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Everything posted by biostem

  1. The only thing I would add is that, early on, most ATs play very similarly, but once you get into the late teens to 20s, you start to encounter a lot more mez effects, and at that point, if you're planning on mostly soloing, you're really going to not having status protection...
  2. If the effects of your "slotted enhancement" lasts more than 4 hours, contact your doctor...
  3. I'm actually surprised that they haven't tried to create a live action film with Miles Morales in it...
  4. What they could do is apply a placate effect, whilst at the same time creating the aforementioned "temporal echo", using a combination of illusion's phantom army mirror option, along with the destructible nature and taunt effect of the SoA's Omega device, (only with no damage component).
  5. I wonder if it would be possible to implement some sort of "temporal echo" effects as part of such a proposed armor set - basically, you create decoys of yourself that enemies falsely attack instead of you. Besides that, the set kind of sounds like ice armor with a few tweaks, (not that that's a bad thing). Take some elements of ice armor, energy aura, and perhaps some powers from blasters' temporal manipulation, to come with something that has a unique feel or playstyle...
  6. I'm going to make 3 recommendations, (though 2 use the same secondary powerset). Namely, those are: 1. Dual Pistols/Ninjitsu Sentinel - You have the advantage of range and a secondary set with pretty much no holes in the protection it provides. On top of that, dual pistols has its "swap ammo" power, which provides an added layer of versatility - want more damage, go with incendiary ammo. Want more range and control, switch to cryo ammo. Want a bit more in the way of debuffs, give toxic ammo a try. Ninjitsu also provides a self heal or endurance recovery power that you can use on demand. 2. Katana/Ninjitsu Scrapper - In addition to the already-mentioned advantages Ninjitsu grants you, Katana is a solid set and can further compliment the defense that Ninjitsu already grants you. 3. Radiation Armor/Savage Tanker or Savage/Radiation Armor Brute - Whichever of these 2 you go with, they'll be a solid powerhouse. Savage Melee is about sustained damage and provides a significant self recharge and endurance discount buffs, plus a bit of added mobility in its T9 attack. Radiation Armor provides solid resistances and will pretty much make sure you never run out of endurance. It also offers absorption, which is uncommon among armor sets, as well as a PBAoE power that both harms & debuffs enemies, whilst also healing allies.
  7. Some old ideas mixed with some new ones: "Lux Arcana"
  8. Ad hom - when you can't argue the points.
  9. LOL! Edits out derogatory and baiting language, then accuses others of cowardice. Classic move!
  10. Now address my other points...
  11. Yeah yeah... We've heard this song before; They're meanies for not implementing what someone wants, they're meanies for giving an answer to a question, (if that answer isn't what you wanted to hear), and if they take action in response to a person bringing up an issue they made a decision on and said was over... 🥱
  12. That one time in the mire...
  13. Another option is to include the costume or likeness of the person you want to remember in an AE mission - even if it had the minimum to depict said person/character, since you can utilize custom NPCs there...
  14. Kind of a related question - if someone created a SG base, and shared the access code, does that persist when they go offline? Maybe people could create their own memorial SG bases for those they wish to remember, and simply post the access code in a section of these forums...
  15. I think you touched on some salient point, @Greycat; It's one reason why I suggested having a separate, instanced area where any and all memorials can be placed without impacting the rest of the game. Further, and this is where I think things get contentious - exactly how fondly remembered or popular must someone be to get such treatment? If someone near and dear to me passed away, but only played a handful of times, are they any less deserving of being immortalized than someone who everyone knew and played all the time? If you had the "endless memorial hall", then all requests could be honored, but out in the open world, who or by what criteria is person A granted such special status, but person B is not?
  16. In reading some of the various sets, whilst deciding what character to create next, I noticed a few oddities with how some sets are described. Do you think any of these pointed to some additional aspects or components of these sets that were never implemented, or just artistic flourish/liberty? Example 1 - Gravity Control: "This power set allows you to manipulate the forces of gravity to control your foes. Enemies have little defense against Gravity powers." > I do not recall gravity control having any special acc bonus or -def mechanic. Do you think the "Enemies have little defense" part is just flavor, or was the set going to have other effects/debuffs? Example 2 - Ice Control: "You can draw moisture from the air to create icy formations. With these abilities, you can control ice with remarkable precision to dominate your foes." > What makes ice control have "remarkable precision"? Again, it's not more accurate than other control sets, IIRC...
  17. Even if you kept the exact same animation, and just replaced the gout of flame with a generic muzzle flash effect, it'd be a big improvement for those not wanting to use a "frankengun"...
  18. Insert compulsory "shrinkage" comment [here]...
  19. I don't know if it's just me, but after watching the trailer, the character models and animations are falling squarely in the "uncanny valley". I mean them no ill will, but I'm going to have to pass on this one...
  20. My only concern is that, at some point, wouldn't things get a bit... crowded? I figured if we had a central location for such tributes, and since as an instanced area it could be expanded as needed, it would offer the best of both worlds...
  21. Maybe they could use a door in Echo Plaza to connect to a sort of "Memorial Hall", which can include such tributes...
  22. I don't think suggesting something on these forums necessarily precludes them from ever being implemented. I think it's more like "hey I made this thing, you should implement it" as not a path they can take...
  23. I think this hits the nail on the head - for me, at least, CoH offers a degree of familiarity, flexibility, and comfort that's hard to get elsewhere, but at the same time, that can lead to boredom and/or tedium. Taking breaks is a good piece of advise others have offered. Similarly, you may want to look at something like Epic games - I'm not endorsing the publisher, but they do offer free games every week, (and not just for some trial period), so it may be worth looking into. There are also other good F2P games out there, or, heck, even some other CoH servers that implemented new and different powersets/ATs...
  24. The benefit of the fear effect is that it pretty much works on every enemy. That, IMHO, is enough to make such a set, if not worth actually implementing, at least worth contemplating. The problem is that each attack after the first would basically break the effect, (even if it further extended it). It'd be like a weird sort of cross between a hold effect and a sleep effect. I wonder if such a set would be better implemented to have some powers apply fear, whilst others consume it to produce other effects - maybe you could temporarily summon a "nightmare" or other form of "fear entity" by consuming said effect...
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