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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Fortunately ours techs did not care. The trick back then pre-ISPs was maintaining an account after one had graduated.
  2. Let me tell you about the early days of MUDs pre-MUD clients....
  3. Trusting my poor luck with regards to doing things at the last minute, I made sure to login and purchase last night before going to bed.
  4. I am not sure I would lay that solely at the feet of Stone Armor. Yes, it has a lot of toggles but my experience with Rad/Shield (scrapper) and Elec/Rad (tanker) suggest to me that Radiation Melee is far from innocent when it comes to delivering endurance woes--I struggled to overcome endurance issues on both characters and the thing they have in common is Radiation Melee. By contrast my recent go at Elec/Stone (brute) has felt better as goes endurance than the worst of the experiences with the two aforementioned characters1. I am fairly sure non-extraordinary set IO slotting along with making use of the Energy Mastery2 epic set will alleviate her endurance issues. At the very least she is looking at a 2.2/s endurance recovery difference between what she generates and what she consumes at rest with my current build plan for her. [1] Using basic, non-set IOs on each of the characters. [2] I generally avoid Energy Mastery because I see it as taking one down the road of lost opportunities since it is taken quite often to address endurances woes while giving up more potent build opportunities were endurances not an issue. In the case of my Elec/Stone brute most of her slots were allocated elsewhere, with only three added slots for powers taken from level 35 upward. As such Energy Mastery provided the best bang for such limited slotting bucks.
  5. My sentinel Mind Blaze will have to invite you over for some fiery philosophical debates. 😁
  6. Their buff/debuff powers later yes, but Corruptors get their blasting powers sooner. Moreover the difference between when they get powers varies with level. Tier 1: 0 level difference Tier 2: 1 level difference Tier 3: 2 level difference Tier 4: 4 level difference Tier 5: 8 level difference Tier 6: 8 level difference Tier 7: 10 level difference Tier 8: 9 level difference Tier 9: 6 level difference The speed of levelling is hardly universal but personally I am going to have Tier 6 powers on the secondary somewhere around the 2nd hour play. So will have waited the duration of a TF (probably Posi 2) to have gotten that T6 secondary power over when I would have gotten it on the other AT. Different strokes for different folks and all but that is insignificant in the life and amount of play I will be doing on any character.
  7. On Torchbearer they are announced, two of them back to back, every weekday around 5pm. I don't do Hami but see the messages like clockwork. So many times I can almost repeat the various jokes about Hamicide and the Monty Python references. Then Saturday and Sunday noon I believe (I am often out of the house at these times so have experienced the announcements less than on weekdays) along with the 5pm Hami raids. Did I mention I don't do Hami raids? [Largely because when I tried a few a good while back there was a presumption you knew what was going on with minimal instruction--though I admit there was instruction.]
  8. Do Freaks not run because I have a video of them facing my Savage/EA scrapper where they seem to stick around until their end: KRBW.mp4
  9. Erratic1


    You just described my most recent scrapper: But yeah, back on Live in the first month of the game I made a DM/ Inv scrapper (well before Brutes or IOs were a thing) and he was a mini-tank. Nowadays with IOs.... Someone remind me why I have never revisited DM/Inv?
  10. You were saying something earlier about not reading a post correctly? Pretty sure I was speaking about running out of endurance while having Energy Drain available. You know...that power that gives you endurance? Edit: That was too tempting to ignore as a response. Now you're actually going on ignore.
  11. Better idea. I'll just ignore someone who clearly has no idea WTF they are talking about. Truth is not a democracy and the crowd can be wrong. Still, most people marching to the beat of a different drummer are merely hearing things in their own head...along with voice telling them to do plainly bad things. You might want to make sure you are not one of them.
  12. An Energy Aura player who runs out of endurance at any point past Energy Drain does so because they want to die.
  13. I don't typically spend but a few hours playing the early game. I suppose this might make a difference to someone who plans on languishing in their 20s and even then you're talking a difference in endurance consumptions of 0.18/s--basically meaningless. If 0.18s is the difference between your character's survival and defeat you should probably slot an Endurance Reduction SO somewhere (like an attack since attacks are the primary consumers of endurance). Mid's is far from perfect and gets powers wrong. Why don't we take a trip over to City of Data: Notice the power has two entries for +Defense. That is it gives a base amount (0.75% Defense to S/L/F/C/E/N) and a variable amount based on the number of nearby foes (0.375% Defense to S/ L/F/C/E/N). When you use the power you can check the Power Monitor to see: Look at that...multiple entries for Energy Drain based on the number of foes nearby. Looks like it is adding up to more than 2% and that with the few guys around the character. I will admit that is on a scrappper, not a stalker since my only stalker with Energy Aura is level 23 (and unlikely to go any higher since I dislike the primary I took on her). Maybe some kind soul will happen along to show me that the power works differently on Stalkers by posting from the actual game. Its not like I did not address this already upthread: And you do not even need to get to perma-Energize, just close enough that combined with Energy Drain you never run out of endurance. I pull that routine on my Elec/Rad tanker (Electrical Armor is the resistance mirror set to Energy Aura) who has Energize recharging every 40s.
  14. Posi? The TF where even assuming the higher level of the two you are capped at level 16 maximum, do not have half your powers just barely one-quarter of your slots? You're judging a powerset by how it plays at level 16? 😲
  15. Handy for knowing when Master Illusionists are solid enough to punch. My Elec/Rad Tanker has two auras and they do add up to something noticeable. Proc'ing them out is my next goal.
  16. EA does not have a damage aura but it does have +Recharge which does buff damage throughput since attacks cycle faster.
  17. Does not look like it to me. It gets better values on Kinetic Shield and Power Shield, equivalent to Scrapper and better than Brute on Energy Drain, comparable to Brute and behind Scrapper on Kinetic Dampening. And the complaint was about Endurance costs, which do not look to be any different.
  18. Ice Armor/ Energy Melee using Thunderhead or Electricity Aura. Color Energy Melee attacks to match the color of Ice Armor.
  19. Life is too short to not play what gives you the most enjoyment. If Elec/Ice is firing your imagination more than Stone/Elec, why fight it and not just wholeheartedly dive into Elec/Ice? My latest Tanker's powersets are not a combo which you will see talked about much if at all--Elec/Rad. I cannot hold it up as being either particularly outstanding in the realm of survival nor damage output. But something about the combo and the character theme fired my imagination, even at the point in levelling where it at times it seemed perhaps better to move onto another build. But I could walk away from him. Sure enough, once I got his IOs slotted and upped his global recharge things were so much better--Energize was up 75% of the time reducing endurance issues and Radiation Siphon could serve to both contaminate a target (with decent chance due to its cooldown) and to then proc healing from the same target without needing to play whack-a-mole with randomly contaminated targets. The one that grabs you will be the one you stick with to squeeze the most performance from.
  20. And you do not even need to get to perma-Energize, just close enough that combined with Energy Drain you never run out of endurance. I pull that routine on my Elec/Rad tanker (Electrical Armor is the resistance mirror set to Energy Aura) who has Energize recharging every 40s.
  21. Unless Energy Aura got powers/values utterly out of line with every other implementation on other ATs you are doing something horribly wrong.
  22. No reason other than I like to change things up and hadn't used it in a while. But I will note that before you get Lightning Rod a nifty way to enter a crowd is to pre-target an enemy, queue up Thunder Strike then teleport to the target's location. But that is not really a great reason to choose teleport over any other travel power.
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