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Impish Kat

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Everything posted by Impish Kat

  1. So, I have a trick to lighten a doorway .... Sink a florescent light below the floor. And, since we don't seem to have towels anywhere, I made a towel table for my pool/sauna room...
  2. oh, yah. This forum is weird about attachments. It only supports very very tiny pictures (I think I was told 65x65). Best to host images on a photo host site like imgur, then use the links with the image icon in the post editor. To resize photos in the forums, toggle the formatting (the blue arrow in the red brackets), and add in a width parameter to the first image tag like so: [ img width=500] (without the extra space at the beginning).
  3. Just remember that zones are still alignment related, so teleporters to red side won't work for heroes, and vice versa.
  4. I've tested and confirmed that you do NOT need power and control for the teleporters to work. However, you DO need power and control for several medical items to work. (So if you die in a mish and want to hosp to base, you need power and control for the med pod)
  5. Did the 'porter interface show with a simple mouse-over while standing still? Or you think it was connected to the jump power? Have you been able to repeat it? 'Cause ya... afaik, the interface shouldn't show up in edit mode.
  6. hmmm... yah. Bases are supposed to be non-alignment these days. If that's been changed, it should have been mentioned.
  7. Could not disagree more. Hard pass on all of this. It may not be your intention, but it smacks of forcing others to play the way you think the game should be played.
  8. It looks like you have the 'porter selected, yes? What does it look like when you have a beacon selected? Does the 'porter turn yellow? Also, I've noticed that for some unknown reason, 'porters don't seem to like to connect in doorways. I don't know if anyone else has had that problem. Otherwise, this setup looks correct. Have you tried logging out and back into the game? Sometimes that refreshes everything into working correctly.
  9. Hey folks... if you're adding your passcodes to the google doc, make sure you're adding them to the correct server tabs. Each server has their own tab along the bottom.
  10. If I ran the game on my Win7 6 years ago without issue, and now I run the game on the exact same Win7 rig and there is only one issue (in regards to performance).... where do you think the issue really lies? It takes about 90 seconds to load the character screen. I have no other delayed loading or zoning issues. I have no other play or performance issues. Here's a question.... Has anyone asked if Leo's server had this issue?
  11. Omg... the sewer base... I need to clean up after that.... Oh look! a sauna. I'll just ignore the strange chanting sounds coming from... somewhere. Maybe I'll go visit that new Vamp nightclub... I'm sure nothing terrible could happen there.
  12. I can almost guarantee that if prestige were enabled in such a way to affect building, there would be a riot. Prestige was a divisive mechanic. It created a game experience of haves and have-nots, big groups vs. small groups. I prefer the more equitable situation we have now. As for raids... they were a flustercluck back on live, another divisive mechanic that created hostility and antagonism. Personally, I'd prefer to never see them back. If Prestige were re-imagined as a mechanic to keep track of group activities without affecting builders or ruining bases... I could maybe understand something like that.
  13. Could it be related to some vestige of the queue coding? (I'm not a coder, I'm just tossing theory out)
  14. Not without a client texture mod... but then all your sg members would have to load the same mod in order to see it. Would be a nice QoL, but not sure how difficult it would be to implement. In the meantime, there is the alphabet or sg logo items. Personally, I just keep IO's in bins by level. Members are on their own for sets/specials. Since we are allowed to have 3 builds, it's possible to have a "running" basic build and set up a "super" build that can be specced as enhancies get made... least, that's what I tend to do.
  15. I do run Win7... but it seems odd, since I ran the game on Win7 on this same rig in the past and there was no problem then.
  16. My first thought was a shield, but then I realized that felt more like "defender". Currently, I have it set to the "punch fist".
  17. Actually, there is already a base passcode thread in the Base Construction forums. One of the builders just posted a google doc that everyone can use, and each server has their own tab along the bottom... https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t3z63gpzeTzY9Sb0mlp9snTTECH4JYpfBiSnAHqASKM/edit?usp=sharing
  18. Yup... same thing here. No matter what server, no matter how few characters I have (some servers I only have one), and even when the server load is "medium" with two green dots; the character list takes a long time to load. Other than that, the game runs smoothly for me, even at peak hours and on weekends. Technically, I suppose this should be in the Bug forums. ;)
  19. I do recall that certain items with fx will leave their fx behind for a while. Usually, just stepping out of the base for a bit would fix it. Sometimes it required logging out of the game. However, this particular bug seems to be specific to the entrance portal, and exiting the base and logging out does not seem to alleviate the problem. One person ended up waiting until server maintenance for it to fix itself. Additionally, the fact that the "extras" actually turn into delete-able items is not something I've heard of before.
  20. Portal + Beacon goes to a point. Portal + Beacon must pair by proximity and match by style. This is why you will find both of them in the same tab. The point itself can be placed anywhere. Remember to set a separate portal + beacon and point to get back to where you came from. ;)
  21. Precisely why that room cannot be deleted. Even though you can access the base editor with the command /editbase 1, the entrance room seems to actually hold the code for it.
  22. Oh Healix... I love Mimikas "true form" as well as her various mimics!
  23. Thank you for explaining this... I had never really quite understood how it was supposed to work.
  24. The nudge features would be awesome if possible. The Glass Floor... much like the open skies... would love that!
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