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Everything posted by Colder

  1. my necro/cold can do +2 AVs with relative ease, I can do +3 but it gets hairy. it's mostly due to benumb and sleet/freezing rain copy. much easier on my thugs/rad but coldergrave can def do it. edit: I know the post was about necro/time but thought I'd share
  2. I like time, they stay close for farsight and healing and such
  3. replying to save thread for later. I'm running a necro/cold currently, medicine, hasten, and leadership. thinking of swapping medicine for sorcery(spirit ward). hes already 50 but far from perfect. any advice with cold is appreciated. working through the search results now. Thanks, Coldergrave
  4. I just started a DA/ELM for lightning claps stun to stack with OGs stun. I know the updates are coming for energy melee too, so you might consider it as well. DAs strength is near capped resistances to most damage, a defensive toggle, the most powerful heal in the game, and control toggles. Anything that enhances the toggles CC effect is useful. Also, it sucks but plan on taking the endurance re hiduction alpha. I plan on going all the way without energy epic pool. I always get hasten, it can really reduce the amount of time between dark regen. It's not so much important how you slot dark regen as long as you have the chance for endurance in there, I always try to fit at least 4 slots and slot some accuracy and heal from the same theft of essence set, even though it's base accuracy is pretty good. A lot of people put other dmg procs in it as well, but with elec as my secondary I feel I do enough AoE and it's a defensive power for me. I would definitely try to get your recharge as low as possible though, so you can pop it off every 8 secs or so. KB is an issue, I wouldn't get acro but instead slot kb IOs where you can. Oh and one more thing, soul transfer is a damn good rez power, id pick it up. Just imo
  5. Also got a put a vote for ice, just aim frost well and it's practically pbaoe. Either hover or time the jump. Plus frozen aura? And I love trying AoE stalkers...have a fire/ea and a savage/rad...but solo, shit is always gonna run. Having ice melee to slow then down for the stomping is a necessity IMO.
  6. Colder

    New primary

    One thing they wouldn't even have to reskin is elementals. Minions 3 fire imps w beefed up stats Lts 2 electric gremlins, The boss plant? Or maybe jack frost?
  7. Commenting to save this for later.
  8. Bio/fire. People hate combustion because of the cast time but with build up and the offensive toggle running that and fire sword circle clear most of the group. Not to mention he's ridiculously durable with a handful of options for nearly every situation. Vet level 40ish Edit: just wanted to add, my other tanks are Shield/dm, which is a fun combo but the damage just feels extremely low in comparison to the bio/fire. Level 49 And then there is my Elec/MA. I swapped the kicks to the punches and it feels kind of clunky. But he's durable as heck. He's my only red side tanker at this time. Level 46ish I plan on adding an Ice Armor/something eventually, as my favorite toons and mains are an ice/ice stalker, and a Rad melee/ice brute
  9. I'm looking to start an electric melee character, I've never brought one up so want too. I'm currently hung up on brute or tanker, I know it performs best on stalkers with AS replacing the near useless "clap" power, but I prefer the tanky roles (this month, haha) My question is pretty simple, since tanker AoEs were improved, did you electric melee tanks notice a change with thunderstrike and jacob's ladder? Are you hitting more mobs with these attacks? Is the area of effect bigger? Is this enough to roll tank over brute? What about lightning rod, did this power change too? Does it effect more targets or have a bigger aoe? The power that jumps from enemy to enemy, does it effect more targets on tankers? Edit: I forgot to add, this will be my first Rad tanker, but I've got plenty Rad brutes. Did the aoe on ground zero and radiation therapy improve too? I know the brute version of ground therapy effects a set number of enemies or teammates, is the tank version number the same? Is the range at least wider? Same question for therapy, range wider or allow more targets? Thanks so much
  10. I did stj/shield. Added aoe dmg with shield charge. Also grabbed exploding shuriken and targeting drone. I feel like a black ops captain america knockoff.
  11. Savage/bio or savage/rad. Savage is a top contender in aoe for brutes and you can proc out the heal in bio and use the damage buff. In rad proc out the heal and the aoe attack/teammate heal.
  12. I certainly wouldn't say ice is weak. Sure the resistances provided are mostly elemental, which is scarce. But hoarfrost is essentially dull pain, doubling HP is better than absorb. It's super easy to soft cap def to all but psi and the elemental dmg types you resist. And energy absorption can sap the end of minion to boss level mobs from one application and put you well over soft cap. Not to mention slows effectively reduce incoming damage, albeit not by much.
  13. Just an idea here, but what if total focus kept it's extreme damage ST, kept it's ridiculous 3.3 sec animation time, AND added a moderate-high damage aoe that effects all targets surrounding point of impact? Granted this wouldn't fix the speed of the attacks, but it would make the animation more justified. Even if the ST attack was wasted on it's primary target and it dies before TF hits, the aoe still goes off.
  14. I love ice armor. it's underrated and one of the best armor sets. you get so much utility, easily soft capped to energy, neg energy, smashing, lethal and capped resist to cold with moderate resist to fire. energy absoption which saps bosses and below to 0 end recovering you endurance and adding to your def to all but psi. hoarfrost which is a dull pain clone. and 2! PBAoE aggro grabbers, icicles and chilling embrace. if you want it you also get hibernate, an amazing phase power that heals you and recovers endurance I would go fire melee/ice armor for the fun factor. i've seen some do some amazing things with a good patron pool for some more AoE other than fire sword circle, you could even go fire mastery and go the melt armor/fireball route for thematic reasons. I however would like to recommend Radiation Melee/Ice Armor. you get an extra PBAoE toggle with irradiated ground which significantly adds to your AoE capabilities. and it goes well with the new experimentation pool thematically. I went with soul mastery, because darkest night it just even more protection and reskinned green it just looks like radioactive gas, I also got the cone immob which is just awesome, giant green radiation colored tentacles? anyway that's my 2 cents, I would go on about experimentation too but I made a post about it you can view if you want. thanks for listening.
  15. Ice Armor is my favorite set, energy absorbtion saps up to bosses to zero end, and adds to your def and end. Chilling embrace and icicles to hold aggro with the best of them. easily softcapped to energy/neg energy and lethal/smashing. high resist to cold and moderate resist of fire. easy to fit 5 LoTGs without grabbing a ton of pool powers. and hoarfrost, which is a dull pain clone. if you want to pick it up you could grab hibernate too, which is a nice oh shit power if you get over your head. it definitely has synergy with savage and I think it would work fantastically.
  16. I really just wanted experimentation for thematic reasons, so respec'd the rad/ice I've been toying with. I grabbed four powers from experimentation, I skipped the buff. Poison Dart is pretty great. extremely fast, although admittedly my rech is extremely high but it recharges in .6 of a second. Initially it does almost no damage, but DoT packs a punch. 4 darts can take out a minion, although that is also 6 slotted. ( I put 2 earlier realizing the elec affin defender and corrupter were boosting a good bit of that dmg) it does take a second of course, being DoT. but once you get a couple stacked up it starts to go fairly quickly. I picked up Speed of Sound. I didn't have a travel power and its nice, but the crown jewel of this power is the teleport. Jaunt can be used 3 times in a row, and is very quick. I use this power in combat because unlike teleport, you don't hover. so it makes a quick way getting mob to mob. Corrosive Vial is the whole reason I picked this pool. I mean throwing a glass vial of some chemical on my enemies?! Yes, Please! Like Poison Dart, not much damage is done initially, and the recharge is pretty long. after playing with procs ive decided just slotting for damage normally works better, it seems to only hit 8? enemies. really tough to gauge, it might just be a smaller radius than most. I also forgot to add it significantly reduces the enemies def, by 10% unenhanced. It is a fantastic power especially stacked with the DoT of icicles and irradiated ground on top of atom smasher, shit just melts. Adrenal Booster is nice. I've got 3 recharges in it and it still takes over a minute to recharge and lasts a minute, so youre not gonna get this bad boy permad like hasten, but that doesn't make it any less valuable. it boosts dmg, tohit, rech, and secondary effects which is pretty damn cool. I mean more rech more corrosive vials. In summary I love this pool. I've been teaming with an Electric Affinity defender and with that extra dmg holy cow! Stuff is just melting with the DoT! hope this helps anybody thinking about taking the pool! edit: just updated some info
  17. edit: repeat
  18. I run SM/Bio. It's more interactive than my fire farmer. Including shred the aoe dmg is nonstop. I also run the lethal farm. I'd imagine rad would be just as good if not better. I have to admit though, savage is real nice on the AoE as well. I also slotted bios heal for dmg, I've got the absorb heal and God mode regen up so often I don't need it but for its base heal and recovery and it's more useful for dmg IMO
  19. I know people are all anti resist secondaries on stalkers, and for a good reason. However I gave Savage/radiation a try, because I have a staff/bio, am over soft cap to melee and have the extra AoE power in my T8. Not to mention the 33% to dam from meltdown. He feels very strong. I did end up going melee hybrid instead of assault for more def when debuffs are heavy in incarnate content, but overall Gammagator has been a blast and I wouldn't sleep on radiation at all, even though bio seems to do everything it does slightly better.
  20. I run Savage/Rad for my AoE powerhouse. I've gotten his melee def over softcap and he's very viable. I use the tier 8 rad power as another AoE, and it does well with it's 30 cap maximum and moderate dmg with moderate AoE dmg as well. With savages extreme amount of AoE it all falls down. The dmg bonus to meltdown is nice too, 33% I believe
  21. Savage is unreal, I've heard it's better on stalkers for the simple reason hemorrhage is a better power but I've got 8 vet level brutes and invested most of my time and money in the savage/bio, mostly because the damage felt vastly superior and faster than any other set I've played. That said I'm having a tremendous amount of fun with a staff/DA brute. Staff really helped DAd atrocious endurance usage much more managable, and with 3 AoE/come attacks at my disposal he's even viable for farming and can consistently chain aoes with fractions of a second downtime. It's ST dmg is not to be overlooked either. I've got a vet level WM/EA who is "STRONG AND PRETTY" just like the tag line implied. My main farmer is a fire/stone brute, I'm not one to optimize because everyone else does it and the use of fault and tremor with burn are plenty good enough for me to quickly farm +4/x8s so what do I care. I paired TW with rad and at the time this was great, however with the clicky nature of radiation and the lack of symmetry with momentum caused me to abandon the character, but he was my first vet level on homecoming Ive got a dual blades/ice armor brute who performs well enough but I just really wasn't a fan of the combo system, in fact I respecd him to remove the sweep combo. Anything viable but this would be my tier list of my current brutes. Hope it helps.
  22. Colder

    Ice/Bio Build

    I slotted freezing touch with hecta, and the 6th slot the hold VR, unbreakable constraint? with 5 LoTGs and hasten, freezing touch is up every 3 secs, very easy to double stack on bosses as it is but putting superior blistering cold is a good idea since you can probably use the elemental on a bio, im just ice armor. I just threw ragnarok in frost. what I really came here to tell you was slot assassins mark and stalkers guile as early as you can attain them, they make things much easier. I put guile in AS, so I can go into hide from that, and I put mark in Ice Sword, but it makes every attack proc to rech build up so can be put anywhere
  23. Can I say welcome to the minority of stalker sets....You made a wide choice friend. I'll post my build from my home computer later this evening.
  24. Chilling embrace works nicely IMO. they still do take to the hills but it slows there running to a crawl and it aggros mobs out of hide, I use it to herd. I just recent respec'd my ice/ice to mu mastery and got zapp and ball lightning over moonboom and GD I'm a little AoE death machine between frost, frozen aura, ball lightning and ion judgement it just all falls
  25. Chaos United is always looking for more members. Send me a tell in game and we'll see what I can do for you. We have plenty members who play late and do a variety of Incarnate material, and Rikti Ship Raids, TFs every single night starting at varying times. something is always going on whether being pick up or planned. we have an active discord and Coalition with many many top tier SGs. Colder
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