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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Having helped proofread much of that thread I remember Rylas saying that he could fairly easily scale them up on his end by request (he wasn't because the game uses them even smaller and so it's not necessary) and he did so for someone who wanted a Science symbol I think it was for his coffee mug. He hasn't posted anything for a while though. Edit: he just reappeared and posted something Monday so welcome back @Rylas!
  2. @DJ1 I meant actually in the game, I know all about the one that's been running here for the last 6 weeks. Don't worry I haven't forgotten about you. I'm almost done drawing the last couple prizes just need a free day or two to finish up. @First Player That's cool, I used to do stuff like that with my SG, we even had a coordinated intro. None have shown up to homecoming yet though (where are you guys???). Let me guess... you're Email? Or Retweet? @Drea Nice! Also welcome to the best part of the forums Drea. (I know you posted here before but I missed it )
  3. Did someone have a color and theme contest? Or is this a Supergroup?
  4. Welcome back @Player2
  5. Another from the Costume Request Thread here is my take on his Black Bart request. Vulpoid in the CRT quipped it's pretty much Lemmy Kilmister if he was a pirate... I am "on board" with this comparison.
  6. It may be better to stick to posting characters that you and your SG mates created. You could always ask one of the devs here to be on the safe side. That said I think you did a great job with these.
  7. You're welcome Optimistic. Well then it must be time to play... TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! See what I did there? Because City of Heroes is a game... you know, that you play... no? I'll see myself out then.
  8. If you're a fan of Kano you really need to watch the new Mortal Kombat movie that just came out! The guy they cast is flippin brilliant and totally steals any scene he's in. Plus Sub Zero's power is truly terrifying in this version the way Ice control would actually be in real life. I don't notice much of a performance hit with Cell Shading on but then again I'm playing on a pretty beefy custom rig that I built from scratch so YMMV.
  9. @DJFMOkay here's my take on Bart. I gave him paler skin, a more weathered face, a faint eye glow demon ears and I widened his jaw and chin to give him more menace. Went with a hairy chest open blood red shirt and matching padded boots with gold and bronze accents sprinkled throughout. Tossed in a pair of gold and black swords to round out the look (I made him a Dual Wield/Willpower scrapper). Note the pant cuffs have collision issues with most of the boots but with these it is less egregious and looks like he tied a wide strip of red cloth at the cuff & then tied gold rope over it. I love the FX on the cape as the skull & bones fade in and out. 01Bart.costume
  10. You could always go Staff/Regen scrapper and add the powers from the Medicine pool.
  11. @Magnarsh Is there a request for help in here somewhere or were you meaning to post over in this other thread?
  12. A request for help designing a Friar concept ("The Air Friar") came up in the CRT. There is no Friar's habit in the CC so, using the much shorter kilt, this was my attempt. Bonus concept free for the taking: Several monasteries brewed their own beer so maybe a gold colored water blast set with lots of stun/mez powers could make like he was slinging beer and getting the mobs drunk. Some possible names could be The Drunken Friar? Friar Brewsky? Crusin for a Brews'n? His SG could be The Brew Crew.
  13. There is some dithering in that regard but a Cassock is usually black, has buttons in front, is fitted and has no hood whereas Habits can be brown or black, have no buttons, can be more voluminous and often add a cowl/hood as well. Nuns also wear a habit but add a wimple (their hat). As Vulpoid above suggested the robes are geared more towards Asiatic style monks so the closest I could find, though it's a bit on the short side, was a combination of the "Baggy" top a corded waist and a Kilt. You can also use Baggy pants and a cape to suggest the long robe shape but it's obviously detached and separates the legs. With the kilt you can add wrapped gloves but I found the tied look more like simple homespun and match the white cord belt better. Full beard works but I kind of prefer the neck beard the Resistance gets. Depending on the expression you're going for there are several faces that will do the job. This one looks the most "Monastic" to me. 01friar.costume
  14. @optimisticWelcome to the best part of the forums. It's called a Friar's Habit and there is no direct analogue but I'll see what I can do.
  15. Perhaps a similar word like "Part One" since it is not actually the chapters title? It's off to a good start, my only con/crit so far is I don't think Plants/Animals are polar opposites the way that Day/Night, Summer/Winter and Life/Death are. Glad to hear it because I am more invested in "Feels like Homecoming" at this point (I don't know the actual name of this comic or if it even has a title but based on the page 3 Atlas image and game's current iteration that is what I have taken to calling it) & I don't think said Korean company has ever made a huge stink about fan art, even when done for profit. As long as you take enough time off from writing and drawing that comic about knife-ear protagonists to have time to write and draw this other comic... about a knife-ear protagonist.
  16. Oh nice, is she running a package deal of some kind and did you pick which expressions you wanted or do you just send her face refs and she runs the gamut herself?
  17. Aww, thank you Clawdebt.
  18. Oh, then you should consider making an art thread if you have any game related/tangential art that you're willing to share.
  19. Something I posted over in the Costume Request Thread for Sovereigne. She seems to be getting a good response from people so I thought I would share. I wrote the "why" of her design in the thread post over there if anyone is curious about it.
  20. Cool look @Argus_The_Risen and welcome to the best part of the forums!
  21. Thanks Sovereigne and you're quite welcome, glad it helped. Bonus points to @Mjolnerd for a cool take on the costume and for slipping an Eagles reference into his costume file. I see what you did there.
  22. Yep. Sorry I keep thinking once someone sees the image they can just copy it from knowledge of the CC. I went back and added the costume file. Are we talking art history here or do you draw/paint/sculpt or something as well? Lol it sounds like there may be a compliment buried in there somewhere, thanks?
  23. Thank you American Valor, I'm happy to hear my little contest got you back into the game. The costume creator is such a great creative tool, in many ways it's like its own little mini-game. While I didn't have a whole lot of drawing time today I did begin sketching out ideas for Charming. On that note, do you like the tall "tin cup" style crown he has or would you prefer a more traditional one? You're welcome DJFM, glad you love it and the avatar looks good. I've not ever tried Waterblast/Martial Combat do they play well together?
  24. We have threads for both of those things, when people want help with a look they post here and for Bios help it's over here. You should take a spin through those and see if there are open requests you can help out with. Also the minor pedant in me would like to "point out" that is Data's pointer/index finger & not his pinky. See what I did there?
  25. Pig Pen: That's right Villains! Smell my JUSTICE!
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