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Everything posted by PaxArcana

  1. ... and Battle Drones absolutely DO run up to melee enemies. So it's not just the Configuration that causes the problem. 😞
  2. There's a forum specifically for suggestions. 🙂 It is called, perhaps unimaginatively, Suggestions & Feedback, and is two forums above this one in the main list. 🙂 EDIT: and I see that a moderator has waved their Wand of Translocation, because POOF, here we are. 🙂
  3. @William Valence ... if you can get the AI code straightened out for all sets, so they all work right and none are broken anymore (or at least, they are all LESS broken) ... I say you should be made an honorary Dev on the HC team. Because, damn, man ... you'd be the absolute favorite of the MM subforum, for sure!!
  4. Castlle is a great guy, and he did the best he could with the shit-sandwich he was handed. However, that doesn't mean I like the well-garnished shit sandwich he handed back to us. Ain't his fault, nosir. But I still don't like it.
  5. That would be WAY too strong, and they would all then need to be weakened to compensate .... which would bring you right back to the same problem you have currently.
  6. More than two. If I were in charge of coding a "CoX II", I would want: Melee Ranged Buff Debuff Control ... and I'd also want to be able to specify a secondary behaviorset. So pet X might be "Mainly Control with a dash of Debuff on the side", while Pet Y might be "Mainly Melee, with a little bit of Buff for flavor", etc.
  7. Honestly? I'd be 80% fine with the current Sentinel Inherent if it were not tied to the T1 and T2 primary attacks. Give me two separate buttons, one for Offense and one for Defense, that only become available when the Opportunity bar is filled. Let me choose to activate whichever of them I want, no matter what might be on cooldown at the moment the bar fills. I might like it to be more AoE in nature (hit the target and anything within 10-15 feet), so that the target doesn't go face-down half a second after the crosshairs show up under it's feet, but, just separating the activation from my attacks, would be a huuuuge step forward, IMO. Something to keep in mind WRT that Reaper idea, at least.
  8. But that's not really what s/he was or is saying. Nihili started out saying that people who dislike something should not even make suggestions, and has only been backed down to the opinions of people who like a thing should be given more weight than those of people who do not. Well, "more say" can lead to situations like my 49/51 split, where the 49 can out-vote the 51 with as little as 5% extra "weight": 49.00 x 1.05 = 51.45, and 51.45 > 51.00 ... If the community is truly divided 50/50, then yes, those who want a change have failed to make a sufficiently compelling argument in favor of that change, and so the status quo should hold. But, nonetheless, the pro-change folks should still be able to speak up (and without tip-toeing around the tender sensibilities of those who're fine with things as they are). Even if they are but a tiny minority, they should still be encouraged to speak up.
  9. There's your problem, in part, I think. Those're making Bosses and EBs show up, even AVs as full AVs and they hit harder (and more often for lots of AoE). You are intentionally bending the game to be more challenging ... and, I think, pushing it just that little bit too far. Especially since, as you level ... your pets lag further and further behind. Take your "level 27" example. By then, you have all six pets ... so your Tier 1s are only level 25, and your tier 2's are only 26. When you dial notoriety up to +2/whatever ...? You and your Tier 3 look at a minion and see orange, your Tier 2 sees red, and your poor Tier 1's see purple. That's MINIONS, not Lieutenants, Bosses, Elite Bosses, or ArchVillains ...! At which point, it's almost a surprise they live long enough to GET hit with an AoE. 😄 So ... maybe try dialing the +'s down a notch, and the x's up a couple, to compensate - so, instead of +1/x2, go for +0/x4; instead of +2/x4, go for +1/x6; and so forth. You'll have significantly more, but individually less-dangerous, opposition to face.
  10. Nothing in my suggestion would preclude them still picking up Hover to do that with. It would just mean, you didn't have to get Hover, to be able to teleport "safely".
  11. I replied to a postr that made no mention of "bowing out", and only now, after going over every post since with a fine-toothed comb, do I see that you did so. In the very-small-text "edited because ____" line, rather than, you know, AN ACTUAL POST. And for a person who says he's bowed out, and wants to "agree to disagre", you sure seem to still want to make your point: Bollocks to that. Suggestions don't need to tip-toe around the possibility that maybe someone else won't like them. They need to be stood up, plainly and in full view - and those who don't like them can respond to the suggestion, explaining why they don't like it. That's how debate and discussion work.
  12. Teleport Foe is an early staple of every Teleporter MM I make. Early on, it's especially useful for separating spawns into bite-sized chunks for my less-than-full-half-dozen Henchmen. If anything, I'd like to see it's inherent accuracy tweaked up a bit, and/or maybe it's recharge sped up. Otherwise I think it's fine as-is, at least in concept.
  13. The second sentence can only happen if the first sentence does not. Picture if, in a population of 100, 49 people liked it the way it was and 51 did not. On the one hand, more people want change than want to maintain the status quo. But, on the other hand, those 49 no-change-please voters get more than 49 votes if their opinions "hold more weight". The minority gets their way, while the (slim) majority gets told to go pound sand? That's not how it should work. My problem is, again, that the Inherent is awkward to use. Which no other AT really has; you just ... do your thing. You don't need to pause, to avoid using a power because it's not the right KIND of opportunity to fit what you need right then. (Not to mention how horribly brief that Opportunity window is, when it does fire off.)
  14. "Top tier (in a pile of crap)" would still be crap. I'm not saying Robotics is crap, just pointing out that "top tier" is relative. And, regardless ... I want my robots to be as awesome as they were before Castle's changes. The first time I opened up with an all-bots alpha after training to level 32, I couldn't stop laughing maniacally for several minutes. And kept starting up again, every time I opened up on a new spawn of NPCs. I just want that back. 😢
  15. Yeah, um, many of the Taxibot type people did, in fact, take only Recall Friend.
  16. Honestly at this point, I'm sorry for the melee sets, but I'd like to have things back the way they were before Castle screwed everything up fixed things.
  17. It doesn't confuse me. I just ignore their stupid arse, and get on with the actual teamwork bit. 🙂
  18. I just added a massive edit to that post, @Bossk_Hogg. Might want to re-read it, to see if there's anything else you want to comment on. :)
  19. I have no problem considering Sentinel to be a "UEAT" (Universal Epic Archetype). Especially since all Epic ATs are unlocked form Day Zero, anyway. That would suck, hard. Almost any team that had a Mastermind on it (MMs tend to get at least parts of Leadership, especially the three core tiggles) would gain less benefit from a Sentinel than a team without them. Also, that would then raise the question of, do multiple Sentinels' inherents stack with each other? (IMO, they absolutely should.) You know what Leadership doesn't do? Resistance. Especially, not debuff resistance. So, here's an idea: Sentinels have an aura (60 feet radius? 80? 100?); for each in-combat enemy within that aura (up to 10 enemies), any allies in the aura are given a 0.5% resistance to all types of damage, and a 1% resistance to debuffs. When multiple sentinels are present, no one character can exceed 25% damage resistance and 50% debuff resistance (equalling the effect of five max-bonus Sentinels, stacked right up). When solo, the Sentinel benefits from their own aura with twice the usual bonus. Note especially, the debuff resistance would be something uniquely theirs. No-one else would be providing that benefit to a team, not by any means I am aware of. And the damage-resistance buff would be completely different from the normal effects of Leadership. EDIT again, to add: tagging @Captain Powerhouse.... because I think that Inherent suggestion is innovative enough that it should pass before your eyes, for possible future consideration.
  20. Give Sentinels a Buff/Debuff rate similar to (but a bit less than) Corruptors, perhaps. In addition to the Inherent suggestion I just made.
  21. ... maybe give the Sentinel an Aura, wide-area, that has a buff that scales to how many enemies are around? Some +Defense, some +Resistance, for all team-mates (and friendly Pets) ...?
  22. Pro tip: consistently and unswervingly disagreeing with you, is not "being belligerent".
  23. Speaking as a Mastermind loving player ... I would LOVE it if Players did not have collision with friendly Pets. ❤️ So. Many. FEWER. Complaints. On. Teams. ❤️
  24. I haven't missed that point at all. The questions that should be asked, in my opinion, are: "Which way would cause more people to lose damage?" "Which way would enable to Inherent to function closest to it's intended design?" First of all, fixed that for you. Please don't make the error of thinking you are automatically in the majority. Neither of us knows which of us does or does not hold the more-common view of Opportunity's functionality. Secondly, I haven't failed to acknowledge anything; I think I've been reasonably clear that I was speaking only for myself. Unlike you, I have not attempted to appeal to an implied majority of other players. Except that is exactly the opposite of how it does, and should, work. If you completely enjoy something as-is, you will not generally have (m)any suggestions to make, beyond "more please" and "yes, thank you". Suggestions arise when someone perceives a flaw, shortcoming, or other reason that something could be improved. Also, stop bloody claiming I don't enjoy Sentinels, just because I don't enjoy them in the same way you do, nor because I mention a way in which I might enjoy them more than I presently do. 😠 Bulverism is an ugly thing, and it doesn't win debates .... it loses them. So just stop it, already; don't assume or imply motives I have explicitly rejected.
  25. Maybe if you'd read the reason why I made that suggestion, you'd understand that I am losing damage? Every fight, sometimes twice if there's a lot of adds. Three or more times, on TFs (and thus, in "target rich environments"). Yes. Because, well, that's how the inherent is "supposed to" work: the Sentinel chooses which sort of opportunity to exploit, on the spot. Don't assume I'm not in love with the Sentinel AT. My so-far highest level alt is a Sentinel. I love the concept. I just think it falls down a little on execution.
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