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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. Well, YOU don't need more maps, @Ankylosaur....yeah you do!.... but you won't object if they show up! Maps that are doable at the least could be prioritized, and by prioritized I mean moved to the top of the AE To Do list as opposed to prioritized over something more important. That said, their being no outdoor Imperial City maps when there are definitely some in missions is a glaring gap for anyone attempting to write Praetorian material. President Marchand's Office is a pain. There is an enormous outdoor area that cannot be used at all, along with the issues mentioned above.
  2. Reichsman. Actual Tyrant. The Engineers from the Skyraiders (why they are missing is odd) And the Seed of Hamidon.
  3. I like this! It's an interesting payoff for a player that should they succeed at their mad scheme then they will lose control of their character BUT what a way to lose control of your character!
  4. Sure. Be warned! I am a pain in the ass.
  5. But funnies aside, yeah. Why not? Personally I've sketched some of my thoughts elsewhere (see link above) but those can be refined and hammered into other things. On a more granular level tying that macro effect that I'm looking at into something like @Ultimo's suggestions, or yours, @CrudeVileTerror, would take a bit but is entirely doable. Then breaking those down into things as "simple" as factions/story arcs/individual missions, yeah. So. What's first?
  6. "Design document" "work" "the", all strange words to me!
  7. There are lots of ideas. Implementing them now...sheesh.
  8. You are probably right...but I was under the impression that the ones I ran into when facing her were remnants of what she brought with her from Praetoria. I'll have to run that arc again to get a better grasp of that.
  9. I want to see a history badge for the eight plaques in Kallisti Wharf. Exactly what? I'm not sure. Especially since the majority of history badges are cross zoned, not just confined to one zone. So that might need ANOTHER one or two history badges and several plaques added elsewhere to deal with that. And I have a notion for what one of the plaques in KW should be about.
  10. Circles, good people, circles. Someone on the internet is wrong. How about this just gets wrapped up now or at the very least people stop feeding fires? Now, you can all jump on me for suggesting this but there's plainly no visible middle ground (yet) and quite possibly won't be. I don't have a dog in this race, I personally don't care about gated stuff (not content!) either way as long as neither is gated by RL cash. So, there are people here on both sides (or more sides depending) that I like and interact with and that have such excellent ideas and thoughts on so many things, that appear to be descending into insults and whatnots. Please don't. I'm going to pop off to other threads now. Much Love, K.
  11. You could finesse that with actually retiring BAB and giving Marauder the job, because that's where it looked like it was going with both versions of White. I'd like to see a political dimension to the world and have BAB run for mayor! Possibly Dominatrix would call herself simply "Liberty"?
  12. Coming Storm/Batallion? Sure. But frankly I will be very disappointed in the dev team if they are shackling themselves to the projected ideas from the Lore AMA. Inspired by? Go for it! But my broken record mantra has always been content across the board/levels rather than end content for its own sake. There has to be a better way to move forward than just "the next big bad". Just a thought here. We had the Praetorian war (are still having the Praetorian war if you're doing the Itrials!). And that's all well and good and aren't we all happy that we can do that with our level 50 (+3) toons? But where were the missions for the levels 20s? 30s? 40s? Where were the mission arcs that a level 20 could do to infiltrate a Praetorian science lab and make a difference getting that vital data out so that the level 50s could actually DO the ITrials? A rethink on how we approach content is needed. End game creep is a bottleneck and a poison to the life of a game like COH as a whole. And since the players are the heroes here, get rid of Dream Doctor ASAP. Deus ex machina characters are a slap in the face to player agency.
  13. This is your friend. As for sets? Oy, that's kind of dependent on play style, despite the drawbacks/benefits of many a thing that will be recommended to you.
  14. No allies. She has no leverage on Primal Earth beyond her own abilities and some scant knowledge of Praetoria. She's not stupid but if the story is accurate then she had a narrow circle of adherents (gone now as far as we know), a besotted Antimatter (dead) and the shadow of Grandpappy Cole and the Empire behind her (one defeated and imprisoned, the other in ruins). Those that might find her useful will see her only as a tool to be used. She knows that. She also knows that Positron & da Gang (for all their blahness to her) are her only option for actual freedom. The Rogue Isles might offer her something but her very existence is a threat to Recluse in a way that Ms Liberty isn't. And Recluse is not sentimental (He was responsible for the death of his own father and his foster brother, Ezra Cole). So at the very least she needs to (a) first get into a position where she could build that gimp army and (b) she liked being in a position of authority, however much she abused it in Praetoria and simply rebuilding a gimp force on Primal won't give her that. She's not Primal Vanessa Devore or Countess Crey, she doesn't (didn't) stand in opposition to the prevailing power structure. Truth be told I see Dominatrix in some ways as more honest with herself than Ms Liberty. And a grey redemption arc for her would be interesting. You might get a Paragon for Vigilantes/Rogues out of her.
  15. I think (and for all I know they are doing this) the devs should have reread every single bit of Lore currently in the game, the comics and the novels, and anything in the Lore AMA that confirms or expands on what is in the game up to the sunset, and throw the rest of the Lore AMA out. Because that last bit is "coulda/shoulda/woulda...didn't". It's a shackle that will hold back their own development of the game. Sure, let it inspire you maybe but it's not set in stone. (And frankly retcon some of the complete **** of the comics while you're at it.) Once that's done have a good think about where they want to go with Redside (we'll stick with that because that's this topic). I've sketched out my shaky idea of some of what could be done to give more agency to a player on a soft level. Couple that with looking at @Ultimo's frankly audacious theories about Agenda plans for villains (It's a hell of a lot of work but if even some of it could be implemented, even something as "simple" as building your own Ocean's 11 team, then that would add something). Who knows where we could end up? LOL, @CrudeVileTerror, imagine if Ms Liberty actually went vig a while back and that person standing in Atlas Park is actually Dominatrix trying her damnedest to fit in and be accepted because it's the only thing keeping her out of the same supes prison Emperor Cole is currently languishing in? She's not reformed (yet) but she always has her own interests in mind and on Primal Earth she has no allies.
  16. For me it's the existence of Longbow itself, something ol' States had issues with on a gut level. I reckon he saw it as a mirror of Recluse's Arachnos, even if she didn't, and I think if he did he was right.
  17. AH! I have such sights to show you! But spoilers!
  18. Applauds! And if half of the madness I propose re shifting the "political" focus of Arachnos were ever implemented, ie letting them pull back so as to actually take MORE control from the shadows, that might help too. Linky!
  19. There you go! We're not on the same shard so I'll just leave this here for you 😄
  20. Double Zero in Call of Cthulhu = OH BLOODY HELL! RUN!
  21. Just another screenshot! The sky in First Ward is beautiful and clear directly after a Seed of Hamidon takedown.
  22. Thanks for answering, and it looks like a lot of tedious work. But I'm still going to ask for it to be done. As an advocate of the AE as a legitimate alternative to demanding Piecemeal somehow cloning themselves and neither of them ever sleeping again I don't see it as being too big an ask. Now, my hyperbolic "ALL DA MAPS" may be too big an ask, but perhaps some. Would it be worthwhile us AE writers looking at the current list and comparing it with what is missing and of that "missing" list, whittling it to a set of doables? And as always I caveat these things with great appreciation for all you wonderful devs do!
  23. Sounds fun, wouldn't be. @CrudeVileTerror has a possible answer. Over to you!
  24. I have THREE "Ones"! But that's it. The others are fun fun fun, but those three I return to again and again.
  25. Is it? Never had an issue with it. Well, learn something new everyday.
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