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Christopher Robin

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Everything posted by Christopher Robin

  1. Okay so keep the headpiece but something that "pops" more. You know other than using straight color to make something pop you can let contrast & the shapes/contours do the heavy lifting for you. For me at distance read my eyes are drawn to the gold of the belt and gloves. I took the gold from there & moved it up to her head to draw the focal point up. I then changed the belt to a purple sash with silver ring to blend back in and changed the gloves to a more bulky design to add flair to her silhouette. I changed her hairstyle to something that didn't collide with the head gear so much and it also added to the V shaped point neck/collar piece by making it more of a triple point or even heart shaped in the negative space with her cleavage. Went with a different mask to open up the area around her eyes and bring the neck V up onto her face and chin also so more about the design reads as "pointy" from a distance. Finally I changed her boots to have Barbarian Fur adding more diagonal white shapes to match the shoulder Bolero shape and then added the rings on instead of bindings to match her belt ring. Overall I think it "pops" more & reads better at distance without losing the color scheme. As for bridging the gap maybe keep some less impressive items like the simple cloth wrapped gloves she hung on to rather than replace with fancy golden gauntlets? Anywho that's my take on her @Sovereigne and you have several other great options here to incorporate into your design. Best of luck with your Bio! 01Roulette.costume
  2. You're welcome Seen2BeGreen glad you had fun. Sure thing! You know once I had chosen the final four I was secretly rooting for you to hit the random draw just so I could say "Face it Tyger, you just hit the Jackpot... of art, that is." Gag for another day perhaps. I'm glad you enjoyed the process and created some keepers along the way. I'll let you in on another little secret, only 4 of the 24 colors were truly random. Are we allowed to post there? I thought that section was just for GM's? Welcome to the club I had more than 100 heroes (& 2 villains) back on live. Granted most of them were mules to carry influence because the 2 billion influ per hero cap but they all had meticulous costumes and most also had a backstory. Sure thing AV, I still have a couple other prizes to finish up so take your time. You're welcome and thanks for entering.
  3. I'm sticking with the habit of picking one finalist for every three entries (rounding when needed) and so with 11 entries striving to go the distance I chose 4 characters I thought best followed the theme & made good use of the four selected colors & then I picked one at random from a hat. Well the judging took forever but four stood tall after And this week they were... @Yellowjacket @biostem @American Valor @TygerDarkstorm and the winning entry I pulled is... Charming by American Valor! @American Valor PM, note or post and tell me what you want for your prize drawing. And that will do it for the Costume Color Challenge Thank you everyone for bringing the fun and creativity to my little contest.
  4. I'm amazed that named wasn't taken already, that clip has been around longer than Youtube. Fun Fact the Techno Viking actually sued and won (of course) a case against the guy who shot the video that made him a famous meme.
  5. ==================================================================================================================================== That's the deadline and that will do it for the Color Costume Challenge! Thanks to everyone who participated. I'll go over entries and pick a winner this evening. ====================================================================================================================================
  6. Glad you did @SN0WJ0B and welcome to the best part of the forums. Is there somewhere that you normally go look for costume stuff outside of the Art/Multimedia section that I should've posted to? I had it in my sig for the last six weeks but just found out that some people on their phones never even see signatures.
  7. Just a quick heads up, the costume color challenge I've been running for the last 6 weeks ends in less than 24 hours if any of you crack costume makers in here want a shot. Everything you need can be found here. Last chance to win a prize. Cheers!
  8. Just 24 hours to go for any last minute entries. The Costume Color Challenge will come to an end tomorrow so this is your last chance to join in on the fun. Good luck! DJFM's prize drawing for Week 5 is done and colored. <--- click me.
  9. Thanks Icanav. He might be. I picture him as more of a Staff Fighting/Willpower scrapper. Only @DJFM would know for sure, ask him. Speaking of Pondy here he is, now clad in the 4 color scheme of that week.
  10. Getting caught up with the prizes. 2 are complete, 2 are nearly complete & one I just started today. Here then is the winner of my CCC week 5, it's Pondy by DJFM, he's just the coolest. Colors soon to follow.
  11. @_Kai_ No need to apologize, some themes are bound to resonate better than others. @EmmySky No worries and thanks. You still have until tomorrow 6pm if you want to get an entry in. @Clawdebt Of course not silly. My... "extended help" will most likely be needed in the coming weeks. I may not always be near my computer at the date/times needed to keep this going and this looks to be a good stopping point but fear not I have another 6 weeks of colors & themes ready to go so I could always pick it up again later in the year.
  12. Technically correct (which is of course the best kind), at least not composed of bone, most of their equivalent skeletal structure, aside from their teeth, is cartilaginous. It would be more accurate to say they have chondrocraniums however neither is Austin Powers a real British secret agent so when referencing his fictitious nemesis I chose common parlance over a more scientifically accurate term.
  13. Hyperstrike is correct, most trackballs you can buy are made by Logitech but that is a Microsoft Trackball Optical 1.0 above. They are discontinued now but will occasionally turn up on Ebay or Amazon from time to time (there are a few there from $50 - $200). Many (with larger hands) consider them the best trackball ever made. The closest thing I have found for people who still request them is made by a company called Elecom. It's cheaper and gets closer to an MTO than Logitech.
  14. As Sailboat so eloquently pointed out they're not gone they just look a little different nowadays. When they do find one it better be a shark skull. Sharks with fricken lasers man!
  15. Emmy, you might want to read up 2 posts. Or see my sig... or the OP.
  16. I run them quite a bit and even go for speed runs on occasion.
  17. I used to have a triple monitor setup back when 20' flat panels were considered a luxury but I traded them all in for a single wide aspect HD 30" panel. The PC, Keyboard, Speakers & Trackball are all still the same.
  18. @DougGraves Not that I would ever call it the stalker (eww) lifestyle but I get what you are asking and having played most every Blaster primary paired with Devices as a secondary I can tell you all of them except Pistols, Water, Ice and Sonic have a sniper attack and will get you the stealthy experience you want. My personal favorites are Rad (their snipe paired with Cosmic Burst is a great 1 stun, 2 snipe, combo), Dark (they tie with Energy for earliest Sniper attack level 8!) and Psychic (fun synergy).
  19. @Fatalplus You might have more luck asking in the art&multimedia section, specifically this thread. Oh I can help with that @ForeverLaxx. You used the following: Female body type, Hair = Shimmer, Ears = Vampire, Face = Alien, Mask = Logan, Detail 1 = Tiara 6, Detail 2 = Gunslinger 02 (the collar), Upper Body: Chest = Monstrous Fur and I can't see enough of the shoulder pieces or cape. Why no, I would say I spend exactly the right amount of time in the Costume Creator.
  20. Wow I didn't realize this was a thing or I would've been playing along. The only down side to being the guy hosting "all teh contestz" is you never get to participate in any for yourself. Agreed. I have been running something similar for the last few months myself (which ends this weekend!), except the prizes are drawings of your character, in art and multimedia.
  21. Indeed. So what I'll do here is extend the deadline to Sunday evening 6pm and call this the last one for a while. Last call people and good luck!
  22. One day left for any last minute entries.
  23. Yes that one with the direct asset number at the end works fine. Yep I figured that out from the other two working links. Even with a 30 page buffer taking on multiple comics simultaneously is no small feat. Are you planing to release one page a week & then try to sync up chapter breaks to alternate? Also, from a readability standpoint, your comic seems to have conflicting chapter titles? The cover art and header say it's "Chapter One: Wanderer's Song" but below that it says "Chapter one: The tale of Adaiel Esdria." Are they page titles perhaps? Subchapters? It's not really clear from what is posted now.
  24. If I look up the name I just get one result and it's a podcast.
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