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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. I've retreated to Civilization5. I'm resuming my four-year quest to beat Emperor level with either Indonesia or the Aztecs. I'll let you know how that works out in another four years. ...seriously, though, I have no idea how people play and win on Deity level. I'm surprised I don't have permanent bootmarks on my backside from the thrashing Emperor level has given me.
  2. Yep, level 20. Blueside, you'd kick it off by talking to the City Representative in City Hall (Atlas Park). Redside, I think you could tag either of the starting contacts in Mercy Island, but not sure. No idea what issue it was. I started playing in Issue 6, and to my knowledge, the mission was already in place.
  3. I remember when people considered empath the only real healer. I also remember ticking off a teammate when she insisted we get a "healer," told me there was an empath available (I was the leader), and I chose a Storm def just because.
  4. Whenever anyone asks why I hated "Into Darkness," I ask them to re-watch it after watching these two. Khan was my hero among villains.
  5. Remember when the horse from Duillond to Celondim would veer off-trail and leap into the ravine, carrying you to a swift, confusing, and unavoidable death? Oh, wait, wrong game.
  6. These costumes really do emphasize the need for a "Headbutt" powerset, though.
  7. My first thought was, if she's a little kid, let her be a kid! The casual wear doesn't need to be that fancy, especially the boots, and the combination of backwards cap and shades really hides her age (or lack thereof). I can appreciate the struggle, though - most of the "young faces" are really "young adult" faces. Only young faces 3, 5, 10, and 15 seem child-like to my eyes. Also, using face shapes "average 2" and "average 4" seem to make the face more youthful - without making it monstrous 😨 I went with Feisty hair in the pic, but I also liked Serrated sugar, Shag, Gamine, Bangs, Club, and High Ponytail. Pigtails are RIGHT OUT. The forward cap could work though. There wasn't much I could do about the shirt. I'd hoped to go with a "baggy" or "jacket" option, but couldn't find anything I liked. As for the pilot outfit, I thought it was fine as it stands, so I'll let someone else tackle that one. Anyway, here's my first attempt: Kid Hero.costume
  8. As I get ready to wimp out yet again on staying up to welcome in the new year, I figured this would be a good song to usher out the old. Herb Alpert - Rise
  9. Holy smokes - Wurm Online is still a thing?
  10. Not at all! So long as your immortal characters don't automatically assume they're the only immortals in town.
  11. Yep, maybe this is the way, OP. Run a "mirror image" def/corr pair in Praetoria or the Rogue Isles and see which one you like better. On a side note, my defender addiction ended hard on Live. My regular posse had left the game one by one, and my early 40s Kin/Arch defender was mostly on her own. In boredom, I tried soloing a bank mission - and found I just could not do it. My controllers had no problem soloing, nor did my Dark/Arch def (though let's be honest - that's just a controller in disguise). But the support character I played the most, teamed with the most, just could not save that bank. So, yeah, self-sufficiency was the key to my conversion. Try it and see how it goes.
  12. Not exactly a costume piece, but how about a fly pose that uses the hover animation?
  13. Love DS9, almost as much as the original series. Sisko's "Saint in Paradise" speech is probably my favorite to quote, and I loves seeing humanity through Quark's critical eyes. In many ways, I think the two shows are closer to each other than any other of the series.
  14. Until ST:TNG, I always wondered if bongo drums were a product of convergent evolution. Seems like every species in the galaxy developed them separately.
  15. I appreciate the offer of support, @CrudeVileTerror, but it's usually best to just let nature take its course. I'm already at the stage where I feel vaguely ticked off when I log in. Just a matter of time now.
  16. I've backslid. I'm now playing World of Warcraft again, and I blame Matt Mercer. I recently started watching clips of Critical Role on youtube, the background music has a lot of WoW tunes in it, and I'm one of those suckers who can get pulled back into a game in spite of myself because I miss the ambient sounds and graphics. Don't worry, though - I'm already getting bored.
  17. I"m not the most active participant on this board, but I'd say both. The first attempt gives me a baseline to work with - a tweak here, a swap there, maybe fiddle with the colors, and see what, if anything, "clicks." The concept, however, gives me room to run with my own interpretation, which may stray far from the starting costume. I know for myself, I like to see other people's creativity at play, and whether I use their ideas or not, they almost always open up new ways to think about the character. Often the end result is me designing something I never would have though of on my own.
  18. Attempted murder is just a cat's way of showing she cares.
  19. Biggest, maybe, but wildest? Digging the Shimmer style myself, but after uploading these, I realized the colors for both styles could use more "massaging." There are also a few dreadlock options, but I've never been a fan of 'em.
  20. This looks like a much better version of a character I made way back when. He was a soldier for a long lost civilization of anaerobic beings that had lasted for millions of years before the Great Oxidation Event. He was the only member of his brigade who survived some monumental battle, and per protocol, went dormant by compressing himself into a small, hard nodule of organic matter to await rescue. But rescue never came. Fast-forward a couple billion years, and a human expedition to the bottom of the sea discovered the odd nodule (because reasons). The scientists couldn't figure out what the thing was. They kept it in a sealed, high-pressure aquarium to simulate the deep ocean, but by chance, the aquarium's aerator broke down one night, thereby greatly reducing the water's oxygen level. The scientists were surprised to discover the nodule unfolding into some... thing... the next day. The original character was a Spines/Regen scrapper, and it was basically my excuse to make fart jokes (I named him Methane Man) and lewd visual spine-based puns. Got bored of it real quick, though.
  21. Is the glitch tied to the Katana powerset, or to the weapon models? Broadsword and Dual Blades both have some katana-adjacent models.
  22. Maybe you've played "Thief: The Dark Project," maybe you haven't. But a musician friend and I can tell you that singing this song while running the level "Down in the Bonehoard" will forever change the game for you. Of course, this was back when I could actually do the background hoots. Paul Simon - Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard
  23. I was addicted to Avalon Hill back in the day - most notably Civilization (nothing to do with Sid Meiers) and Diplomacy. Just as Hervor's sword Tyrfing could not be unsheathed without drawing blood, neither could these games be opened without being played. Just, you know, no blood involved. Risk was a favorite with my college crowd, but personally it left me flat (weird, given my love for Diplomacy). So I introduced them to the card game Illuminati (by Steve Jackson Games), and I don't recall playing Risk after that. However, that sort of ended after I set out to show just what the Society of Assassins could do... Played a lot of Starfleet Battles as well. Loved it, but to be honest, I never really got the hang of it. Then a buddy introduced us to "play by mail" games (no internet back then), and those pretty much took over. After that, I never really got back into board games again, not even computerized versions.
  24. Study the ancient texts, for they are the path to enlightenment.
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