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Everything posted by PaxArcana

  1. So, you dislike when people persistently disagree with you. Sorry I couldn't be your own personal echo chamber, CC. You know, that bit of my signature is half joke, and half self-centered-jerk detector. Consider yourself detected.
  2. Nonsense. CoX left behind the "team or die" attitude years ago. Catch up.
  3. Short answer: no. Longer answer: you can either Attune, or Boost, but never both. If you attempt to Attune a Boosted enhancement, you lose all the Boosts; similarly, if you apply a Boost to an Attuned enhancement, it is no longer Attuned.
  4. Let's say I'm a big, mean, corporate IP owner. People on the HC servers are infringing on my IP, and the HC devs seem unable (or unwilling) to curb this behavior. Note, i said seem, from my impersonal, me-first-and-screw-all-of-you, capitalist-corporate point of view. I wish to compel more drastic action ... but the HC devs don't have enough money for my usual tactic of "sue 'em into the ground" to necessarily be very effective. But, wait. The original code is owned by a large corporation, with tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars in annual revenue. THEY have enough money for a lawsuit to be effective .... and they know it as well as I do. They gave permission for the servers to exist .... or at least, have failed to adequately enforce their own IP rights over it. So, I write them a C&D letter, threatening a positively massive legal suit if they do not immediately and decisively move to correct the situation. ... NCSoft owes the HC community little or nothing. A community that has just become a gigantic liability to their bottom line, over something that generates little or no revenue for the company. They, predictably, simply pull the plug and issue C&D letters of their own; if there had been an official agreement, they exercise the escape clause (that I am absolutely certain will be part of any such agreement) to terminate it, at the same time. WE lose the Homecoming servers ... and even if other servers exist, the community fractures and balkanizes, spreading out to a half-dozen or more new servers. None of which can ever achieve teh population density HC did ... because NCSoft continues to swat any servers it finds, so the entire affair has to go underground, and exist only clandestinely ... ... I'm sure you'll dismiss that as FUD. But the real FUD would be the atmosphere of paranoia, if the community had to go "underground" with secret, truly pirate servers, always worried about an NCSoft ringer managing to find and report each server to NCSoft, prompting a new flurry of C&D letters t hosting services, personal ISPs, whatever it takes to get those servers offline so they cease to put NCSoft's bottom line at risk due to the copyright-intransigence of people like ... well, like you, Jubakumbi. But again, I'm sure you'll dismiss it as "just FUD", like you do with anything that ever even skirts the possibility of mentioning potential consequences.
  5. ... you are not, and should never be, required to team up with anyone in CoX. Super Reflexes is about more than just +Defense. It has Mez protection (Practised Brawler gives Mag 10 versus Stun, Hold, Immobilise, Knockback, Knockup, and Sleep; Focussed Fighting gives Mag 10 versus Confuse) It also has several autopowers, so even if you manage to detoggle them, they don't go to the floor for +defense. And finally, SR has a lot of resistance to -Defense debuffs. I mean, a lot of it - in the autopowers, no less: using Scrapper numbers, 6.92% in each of Agile, Dodge, and Lucky, for 20.76% resistance to -Defense without spending a drip of Endurance. Then another 13.84% each in Evasion, Focussed Fighting, and Focussed Senses, for a total of 62.28% resistance to -Defense debuffs across the whole set. Force Field has protection against three kinds of Mez (Mag 5 versus Hold, Stun, and Immobilize), and ..... bupkis against -Defense debuffs. So, no; letting a Force Field character bubble themselves along with their possible team-mates, would ABSOLUTELY NOT be "equal to Super Reflexes in self-defense". It woudl have holes that SR doesn't .... in return for being able to share those protections. ... BY THE WAY ... that Personal Force Field thing you mentioned? Useless if you are trying to actively participate in combat, because it puts you in the same "Only Affects Self" as Rest.
  6. You can't compare real-world cosplay, with creating a copycat character in a game. That's apples and oranges. The closest parallel would be my own example, of Patriot in CO, who has an in-character cosplay as Superman. I didn't make Superman and then play him in the game; I made Patriot to play ... and then (in-character) Patriot chose to cosplay as Superman.
  7. Titan could easily fill the role of being a hub, for all the specific-server subcommunities within the fandom. Direct links to them, maybe each one having one or two accounts for "official guy from ____" posts to the forums, that sort of thing. As for the wiki .... I agree. It shouldn't get completely taken by any one server or server-group; each of them can "fork" from the last-day-of-live form the wiki is currently in, to update for their own specific environment.
  8. No, it's not. This isn't (strictly speaking) a pirate server. If NCSoft wanted these servers shut down, they would have been. Months ago. Their decision not to do so, represents a state of tacit permission for them to operate.
  9. (a) Straw man; (b) assumes facts not yet in evidence; (c) borderline ad hominem My main on Live was a Robotics/Forcefield Mastermind - and he was the only character I got to 50 (though one or two others broke into the mid-40s shortly before I left the game). I've recreated him on Homecoming. ... My support for the original idea, is simply this: It makes absolutely no sense that my FF characters can, for example, give someone else 30% or more +Defense with just three powers from a single powerset ... but can't give even HALF of that to themselves.
  10. Not at all true, when that supposed lack of creativity is being used as an excuse to flaunt both law and ethics. I'd rather see someone playing a bad original costume-and-name, than a really good copycat. They only have to not infringe on someone else's creativity to avoid "ridicule". You're right. I don't like seeing someone else's creative work misappropriated. I think people should not do that. And I want other people to recognize that. It's not about dictating how anyone plays the game. It's about that name/costume/etc belongs to someone else. Copyright (and Trademark) infringement is theft, and theft (for reasons other than survival) is wrong.
  11. So, wait. One moment, people making copycats are being very creative to come up with good copies of established hero costumes, and we should just accept that they chose to express their creativity in that way. The next moment, people making copycats are unable to be creative, and we should just accept that their copy is the best those poor benighted souls can come up with. ... Which one is it, really? Because it cannot be both - they are literally mutually exclusionary.
  12. Do you go out in thunderstorms, waving a big metal pole around, out in the middle of an empty field? No? Of course not, that would be stupid - it would be inviting that stroke of lightning. IMO, condoning copycats is similar. 🙂
  13. Let me guess ... level 50? Incarnate, perhaps? How about the other 4/5 of the game?
  14. ... I could say the same about you. Indeed, that you're insisting on calling the pro-Law side of the debate "anti-cosplay" is rather telling, IMO.
  15. The thing is, Cosplay and copycat-characters are IMO two very different things. ... In Champions Online, I had (technically still have, but I haven't logged in in years) a character called Patriot; he's a 14-year-old kid with the basic "Superman package" of powers: flight, invulnerability, super strength. (I found the juxtaposition of an adolescent with a slight build, but with "super strength" style powers, terribly amusing at the time.) His costume, as the name implies, is very much a red-white-and-blue derivative of the U.S. Flag. His original costume is basically a white duster/jacket, over jeans and a t-shirt (with a star emblem), and a domino mask. He's just a young kid, he had a limited allowance, so he couldn't afford a "real" superhero costume. not when he was just getting started. I also have alternate costumes that are more "full comic-book/movie level" stuff, for when he's more established, maybe has a mentor, etc. And ... I do have one alternate costume, that is as close as I could get to Superman's actual costume (but still with Patriot's face, mask, and skinny middle-school-kid build). In-universe? He's a kid, and it's his halloween costume. And also, his name is still Patriot, not Superboy or similar - even though the costume is unmistakable. That is cosplay. (And I only ever trotted it out FOR Halloween or similar Events in-game, because it was in-character cosplay.) ... That's where the difference is, IMO. If someone makes a character that is always "Sup3r-Man" (or whatever), and is always in one or another Superman costume ...? That's not cosplay. That's just a copycat. Do your cosplay in an alternate costume slot, and don't use the name itself? I'm good with it. I'll probably applaud you if you pull it off really well - especially if you pick a more-obscure version (e.g., the red-and-black Soviet version of Superman, from Red Son). But if you're just another knockoff? Meh. Get original.
  16. I wish they had done it where you used a sort of "Mad Lib" interface: you choose several elements, and then the game procedurally builds a mission from that. A very temporary, nonpermanent, nonrepeatable mission. (Nixes most Farming right there.) You choose the mission objective/type; you choose the opposing group(s); you choose the map type; you choose the location (meaning, the Zone); you can then choose one or more Complications. Two people choosing the same things right down the line, at the same moment in time, would get two different missions, on different maps. ... Honestly, that would have worked brilliantly for Villains, as a replacement for the Newspaper (and, when 'ported over for Heroes with more heroic mission objectives, for the Police Radio). It would have given Villains more of a sense of agency, just for one point. No, there wouldn't be any stories in it; it'd just be Paper/Radio mission stuff. But, again, more of a sense of agency - and more customizable than "pick one of these three". ... Let's say you have a Fire/Poison Corruptor, a villain, by the name of Arsenist (portmanteau of Arsenic and Arson). You envision him as a pyromaniac/sociopath - "Some people, Master Bruce, just want to watch the world burn" and all that. With that "Mad Lib" version of the Paper/AE/Radio, you could actually make your character a serial arsonist, by choosing "Arson" as the type of crime you will commit for most of your missions. Arsenist doesn't do bank robberies, he doesn't take hostages or kidnap people, he just wants to watch buildings burn to the ground (preferably with people inside, 'cause he's a sociopathic monster). Maybe even entire neighborhoods. Meanwhile, someone else has a Brute named Katastroph, who just likes to go "hulk: smash!" on neighborhoods. He usually picks Mayhem-style missions, and just runs around breaking everything in sight. And yet a third person ... well, you get the picture. THAT would have been superior to the AE, and to the Newspaper/Police Radio, by at least two orders of magnitude. PLAYER AGENCY, is the key.
  17. Honestly, even if it was feasible, it would IMO be a bad idea for this game. Part of what makes Regen or Willpower worth taking, is "less downtime between fights". Take that away, and both sets (especially Regeneration) become pretty weaksauce.
  18. Then it's not auto-Rest, it's auto-Regeneration-and-Recovery .... which does nothing but cheapen the actual Regeneration powerset (and Willpower, come to think of it).
  19. ... but today, is a present. [Master_Oogway] 😄
  20. 7% is negligible. The shields are good for more than twice that, pb[and[/b] those allies get the toggle's benefits. So ... 7% for me, 25%+ for them ... that's a problem, when other buff sets can give 20%+ to you AND your team-mates (or pets). Also, you shouldn't balance an entire Primary or Secondary around the existence of pool powers, nor on the assumption that players will collect multiple IO sets. Or any sets, for that matter.
  21. Mistaken identity, my apologies. I could have sworn it was you ... it was one of hte other rabid "stop whining about copyright" posters.
  22. ... you mean, like when you told me you had sent notices to Marvel, DC, and Disney about infringing characters here, courting disaster intentionally, just to try and piss in everyone else's wheaties, afte the last copyright discussion? That kind of restraint?
  23. ^^^^ That. Rest means you can only affect yourself. That would break Bodyguard for Masterminds. (Also, it would make mastermind unable to command their pets at all.) The first Ambush an MM hit, would - with it's alpha - wipe the MM out before BG could be re-established.
  24. You label FUD, whenever anyone advises even a [b[modicum[/b] of caution, or suggests that there might possibly be any reason to restrain one's behavior. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :cough: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :wheeze: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA When I was small - 4, 5, 6 years old - and I and my friends played superheroes, I wasn't Superman or Batman. I was Super Sean. I didn't want to be anyone else, I wanted to be me (but with super-powers).
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