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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. Were there some questionable choices made in depicting his actions in the game and the comic? Yep. Retcon them. We're in a comic book world here. Retcon them. Turns out it didn't happen that way!
  2. As a character he had so much potential, and if you can get your hands on a copy of The Web of Arachnos then that comes across really well, but sadly that's the height of how he was written. (He wasn't bad either in The Freedom Phalanx novel), There's a lot of bo***cks written about him being a bad character when some are just projecting the use of him on to him as a character independent of his creators, and as, effectively, a comic book style originated character he does have a creator, but that's not the same as ownership. So at the least maybe the STF and LRSF be placed in Ouro like Sister Psyche's TF?
  3. Excellent! I posted a vaguely similar thought a while back: "I think if you want to do something with Echo Galaxy City then Ouro is the answer IMO. Make it an actual level capped "Time Travel Zone" wherein there are missions attempting to warn the residents of the impending meteor strike. Of course they fail, but what else is discovered along the way? Link it to BAB in present Atlas even, making him a contact as opposed to a trainer because frankly no one really trains with him. Every now and then I suppose but mostly not. "Hey, $name, don't I know you from somewhere? Did we meet in Galaxy City?" But your idea has far more focus and makes more sense regarding a Lore reason to get Ouro powers, Furthermore, yes Echo DA needs more love. Personally I prefer it to the current version. "Silent Hill" DA was MY DA 🙂
  4. Lord knows. I had better write an AE for it. Might have to substitute Arachnoids for wasps though.
  5. ARGH! Flashbacks to that time I adapted "Richard III" where all the actors were to wear giant wasp costumes and the sets were paper nests! "Now izzz the Winter ovv our Dizzzzcontent! Made Gloriouzzz Zummer by thizz Zun of York!" Apart from speaking like that, being dressed as wasps and the nest set it is played entirely straitlaced. Must get around to producing it.
  6. Darmian

    no red love

    Oh Praetoria! How I love thee! So much so I never left and am an Incarnate Loyalist. Patrolling constantly, knowing that the war with Primal Earth is forever around the corner.
  7. Hmmph. In my day there were TWO tram lines!! And lots of running...slowly....When is that coming back?!?!
  8. I only just thought of this, and Hallowe'en nearly over too, how about when you don a temp costume all your minions -- sorry, humanoids only I reckon -- get it too?
  9. Darmian

    no red love

    What about the Vigilante aspect of this suggestion then? You're still a "hero", but you have to head to the Etoiles to "do some business".
  10. The possibility of migrating an already existing Praet populated SG to a registrar in Praetoria if that comes in? Hmm. I need to test that with Red/Blue. Might be a moot point.
  11. Yep, you might say that! But the Weavers are fine! As my initial post said, my suggestions are rather vague and moreish, rather than particularized. However, as can be spotted across most of the things I post that aren't just random comments or reactions, it is all based on worldbuilding, plot infrastructure. If there's not more to do and find out along the way then why are we even here? If you implemented even one of my initial suggestions then that would cascade lots of stories from it, spilling off into who knows what?
  12. Darmian

    no red love

    Oh, I look at Everlasting and think, "Will I?" and then I don't. Mainly because I spent a chunk of time in the Cam back in the yore and I can't be doing that again!
  13. It is quiet! That's why my dedicated Redsider 50 is a Thugs MM. You're never alone with minions!
  14. And the remains of the Clockwork factories. Warwalker/Tankbuster!
  15. I was more aiming at beefing up what it means to play a Vigilant/Rogue, give them something else that makes them unique, that only they can do.
  16. So how do we get the Freakshow to Praetoria? Fury Road a la Cole's Hell'pocalypse!
  17. You've covered most of what I'm thinking already! Cool! I venture out of the AE cave thinking, "you know, maybe I should talk to other people about all this stuff", and you already have it covered!
  18. I know! Never mind the amount of Mad Max Fury Road in Praetoria's ruins mishes I have in my head.
  19. Darmian

    no red love

    I love the Rogue Isles. My dedicated Redsider 4Evah (not even Rogue!) has sooo much fun over there. Wendigo Montoya, ex of the Skulls, Thugs MM, has come to kick your face in. But yeah, love that place.
  20. Pretty much what it says. Suppose we had sets of contacts that you can only get when a Vigilante or Rogue? Skulls and Hellion contacts in Paragon need a hitter from the Rogue Isles. Send in that Rogue to do the job. Similar proposition for Vigilantes heading to the Rogue Isles. But to do it right you get a (for instance) Skull contact in the Rogue Isles who introduces you to a new contact in the gang in Paragon. So you have to go there. Not tip style missions.
  21. No, you're absolutely right. However I'm talking about the original Weaver, the one Red Widow murdered on Recluse's orders. He wasn't just a lone leader and factions don't just roll over and play dead. I'm sure Recluse attempted a purge but probably didn't get them all. And giving Weaver 1 the name of the original Weaver was surely a calculated insult to any that might still be around. Politics is easier to do with less technical shenanigans than say creating Weaver 1 in game. Note I didn't say easier to do well!
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