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Glacier Peak

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Everything posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Animal crackers are awesome! I used to love eating red licorice when I'd get them in MREs, specifically the Red Vine brand.
  2. I discovered the wonderful relationship between nachos and gaming many years ago. Recently I thought of how CoH/V have elements of 'doing something then waiting' in its gameplay, so snacks work their way in pretty easily. I'm quite fond of pitaschios and a nice cold black tea. If I'm playing for more than an hour or two, I like to have more than one thing to snack on. Or if I'm on auto pilot, I'll eat a meal and play while watching a movie or something like that. What about you?
  3. Doesn't partake in premium costumes, gets made in to one...
  4. Like the other poster said, I also recommend trying them out on the beta shard before purchasing. Below was the in-game screenshots provided in the patch notes last year. Doesn't show all of them, but it might have what you are looking for. Edit: There is also a wonderful collection of user submitted screenshots for each costume at the following Homecoming Wiki link: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Prismatic_Aether_Particle_Salvage Wave 2 Aether Prestige Rewards Aether Prestige Costume Additions & Updates [Focused Feedback: Costume & Pet Reward Updates] The Prestige Costume icons have been simplified and now there are only four, and they correspond to the Tier / Rarity of the costume. Tier 1 / Common / White Tier 2 / Uncommon / Yellow Tier 3 / Rare / Orange Tier 4 / Very Rare / Purple 'Mode' has been dropped from the names of costumes that change based on the body type of the user and they no longer incur a price increase on the BenevoLabs vendor. Costumes that change based on the user's body type have been noted in BenevoLab vendor's offerings and in the costume power's descriptions. Some specific Prestige Costumes have had sheathed/holstered weapon displays enabled on them for specific body types. This means your normal costume's body type must match the costume's in order for the weapon to display. The type that inherits is noted in the description. Costumes that are compatible have been noted in the BenevoLab vendor's offerings and in the costume power's descriptions. Look for these on the vendor if you're interested! Tier 1 - Standard Costumes The two Vanguard costumes are now considered Tier 1 and match all standard specifics of that tier. The missing Wave 1 - Tier 1 costumes that changed based on the body type of the user have been enabled and priced at 10 Prismatic Aether Particle salvage each: 'Costume: Crey Agent' 'Costume: Olympian Guard' 'Costume: Paragon Protector' 'Costume: Praetorian Clockwork' 'Costume: Vahzilok Eidolon' Forty-one new Wave 2 - Tier 1 costumes have been added to the selection on the BenevoLabs costume vendors: NEW WAVE 2 - TIER 1 AETHER COSTUME ADDITIONS: Tier 2 - Legacy Costumes The Tier 2 costumes have been enabled on the BenevoLabs vendors, priced at 100 Prismatic Aether Particles each. These costumes feature discontinued appearances. The initial Wave 1 - Tier 2 costume offerings can be found in the Issue 27, Page 4's patch notes. 'Costume: Legacy Circle Mage' has been renamed to 'Costume: Legacy Circle Ruin Mage'. Five new Wave 2 - Tier 2 Prestige Costumes have been added to the selection on the BenevoLabs costume vendors: NEW WAVE 2 - TIER 2 AETHER COSTUME ADDITIONS: Tier 3 - Premium Costumes & Effects The Tier 3 rewards have been enabled on the BenevoLabs vendors, priced at 250 Prismatic Aether Particles each: This tier features rewards that can change or enhance the looks of your costumes. Tier 3 rewards are advanced customization offerings that are limited for social and/or game performance reasons. Effect powers are their own category of costume enhancement and only one can be active at a time, but they can be used at the same time as a costume power. The pop-menu accolade 'Disable Costumes' option will also disable these Effect powers. As of Issue 27, Page 5's release, there are three Tier 3 rewards featured: 'Costume: Mini Mode' that featured in last Page's notes and makes your costume's model very small. Mini Mode costume cannot be used in PvP. 'Effect: Ghost' which makes makes your model transparent and adds a spectral glow. Tint of the glow can be customized and the transparency turned off in the power customization menu. 'Effect: Shadow' which darkens your model's lighting and adds glowing eyes. Tint of the eyes be customized or the eyes turned off in the power customization menu. WAVE 2 - TIER 3 AETHER OFFERINGS: Tier 4 - Deluxe Costumes The Tier 4 costumes have been added to the BenevoLabs vendors, priced at 1500 Prismatic Aether Particles each: This tier features costumes that have bizarre looks and are oddities you won't see anywhere else. As of Page 5's release, the first offered Tier 4 costumes will be 'Costume: Undefined Mode' which was formerly named 'Mode Costume: Blobby' that featured previously. Another will be made available in a few months. 'Costume: Undefined Mode' automatically also comes with 'Costume: Mini Undefined Mode' for free when purchased! The mini version of this costume cannot be used in PvP. This costume's functionality has been upgraded and it now inherits various elements from your normal costume when used, making it possible to create some interesting and unique looks with it! ---> OR That sure is unusual looking! Seasonal Prestige Costume Additions Seasonal Prestige Costumes are now considered Tier 1 and match all standard specifics of that tier. Two new Halloween Prestige Costume rewards have been added to the various Halloween salvage vendors, priced at 10 Prismatic Aether Particles + 50 of each Halloween salvage type each: 'Costume: Ancient Vampire' 'Costume: Arisen Mummy' Spooky season is always in style! Prestige Costume Fixes Fixed an error with costumes using PlayerBeast's standard movement animations not using the correct set. Fixed Male Eidolon's costume having an extra boot. Fixed missing belt on Nemesis Lieutenant costume. Costumes Costume Additions & Changes All > Special Helmets > Arachnos Helmets: Tintable variants of all the Arachnos helmets have been added. 'Mystic Helm' renamed to 'Mu Mystic Helm' in the editor.
  5. That's who that was! I knew I heard the voice before 😄
  6. Ah that was the other one I thought wasn't very story polished!
  7. Glacier Peak


    I'd read this thread, but page 5 specifically if you're short on time.
  8. For anything Ice Blast/ Cold Domination Corruptor 🥶 It's what I've used, so I know it can solo anything outside of incarnate trials.
  9. Hamidon bud or mitos Polygon / wireframe model from GM_Bot shenanigans Lusca tentacle Inanimate objects
  10. I'm liking the second season, but I don't like how long it's taking to return to the cliff hanger (?) from the first season. Introducing all these new characters is diluting the serious tone that the last episode of the first season finished on. I never read the comics, so I'm not sure how much it's deviating from it's source material.
  11. I'll watch this on D+. I'm happy with the MCU style of film. Sometimes I just want to turn my brain off and watch colorful explosions on my nice TV screen. Or have a long movie to watch during travel. My expectations are neither exceeded or lowered when I watch this genre of movie. I enjoyed Avengers Infinity War and Endgame because both were quite a cultural phenomenon in my social circle. I think Iron Man 3 is the worst of three dozen or so MCU movies, but if it was playing in a DMV waiting area, I'd watch it.
  12. What's more odd is seeing anyone post in this sub forum 🤔
  13. Yeah, it is an interesting evolution - originally Cold Domination was helpful back during the original Statesman Strike Force. The -regen from Benumb coupled with the -res and -def, slows and -rech, and then giving the Brute more +Max HP from Frostworks and some additional +def from the shields. Then a player could floor an enemy's endurance recovery with Heat Loss. It has been the total package, both solo and in teams running any content since CoV launch. I enjoy Empathy in PvP settings because its a race to reverse the damage received on spike calls. Whoever follows up the fastest either with a full bar heal (Absorb Pain) or a clean spike usually gets the win.
  14. Cold Domination has been the best support set since City of Villains released.
  15. Boy that ending weaved together nicely 😄
  16. What makes something a cake? Does it need icing? I like home made fruit cake. I've never had store bought.
  17. The only thing that Origin affects for me when I create a character is the list of titles I can use at Level 1 and 25 (also depends on whether I choose Villain, Vigilante, Hero, or Rogue). Make all titles available to all characters! Down with the Origin gatekeeping! 🙃
  18. Oh man that is cool, but what about the merging of two Kronos Titans in to an Uranus/Ouranos - that would be absolutely nuts! It could be like the Crey Protector Bot size and health pool, maybe recolored iridescent or something. Edit: Ah @Rudra beat me to it! Good thinking 😄
  19. What @Frozen Burnwas referring to was after beta, in Issue 1. They just released the Shadow Shard zones and wanted to spread the impact of that across higher level zones to encourage players to visit.
  20. As I've said many times in the past, you'll find a leech free, and really a player free experience on Indomitable of you're looking to avoid this in the future. There are more doors on city hall than players active on Indomitable. Heck, you'll roll a Mastermind just so it feels like you've got other folks to play with. I am kidding, but you might try out the lag free and pleasant experience that can be found on Indomitable. 👍
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