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Everything posted by EmperorSteele

  1. MASS LEVITATE! Pipe-dream, I know. And I'm cognizant than such a change would involve more than swapping a few numbers or whatnot, and that you guys are too busy keeping a server running to make any drastic changes. Still, My main/favorite character is my Mind/Kin, and she has a single target sleep, and a multi target sleep; a single target hold, and mass target hold; a single target confuse, and a mass target confuse. All I've ever wanted is for her to have a mass levitate to go with her single target levitate. But alas, that was never a thing... but now it IS! I don't care if it's locked behind psi mastery or what, it's just something I'd love to have. Just, y'know, throwing that out there =)
  2. I've been running into the same thing. It LOOKS LIKE you have to craft both levels. For instance, if you have to craft 9 lvl 15 and 20 Acc IOs, you need 4 at lvl 15 and 5 at lvl 20. And so if you go went and crafted a bunch of 20s and forgot (because that was like, last week), you might notice the badge count doesn't move unless you do the lvl 15 ones. Don't know if that's a bug or intended...
  3. Put me down as one of the folks who also want a -XP for Inf version of the power. Though to be fair, I haven't really had any trouble keeping my character up to date. Took a little doing (for instance, buying common IO recipees from the market instead of the work bench, and selling good stuff I don't need -right now- with the full knowledge that I'll probably be buying it back sooner or later so that I can fund my current build), but overall I don't think anyone needs too large of an Inf increase. Infcrease? But yeah, I'd still gladly do half XP for +25% Inf!
  4. For blueside Ouro access, the Faultline arc i think is the soonest: there's a time travel element at the end that should get you "Entrusted with the Secret". However, there's a few EBs to fight so this may not be for everyone.
  5. Yeah, looking up my old mind/kin guide... it needs a bit of a rework, especially where the SCoRE/Homecoming server is concerned. Also, not as newbie-friendly as I wanted it to be, and also really long! So, to-do list: make guide more up to date, add new info, make more user friendly, and condense it. EZ PZ!
  6. Yeah, Ouro has everything you need, don't worry! And when it says "every story arc", it doesn't include the random missions you get from your FBSA contact. It boils down to the newer stuff like the Twinshot/Rising Stars arc and all that.
  7. I'm having a bit of trouble with this one. When you say "the Reservoir area", do you mean the area labeled "Reservoir" just north of the dam, or the southern section of the map where the actual reservoir is? I figure it's the later based on /loc, but I'm not seeing anything around there. Also, neither of the two buildings there seem to qualify as "large" =/ EDIT: The badge isn't ON a building. It's in the grass nearby, directly between the fence and the edge of a small hill!
  8. Ok, tried to make it, but someone beat me to the punch! Good, less headaches for me! It's called "Excelsior Badges", let's show it some love!
  9. Just wondering if one of these existed for Excelsior yet, a chat channel specifically for badging and other content outside of just random teaming. Someplace where we can coordinate badge runs, raids, events, special TFs (Like Master StatesmanMs. Liberty/Recluse runs) etc. If we don't, well, I guess I can make one, but I didn't want to jump the gun!
  10. If you mean a telepad for your sg base, don't bother, everything is already unlocked for free (no requiremnets or prestige!) As for the badge, iirc it's on around the back of the building on the "lower" rooftop.
  11. I ran a Mind/Time back on Live, and one cheeky thing I recall doing was loading Distortion Field with Procs, mostly Damage procs but 1 or 2 "Chance to hold" procs, also. It was a BEAST! Dudes were slowed, Held, and eating more damage than I could put out by attacking sometimes! However, given that one needs a few Purple procs to do this (Will of the Controller and Unbreakable Constraint), it's VERY pricey to do this. Also, the power itself doesn't get enhanced, so you'd need set bonuses and a good Alpha slot to make sure it recharges fast and doesn't cost too much Endurance. Just an idea.
  12. Hey Lola, your images aren't working for me =( Heraclea: Those look AMAZING! Though I see you can't seem to settle on a single costume, either!
  13. AGH! The "City Traveler" cheeses me off because I saw the name and explored the train station and came away empty handed... didn't occur to me to go into the exit area! Sneaky! But thanks for the rest of these, time to get huntin'!
  14. Fellow badger on Excelsior here! Anyone have any luck with the Echo: Atlas Park exploration badges? Apparently they're all new in new places. I found one at the foot of the statue in Prometheus Lake/Park, but can't find any others.
  15. Does P-Chat have all the same options? I for one am having a blast filling my base with NPCs, makes it seem more alive, and I don't think the NPCs are in P-Chat. Something to plan for, especially if you want, say, the Icon tailor to have an actual little storefront instead of just standing in the corner of a room.
  16. So, I too get the odd random crash. Not a CTD, mine just hangs and the sound stutters. I think part of the issue (assuming you and I are affected by similar things) is that the game is NOT optimized for 64-bit systems, or for versions of Windows beyond XP. It MIGHT be a graphics thing, as my midrange laptop is more stable running the game on low settings than my high-end PC with everything cranked to max. I realize this deosn't help you directly, but maybe someone looking through this thread might have a better idea with the extra input.
  17. ...Is it just me or have the servers been running flawlessly since this change? I mean, it's probably the 1,500 player cap, but still.
  18. Mostly PvP stuff with my Mind/Kin. Granted, it's PvP, so you gotta pull out all the stops to win (which I did very rarely, so, any dickishness was justified) One time I was in the Recluse's Victory train station. I was melee'ing with a Brute (On a controller, yeah, I know, but Kin heals are melee range, so, yeah) when a Stalker comes up and tries to gank me. Well, it didn't work, and while still fending off the Brute, TK'd the Stalker into a corner and left him there indefinitely, recharging my stamina off the Brute. I held them both off for several minutes until a second Stalker swooped in and dropped my toggles. For what it's worth, I apologized to the first stalker, and he was able to laugh it off. Another thing I liked doing was activating Repel and dive-bombing Masterminds, sending their henchmen flying everywhere. I called it "Bowling for Minions!" A dickish thing I had happen TO me was the time I was running a costume contest. I announced the winners and tried giving them their prizes (Purple IOs), but a bunch of randoms were jumping all around the winners, so no matter how I tried adjusting my camera, people were in the way. So I called the winners into City Hall, and all these jerks followed. I managed to give out prizes to two of the winners, but the third winner claimed he didn't get anything. So I had to go to the auction house, buy a new recipe, salvage, and craft the damn thing, putting me quite a bit in the hole. I wondered at the time if the griefer and my contestant were in cahoots to get an extra purple, but other than reporting the guy who kept jumping in my way, I let it go.
  19. Right? This is insane! The game certainly didn't feel this popular back when it was "live"...
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