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Everything posted by biostem

  1. So I was playing a newish elec/nin sentinel, went to pick a power, and noticed this: But... but... I'm the sentinel! 🥺🥺🥺
  2. It's be funny if all the attacks/powers could make enemies randomly fall on their faces, (read: get knocked down). Maybe also impart a very short-lived but potent confuse effect to simulate enemies accidentally attacking their allies.
  3. They will remove the aggro caps once they implement AI intelligent enough to realize said tanker isn't the real threat...
  4. Aping off a recent design, I present "CloakStrike":
  5. Don't you mean UNdead???
  6. I wonder how the Null immunity actually works - does it grant you a power that specifically counters group fly, does it apply a -fly effect that only triggers when it detects group fly as being on you? Knowing this might help to address what can or cannot be done...
  7. That's exactly what someone spying on you would say!!! <.< >.>
  8. It's frustrating, because while most of us here know to go to Null and take care of the issue for our own characters, there isn't really anything, (other than asking around), for new players to address this on their own...
  9. I have a fair number of MMs; I just dismiss then resummon if I need to travel any great distance... Sure, it can be a PITA, but MMs are kind of a "high maintenance" AT, anyway...
  10. Isn't that exactly what's going on? It may not be 100% civil, but AFAIK, no one has come to actual blows regarding this subject...
  11. If there's one thing that Once Bitten taught me, it's that the biggest vein is in the groin...
  12. At this point, it's more of a "philosophical dispute"; Should 1 person be able to remove the agency of other players, by "forcing" flight upon them? Is it better to inconvenience the 1 person using the power, or other multiple other people who don't want it used? It's kind of similar to the phasing/intangible discussions around those powers...
  13. Does your "wondering" extend to having done a search of the forums? Always take the approach that you are not the first person to come up with something, and do a few searches just to make sure...
  14. The OP reminds me of the "compliment sandwich" trope - "I love CoH! Be afraid that lots of people are leaving! I'm not going anywhere, though."
  15. I mistyped and should have said "aren't". My bad...
  16. Here depicted with her favorite "Best Teacher" trophy, the "Metal 'Marm" model of education automaton is suitable for all climates and grade levels! Now featuring their own "Healthy Glow (tm)" power source, this latest generation model will run for decades without ever needing a recharge or refuel! Spent fuel core disposal separate. Do not operate near evil.
  17. I think, much like savage melee's special ability, that it should be a more reliable mechanism, built into every power, instead of relying on its version of build up...
  18. Different take - what if we got, through some mechanic, (perhaps an extension of the Incarnate system), that gave us "slots", but they weren't connected to any powers. Instead, you could place any set IO in it, and gain the benefit of any set bonuses, (but NOT the normal stat bonuses from the IOs themselves)...
  19. Fantastic design! How'd you get those fangs, though?
  20. I mean, "feathered dragons" aren't the most outlandish thing ever, in a fantasy setting... EDIT: Corrected typo.
  21. There's a setting to use low color/alternate/compatible cursors in the settings menu... Have you tried that? Barring that, I believe "Vidiotmaps" replaces the actual map textures, which might help...
  22. TBH, I'd take a different approach; Divorce the "siphon strength" function from "Power Siphon", and instead give each power its own chance to apply a "Power Siphon" effect, and when you hit an enemy with this debuff on them, you gain a buff to your own damage and recharge...
  23. I don't understand why they have to retread what's already been covered; They've established this wonderful world full of different types of dragons; Why not just have a new story taking place somewhere else in that same world?
  24. I am mulling over some ideas for a generic "Sci-Fi Soldier" character. One AT/powerset combination I'm considering is an illusion/arsenal dominator. Am I setting myself up for failure? Anyone try this combo? Any other suggestions? I'd love to hear what you have to say. Thanks!
  25. You could combine the various "ranged slash" animations from claws focus and shockwave with katana animations, for some of the attacks...
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