AE if you want more options there. Of course taking all three attacks, .... is challenging to fit in for some builds. So many powers, so few power choices. So many power choices, so few slots to assign to them all....
  9. I also try to keep at least 2 charges of Shivan Shard handy at all times for just such emergencies. That's probably not acquireable in the middle of a TF. But it makes for a nice ace-in-the-hole for when you decide it time to say "I'm not left-handed, either!"
  10. In Live, I had two characters who never took a travel power at all. This was before Fitness was inherent, and you had to squeeze in the power selections to get Stamina. They actually skipped Health (I know, I know, but it was HARD fitting everything in on them....), and just took Swift, Hurdle, (on the way to Stamina) and Combat Jumping. And I put 1 extra slot into Swift for *two* run speed enhancers, and 1 extra slot into hurdle for *two* jump enhancers. That was the bargain basement travel power. It worked decently well. Still slow to get anywhere, but if you want someone who's got zero superpowers.... it's an option. As far as the Well .... I have two characters on HC who I'm thinking of never having them craft a single incarnate power ever. They'll unlock the incarnate slots because I can't decline them. But I don't ever have to craft a single incarnate power if I want to keep them mortals. It would sentence them to forever more soloing anything 45+ because no point in even trying to team when everyone else is a god and you're not.
  11. I tried another name on a what-the-hell last night and it actually gave me the green checkmark. General Atomics Mastermind, Rad Emission secondary. Kinda thinking it deserves the full Fallout treatment for pet names. Codsworth, Wadsworth, Prof Goodfeels, Deezer, etc.
  12. My character bio's will always expand to consume all available space.
  13. Your syntax is bad. /unbind z /bind z PowExecName Teleport that should do it for you.
  14. The alt-itis is too strong to resist... you must have at least one of every AT, for each faction, equal numbers male and female, equally numbers of mutants, and magic, and tech, and... Okay. Maybe that's just my own OCD 🙂
  15. I have been known to look at a room full of Circle of Thorn, line after line of dark mages with a couple of captives held helpless in green energy ready to be sacrificed, spectral demons patrolling and wailing menacingly, and behemoth masters fresh from hell and still burning. then type into team chat: "They look friendly. I bet we can talk this over. This is probably a huge misunderstanding." I usually get a chuckle or two with that one.
  16. You can powerlevel characters very fast if that's your thing. I hear of people who get a character to 50 in a weekend, if not faster. That is COMPLETELY opposite to how I roll. I've been playing since June 2019. In that 14 months, I've created ~ 40 characters, and exactly THREE of them are 50's. (though I have one closing in at 49). I deliberately level slowly. I solo half the time, team the other half of the time. But when I join a team, I tend to disable XP (there's an option to disable it) after 2 missions, because I don't want my characters to ding toooo fast. Even though I can use Ouroborus and go back and do things via flashback later on, I still ALSO like to get at least 1/4 to 1/3 of the content as I level up. And after 4 years of EverQuest and 8 years of WoW, I've hit a burnout on the "keeping up wtih the Jones's" appeal of speedlevelling. I'm going to smell a lot of roses as my characters level up. I'll enjoy it a heck of a lot more. Now, my way may not fit your approach to the game, and that's cool. It don't have to. But you CAN level as quickly or as slowly as you wish. And as a tip for a new player: "I just want to say two words to you, just two words: Enhancement Converters"
  17. If a Damage Reflection mechanic is ever implemented, I'd want it to recognize damage types. Punching a big slab of stone should probably hurt. Swinging a katana into a big slab of stone would at least jar the hell out of your arms, even if the blade was indestructable Bullets could richochet but spraying a flamethrower at it? wasteful, but not going to hurt you. throwing globs of negative energy at it? again, seems harmless. (now a punch attack with smash AND dark, maybe the smash portion could be reflected....) THINKING at it with a Psi attack? again, hard to see how this would be reflected in anyway.
  18. Oct 16th of this year for me. Already have the whole week off. You can't make me face the working world when that odometer ticks over. 🙂
  19. And here I thought this was going to be advice for another old fart approaching the dreaded half-century birthday 🙂
  20. This. In my first two years of EverQuest, I was all about First Person View for immersiveness, etc. but from 2001 onward, I've relied entirely upon Third Person View, scrolled back for the best field of view I can get. a) because I want to see MY character too, and my gear or costume, depending on game. b) field of view becomes huge to see adds coming and respond to them QUICKLY, whether you are a Controller or a Tank. And for most MMO's, those were my roles. (Enchanter in EQ, Tank in Warcraft)
  21. I think Granite Armor should be able to leap as high as lvl 1 character with no slots, and who doesn't even have Hurdle yet. No super jump. no ninja run leaps. no combat jumping + hurdle extra jump height. But I think the monolith should be able to vault up a minor height differential. Otherwise you have this:
  22. I mean, he probably didn't accumulate those all in one day.
  23. I'm hearing the Civilization 2 High Council economic guy. "We are rich, sire! rich! Rich! RICH!"
  24. My initial reaction was "Carp. Not Nearly Enough Endurance Reduction." ...... annnnnnnnd then I spotted the 4.5% discount to all powers. That is (I think), a seriously underrated type of set bonus. Have a character who can't set aside Cardiac because they're sucking wind and gasping for endurance without it? Work in a few "discount to all powers" set bonuses and watch the math completely change. I admit I don't know of any power that uses all three (Def, Res, Heal). But it's "universal protection" in the same way that "universal damage" is "slot it into any damaging power... PBAE, Melee, Ranged, Whatever". And there's a fair number of powers that would benefit from 2/3. Healing Flames / Kuji-in-Sha come with a side of Toxic Resist. Steamy Mist provides Fire/Cold/Energy resist as well as defense, etc. I'm not as drawn to the Run Speed buff, but neither does it suck. And every piece being UNIQUE keeps it from being toooo out of control. Tentative thumbs up.
  25. For some situations like that, where the mission (tip mission or otherwise) forces a fight vs enemies my character would NOT want to fight I will not throw the first punch I'll soak 4-5 attacks before attacking, for the "C'mon man, this doesn't have to happen!" / "I don't want to fight you!" factor. When I do attack, it is with punches or kicks ONLY. No firearms. No blades. No fire/lightning/cold/darkness, etc. If the only qualifying attack i I have is Brawl? Then that's what I used. An exception: My Mind Controller is permitted to use Holds/Sleeps, because I can rationalize that as doing even less permanent harm than a punch or kick. For those characters who may find thesmelves in such situations, I manage to work in some kind of non-lethal attack in their build. My Claws/SR scrapper, on the Vigilante-to-Villain mission to set half of Salmanca on fire, used just "Kick". Only "Kick". To defeat upwards of 45 Psi Cops, and Overdrive, and Miss Thystle. Because my beef wasn't really with them. It was with Desdemona. Of course, other characters of mine see the world in far more "us vs them" terms, and have no compunction using lethal force against.... anyone And still other characters of mine just don't take the missions that would put them in those kinds of scenarios.
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