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Everything posted by Greycat

  1. Because that's what they feel like playing. No other explanation is needed.
  2. OK, no, I'm not fleshing out individual sets here, but there are a few things I'd love to see. I've mentioned some before, but it's been a bit, and fishing through the AH brings them back to mind. No, none of these would replace current sets. They should be additional in the category. Yes, some can be done with frankenslotting - and possibly more efficiently. Don't care. Generally following the one-lower, one-higher (10-30 or 35, and 30-50) pattern. 1. Accurate healing - with damage. There are several, primarily melee, powers which are both attacks and heals, across a few ATs. I'm sitting on a Warshade at the moment, so Essence Drain comes to mind - but Dark armor, Necromancy, and I *believe* Dark Blast have similar powers in them. Being able to slot a full set instead of frankenslotting to do both healing and damage, with a smattering of accuracy, would be nice. 2. Accurate defense debuff - with damage. There are a number of sets that do a defense debuff as a secondary - and enhanceable - effect. (Much of a Peacebringer's power set, for instance, as well as a number of lethal damage sets.) Shake things up with this - add to that -def, get the acc an attack needs, and do damage. 3. End mod / Health / Absorb Yeah. This one I've talked about before. I'd still like to see a set that focused on enhancing both these attributes at once. There's not (to my knowledge, at least - I don't recall one) a hami that does this either. And this would be an option for *everyone.* After all, what does Rest take? This could probably have a set with and a set without an Acc component. Honestly, I could see two sets like this, with one being a smaller 3 piece set. (Probably the non-Acc one.) 4. Accurate def buff. Assuming there's more than Parry that would use this - I think there is, but I can't recall it. Accuracy, damage and defense focused. Just for a few more options in slotting. 5. Accurate teleport. For TP foe and fold space. One set would probably be fine on this, with a bit of recharge. Figuring bonuses would probably lean into whatever's not enhanced as much for the main point of the set - so if slotting ended up with (say) 45% damage, 40% healing, 10% Acc, it'd have bonuses to boost the acc and/or tohit a bit.
  3. I'd rather have one for the convenience. Sometimes I'll pick for other reasons - Fold Space, for instance - but it's convenience for me fairly often. Then again, I do also play a number of Khelds, so I don't have to worry about it in that case.
  4. I don't particularly care about mids. Most of my "keep it interesting" has really been RP and what develops, trying to come up with our own storylines to play through. That said, back on live one of the projects I (mostly) enjoyed was collecting "sets" - little challenges or whatever you want to think of. One of each AT to 50 (... hated VEATS, but got there,) one of each control set to 50, think I was working on melee on shutdown... I have *yet* to get a Katana to 50. Edit: Another was to make anti-FOTMs. no, not "the worst" sets, but taking the theme of a combo and using the "wrong" powers, or flipping them around. For instance, as I recall Ice/Energy blasters were a thing... so I'd make Energy/Ice. Fire/Kin? Sure, I have one of those... Fire tank with Kinetic melee. There were, at times, some *interesting* results.
  5. I wouldn't call it reward creep. It's not pushing everything - it's increasing for something that takes more time and effort (and as I mentioned, if we lowered Adamastor to 6, he'd be in line with every other single-entity GM.) Lusca is, in essence, a set of GMs as opposed to one (and a set you need to chase between a few points and dedicate more time to to defeat.)
  6. One team can handle Lusca. Only reason I ever see a league is that there are more than 8 people interested. But I agree - Adamastor should be down to 6, Lusca needs to be higher. No.
  7. Nah. Teams aren't so rare you should have to go through some type of legitimacy test to play. And no team leader is so good anyone should feel they have to be this tall to ride or anything.
  8. "Tell any healer not to heal you!" - Ridiculous live dev advice to the glass cannons. Yeah, I went into DA, dropped from a skyscraper into a canyon and blasted whatever was down there. It was amusing for a few seconds. But that's about it.
  9. It's the only way to *do* a branching story, yeah. I don't think I have any live right now that do it. But, yeah. Put it in the dialog, maybe in the end dialog and/or souvenir. Also, if you need more AE slots, just put in a support ticket and ask for some. You're not locked down to 3. (Click on "Support" up above.)
  10. You can always right-click the inspiration in game and pick info and see what it does, too. They're all color coded.
  11. ... Um... it does tell you? "Complete all 6 task forces ...." "Obtain this badge by earning the following badges?" Or are you looking at once they're earned? Or which *ones* you have on the list? The latter would be useful, at least. Or I'm completely misunderstanding you.
  12. 6, same as the other GMs. Lusca should give more than that, though, yes. He's not significantly *easier* than other GMs - he's just average, and now doesn't have a "cost" to summon him. So give him the average.
  13. Honestly, Adamastor's not worth 10 merits. I could understand the "bonus" back when you had to get the recipe to summon him, as it was something extra, but now you just go there, click, remove hit points for 30 seconds, bam , 10 merits. That's pretty much the entire "special" draw for him. Flip side of that? Lusca should be worth more than 6 merits. That actually takes time and some effort to take down. (And, relevant to the discussion, can't really be camped - she has multiple spawn locations in a large zone, after all, *and* moves during the encounter.)
  14. Badges. And it used to have more of an impact. It used to be the same inside a mission or out in the open world. It used to have a cap twice as high as it went now. (I had a blaster back in I3-I4 who went on a hami raid after hitting 50 and went from 0-1.1 million.) The slowing penalty used to be fairly bad when we didn't have more content - same blaster spent entire levels in debt in the 30s, it seemed, and ran out of content at 38. That said, as far as a cost for dying, even early on it was a "cheap" penalty - we have no equipment to lose, we don't have any debuff other than slowing leveling for a little bit (or losing some patrol XP.) Other games have equipment get worn out or lost, or have annoying "OK, you died, now y ou have to run back to your equipment at -20% damage/health/speed, even though what killed you is still there." Would you *like* it to do more?
  15. First reaction is it "feels" like too many tornado-alikes, but a second browse through.... they're all doing something different, and would at least have visual differences, which would offset that, feel-wise, I think.
  16. I would *not* make them incarnate zones. Put in some incarnate content, sure, but leave the range as it is. Personally, even though they're *large* zones, I like the Shard in general, and think it's a shame that (a) there's not much to do there and (b) people don't use the geysers to get around more. Possibly because everyone's in such a rush to do things. The task force design can use a little updating, sure, but it really needs *missions* and *arcs* to explore while there. I generally don't like "make it a coop zone!" but... yeah, there's not really any reason this wouldn't be. (Just have to explain why SuperHeroDude isn't punching EvilVillainGuy in the face when they cross paths.) So, what I'd do: - Go over the TFs, streamline a bit where *absolutely* needed (sometimes you *do* have to defeat a bunch of stuff in a bunch of places, after all.) - Create missions, both regular and incarnate. Give people reason to go and keep going besides a WTF. - Let Kora fruit give something special. They got nerfed back on live, as I recall. - Badges for travel-by-geyser. And for falling. >.>
  17. I'm thinking more long term. Short term, yes, they should be booted (and if possible, merits after some period removed. Don't leave them with their profits.)
  18. ... more extensive rework if this is becoming an issue - Instead of summoning, it pulls the team into an instance where you fight Adamastor. When finished, you appear back on the platform. But yeah, it's lousy that people are AFK-"farming" him.
  19. Can we talk about how ridiculous it is to necro a thread this old instead of making a new one? Christ, people. What's next, asking if the beta's going to run on your 8088? Responding to a newspaper article mentioning the Barbary pirates? Giving your opinion on that William guy from Normandy?
  20. No, it isn't. Not as a general rule, in any case. Someone like Keith Nance? Yes. You take a mission from him, you're on the arc. He only *has* one arc, then passes you to Jenny Adair, who also only has one arc. However, others will offer multiple missions. Like so: First time I talked to Jose Escalante. Neither of those will start you on an arc. They're one off missions. This is this contact's intro. None will give you merits or (if they show up while an arc is underway) count towards completion of said arc. The ones that will start an arc? Will (typically, I can' tthink of ones that don't do that) have the arc title above the mission.
  21. Tends to be annoying for RP as well. (Honestly, there are a lot of things I'd like to see, RP-wise... like actually sitting in a chair instead of hovering over it or sitting partway through it. But that's a different discussion and a whole lot of other work.)
  22. *shrug* Depends on the power as to if that's reasonable or not, I guess. Most are stackable, I believe. Looking at the attacks in P2W, most are 5000, some are 50,000 (Envenomed daggerx30 and Smoke Grenadex20) and one' s500,000 (smoke flash, 10 charges - which... uh... ) and stack from 10 (smoke flash) to to 30 charges (most.) (So for instance, st louis slammer, the bat, you pay 5000 for 30 charges, and can have up to 300. Costs you 50,000 to fill up.) The "combat" ones (kinetic shield, power analyzer, etc.) are already more expensive - all 50-500,000 each - and let you purchase 10 sets of them (like Ethereal Shift, 5 charges for 500,000, you can stack up to 50 total charges) Summons are the most expensive, with backup radio (5 charges, stack up to 50) at 500k per, and the signature summons being 5 charges for 10m, you can have up to 99 charges (... has anyone done this?) Travel all measures itself in terms of hours - 30 minutes per purchase, up to 5 hours, so 10 charges. I don't think anyone's mentioning travel or summons being perma in this case... though 200 million for a perma temp Statesman or Recluse... >.> That does seem like the inf sink area though (aside from, indirectly-ish, the xp boosters.) So, the pistol (Revolver, 30 charges, 5000 inf) you can *currently* get to 300 charges (stack of 10) as a temp power for 50,000. 20x its power would only be 100,000. Which, granted, it's not a super hard hitter. It'd still be in range of someone wanting to pick it up early for a character. I don't know that it'd cover the inf sink... I'm kind of curious how many people pick it or the grenades up (I do know I do with some. Even Plasmatic Taser.)
  23. Well, at least the quickplay for that is still out for download...
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