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Everything posted by TheOtherTed

  1. I, uh, might have got caught singing this at work today, so, you know, might as well share it here... I Don Quixote from Man of La Mancha
  2. Sure - but if your character wears something other than a default black-and-white costume, you probably do care about the character's image. You're right that badges and titles aren't for everyone, but the OP's right in that the right title or badge can add distinctiveness to any character. Consider it an optional costume piece, if nothing else. That said, I'm picky as hell about titles and badges. Most of the default titles don't interest me at all, but a lot of the badges are spot on for one character or another. My all-time favorite so far is "The Thief of Midnight," but I'll only ever wear that one one particular character.
  3. The Goldside login screen music. Sounds so much more epic to my ears than pretty much anything in game. Ending an attack chain with a KB power, especially with Martial Arts or Martial Combat. Sure, you're wasting damage, but there's a satisfying finality to ending a fight by sending your foe flying.
  4. I'm 92.8% sure that it was not. I used titles all the time on live, and I don't remember having to fiddle with the colors.
  5. ...dammit. My brain just went in 10 different directions it wasn't meant to go.
  6. Dual wielding clothes hangars, please. The heavy plastic or wood kind for hanging coats and suits, if it's not too much to ask. Also, still waiting for my ukelele war mace. Although cello for Titan Weapons might be fun as well.
  7. Perfect! I loved it. Walk into a pack of mobs, wait until they register that you're there, then drop Cloak of Fear, Oppressive Gloom, and Death Shroud. Gives me that "uncanny force of nature" feeling that only an Illusion controller can match.
  8. Not ignoring what Blastit said, but I wanted to respond to this: I'm running a scrapper with Shinobi-iri, and I don't mind saying that it feels overpowered - especially for a level 4 ability. It's designed to give a scrapper a devastating ambush, second only to Stalkers. Granted, a distant second, but still nasty. I also don't see a problem giving Brutes or Tanks stealth abilities as such. I'd argue that high-powered ambushes and on-demand placates would do more than stealth to make a character ninja-esque. When I played Dark Armor brutes and tanks on live, I didn't feel like a ninja at all. I felt more like Lurch - you know, sidling up out of nowhere at the ring of a bell and being all menacing. (BTW, if anyone can find a decent video clip of Lurch saying "You rang?", it would be much appreciated.)
  9. Ever hear something on the radio and suddenly it feels like your new favorite music? Me neither, but this one reminded me today that I just don't get enough Beethoven in my life. Beethoven - Symphony No 7, Movement 2, Allegretto
  10. I like ranged and blapping both just fine. Maybe a pros/cons list will help. I'm re-creating my TA/Archery defender as a blaster, so I'll start with that first. TA/Archery def Pros: I know the set well Those sweet, sweet Leadership bonuses Smooth rotations Between TA and Leadership, high potential to be the secret tactician on teams Cons: I've hit the soloability wall - I like teaming, but soloability is a strong requirement Arrows. Always with the arrows. Archery/TA blaster Pros: Something new - I've made a couple of false starts, but the set is still largely new to me Soloability Smooth rotations Battlefield control/management potential similar to TA def Cons: Arrows. Always with the arrows. Mobility. Maybe this is a "me" thing, but on my false start playthroughs, I always feel like a turret Sorely missing those sweet, sweet Leadership bonuses Archery/Ninja Training blaster Pros: Soloability Neat little toys that may fit the concept better (a near-future super-soldier with high-tech cybernetics) Vanguard katana complements the Vanguard bow nicely - will admit this is the major reason I'm considering NT Cons: Still missing those sweet Leadership bonuses Rotations not so smooth. Martial Training and many other blapping sets have a nice flow to them; Ninja Training feels, well, in a word, choppy The whole Leadership bonus thing again So - anything to add to the pile? Anything to remove? Other things to consider?
  11. ...Archery/Tactical Arrow, or Archery/Ninja Training?
  12. I genuinely would like to play, and I've made a few false starts (with some incredibly cool looking characters), but the low-level doldrums hit me especially hard in FFXIV, much more so than any other MMO. Best analogy I can think of is that I feel like I'm running Breakout for days. I vaguely remember that there was an update that addressed that (among other things) - is that true, and did it actually help?
  13. Am I showing my age too much if I wonder whether the dancers in both videos now have serious knee issues?
  14. "Yoink!" runs off with the costume file
  15. For the kiddies who don't know... ...and also because I can't help myself.
  16. I think we only played one or two sessions, but it impressed me enough that I went out and bought it. Couldn't find supplements for it though, try as I might (this was well before the internet was a thing), and my buddies were far more invested in RM at the time (soooo many stats! soooo many tables! soooo much math!). And, yeah, the MERPS books were great! I ended up working with a guy who wrote a few of those. I'll admit I fan-gushed a bit, but the fact that we were working at a convenience store quickly brought me back to Earth...
  17. Yeesh, that's a big window... If I'm channelling the internet gods correctly, that would have been late May 2008. Any way to narrow that down? ...and why am I so invested in this all of a sudden? 🤔
  18. Remember when video games shipped with instruction books? Actual, physical, printed-on-paper books? Just found the following while looking up random stuff: http://www.cityofheroes.ca/global/includes/pdf/CoH_Manual.pdf
  19. Interesting. Any idea when this might have been? I could see people messing around with it if it were added after launch (I mean, I certainly would have), but I'd also expect there'd be some heated forum fallout from it. It might still be in the archived version of the pre-sunset forums somewhere - link below. https://web.archive.org/web/20120904100456/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/index.php Disclaimer: I didn't start playing until early January 2006.
  20. I agree, but her name doesn't roll of the tongue quite like "Queen Maeve" (and, not to put too fine a point on it, it's also easier to make fun of). As for Maeve being a call-out to Wonder Woman, yep, that's pretty clear. Almost all the costumed supes are direct riffs on some DC character or other.
  21. She's neither of those things. And she's no more an Amazon than Wonder Woman is a Valkyrie. Yeah. That's right. I got pointlessly angry. And I'm prepared to say things that I'll regret!
  22. A wise man once said that once bread becomes toast, it can never go back.
  23. I am having visions of a half-forgotten childhood.
  24. Awww, Scrapper Archetype forgives you.
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