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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I found this on Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/2020/1/21/21069503/daybreak-games-everquest-planetside-dc-universe-online-h1z1-new-studios And there's more, but that was the interesting bit for CoXers. Dunno what to make of this. I was surprised to see Jack Emmert still working in the MMO industry, I thought he had retired or went off to try different things. Didn't know he was with Daybreak/EQ, for some reason that had dropped completely off my radar.
  2. My feeling on this is that when Homecoming added infinite salvage to the auction house, it was still kind of a stopgap. I think Enhancements and Salvage still need something of an overhaul. One idea might be allow any two (or three, or four) salvage to be turned into any other of the same rarity, so that you effectively never run out of salvage, and you always have the salvage you need as long as you're prepared to empty out your inventory a bit to get it. This would also eliminate any concern about salvage tiers, except that maybe lowbie recipes and salvage should still exist so that starting players are more likely to actually get the salvage they need.
  3. Be careful with this kind of analysis. We have a very small sample size. Only 45 people voted out of what I'm sure is a much much larger playing population. There might be selection bias in that people who want such changes are the ones who would click on a thread like this. Many folks probably didn't bother to read or vote because they weren't interested. This may give us some direction to work towards, but I don't think it's representative of the overall population's views.
  4. I think most servers have such a base. Everlasting uses ZONE-8888 a lot.
  5. That might be the intention, but I think it's poor design. Montague is tucked away in a corner where he's hard to spot, and there's no big "!" or whatever over questgivers' heads in this game, so there's no reason to go up to him and talk. If he was standing right in front of the staircase or something, that would be different. Too much of the original (and later) design of this game relies on a kind of accidental discovery which isn't fun, because it isn't actively telegraphed or there's no kind of play mechanic based around those discoveries. (Contrast that with say Breath of the Wild, where there's a mechanic in the game that practically requires you to pick up every rock and climb every mountain top. There's other cool stuff to find when you do explore, but they all but force you to explore to get Korok seeds to expand your inventory. The Korok puzzles themselves are fun too, so you're basically rewarded twice for exploring and doing in other games what would be random shit.)
  6. Paragon Wiki says Juan Jimenez is in King's Row (in the Gish neighborhood). One thing I think would help is to get rid if the concept of mutant contacts vs science contacts vs natural etc. If these contacts are ever overhauled, we could just have two lines of contacts (two for replayability) with more effort put into those contacts and missions, rather than five kinda sucky contacts in the same level range. More isn't better here. This is the kind of crap I'm talking about. Why street sweep missions, why Cryptic why? Or maybe Hugo was an early kind of infinite mish giver and he's just keeping you busy on the assumption that there's no one else for you to talk to in this level range. He could just pass you off to another contact once the actual missions are done. Maybe even do the auto-find-a-contact thing for the player, just let them pick whoever sounds interesting. In Steel Canyon, I think he's in the right level range to introduce Montague, who I don't think has a lot of people to introduce him. (I don't think I've ever been introduced to Montague, it must be really finicky if there is a contact that introduces him.)
  7. This is interesting. I wonder if we could get "unofficial Villain server" added to the "unofficial roleplay server" tag line. It might let people know there's a red side community there and get more folks who want that one the same server.
  8. NPCs and pets are unable to walk down stairs. (Does this still exist?) Pets will auto teleport to you only to run off to some other target or location, only to teleport to you when they get too far away. Repeat ad infinitum.
  9. I'd like to see increased difficulty (I think, maybe I wouldn't) but for those asking for "only if it's optional" -- I'd like a separate server. I don't think anyone's difficulty should be impacted who doesn't want it, that would kinda suck. But I would I think like to be "locked into a box" with other like-minded folks, where we all want a bit more challenge, but we're all there to help each other out too. I think that's what "online" play means to me, it's not a personal challenge or anything, it's beating the game *together*, not singly.
  10. Some good ideas here. Personally if it were me, I'd also give each zone a minimum level. Mobs would not con below that level regardless. So if you're level 1 and you go to Kings Row (which I'll assume has a minimum level of 5), the mobs in the yellow zone would start at level 5, the mobs in the orange zones would start at level 6, and the mobs in the red zones would start at level 7. Hmm, perhaps that's not enough, and each zone should increase by +2 rather than +1. It might even depend on the zone. For heroes that are above the level of the zone and fighting "invasion" style mobs, have your noteriety affect how the mobs con. If you're at +0, then the mobs con normally. If you're at +1, then all mobs con at +1 to what would be their normal level. Etc. * * * Actually this is getting complicated. What I think would be simpler would just be to add an NPC to each zone (maybe even add this to the Trainer or Detective in each zone) that could just exemp you down in level to some range for the zone, down to say -1 for the zone level. This sounds easier to me that replacing all the mobs in the game or altering every zone. Exemp code is already in game, and you just have your level set to that as if you were on a team with someone. This stays until you 1) leave the zone, or 2) you join a team or league. Basically you talk to someone like the Detective and say "I know I'm too high level but I'd like to help out." and they say well ok here's some stuff you can do, and then you're the right level for that zone.
  11. I'd love to see these early missions improved, even maybe made into more the sort of tutorial that Twinshot should have been. Then again everybody just runs DFB instead and bypasses these early contact anyway, so I don't think it could be justified in terms of the labor involved. Still neat to think about. I think the security chief is/used to be the contact you'd get to continue missions after you'd exhaust your first contact (JSJS in this case). Not sure if they do that any more. Out of these groups of missions though his seems like a random insert, something that does nothing to further the story, and imo is the worst one for that reason. Could be removed entirely, or maybe the security chief could be an infinite mish giver for levels 1-10, just something to do when you run out of missions. Overall, what all of these early missions need is less wall-of-text type missions, and to have a basic explanation made into a short cut scene at the beginning of each mish. Then teammates would know what is going on with the mission without having to make heroic efforts to read the mission text. Keep it short and simple, but explain what you are doing here and why. Fit it into the larger arc of the story being told. (In this case, the Vahz are kidnapping people and trying to do experiments on them, turning some into zombies.) Slightly more ambitious would be to have everyone on your team standing close by participate in a short cut scene as you talk to the contact, further explaining the set-up for the mission. You might want to add a dialog to accept the cut scene or reject it.
  12. I started a KM/WP scrapper on Everlasting thanks to this thread. Only 18 so far but having lots of fun with it.
  13. I play a rogue frequently and all of the Red/Blue stuff gives me a nasty itch. Getting dumped from teams is no fun just because I teleported to my base or something. It's also a little unpredictable what will remove you from a team and what won't (going to a base is 50/50 for me). Yes, get rid of side specific search in the Find Member dialog, but also all the other side specific stuff needs an overhaul, esp. if it will dump you from a team or at TF.
  14. The animations look very Tai Chi to me, which I think is OK. I can see that some folks might want a little harder style, though, which is also OK.
  15. Being able to cancel DF early would make it more team friendly, even if nothing else was changed. Fair point.
  16. This is actually a good point, and gets back to the core problem with Detention Field: it's not team friendly. I personally can't remember the last time I've actually needed an AV taken out of a fight of while we dealt with the rest of the group. I think the whole idea of an "AV hold" may be us chasing the wrong shadow. So I think I'm back to "change Detention Field to a regular, small-AoE hold so that it's useful on small teams" because on large teams you're just not going to need it.
  17. So switching it to a hold would allow Elite Boss and AVs to be held if the Mag is high enough, right? And turning it into a Hold would require some tweaks, because it's not a straight hold. OK. Any DoT able to overcome AV regeneration is probably going to kill anything else it's applied to. -1000% regen would probably be a better choice. I personally think it should just be personal defense, with no fancy stuff. Stack it with Dispersion Field and you're good. But they've made some changes to it, and it now lets you attack, it just drops its defense for a while when you do attack. That's interesting (not sure how it plays though). Just tossing out ideas on Detention Field: One big AV hold would be great for AVs, but kinda suck for the rest of the game. OTOH a regular low-Mag AoE hold would be very useful in nearly any encounter and probably provide more utility and fun for most players. Why not both? Picking Detention Field give you two powers, one's a regular hold and one's an AV lockdown. Using one locks the other out for the duration of the power (recharge + cast time). This might be OP but again I thought I'd throw it out there.
  18. This is interesting, I wonder if some form of AV hold could be balanced. If a toggle (to shut it off) is added to Detention, then that plus an AV hold level might make it something worth taking. (I think if I was going to balance this, I'd go for hold resist; give DF enough mag to land on a AV, but then the full duration of the hold doesn't run, it gets resisted and the hold ends early. Then some enemies can be effectively immune by giving them enough hold resist, while other will at least see some effect and be held for a while). Personally I don't think adding damage to FF as a fix isn't going to do anything. Just like Defense, everyone else does damage better than what's being proposed here, and it again won't actually add anything to FF, it'll still be just as lackluster. I guess that means I'm on the side that says small tweaks aren't going to fix FF, and we need larger more drastic changes. I don't want a complete revamp, the powers that work should stay as they are. But the controversial or less picked powers might need bigger changes. I *would* be ok with the devs making small changes if they thought the change was going to be permanent, even if other powers got changes later (Detention Field I'm looking at you).
  19. That's along the lines I'm thinking of too. While not everything could be done in the costume creator, a lot could and we should take advantage of it. Some criticisms: 1. "Default is male." We should definitely be more inclusive and have female and ethnically diverse models. For role play, it might be good to allow a player to choose all male, all female or mixed minions (the leader of a girl-gang, for example). 2. Some minion sets already have more than three minions. Thugs has quite a bit of diversity actually, and Gang War adds a level of complication to customizing it. Some sets the third 1st Tier (the weakest tier) is special and looks different from the others. Need more than three models for these sets.
  20. Difference between goals and software requirements: goals are defined as requirements without deadlines. So sure, getting that to work is a goal of CoH.
  21. This is a good point. I wonder if we want to suggest ideas for how to customize the various sets. Like I agree that current zombies are kinda one sided and fantasy themed. I think perhaps the costume creator could be used to make more modern zombies with a "Shawn of the Dead" look, though the magic powers of the Lich would be a bit hard to explain. Demons: lots of demon girls (especially) and also demon boys in Pocket D, they seem popular. Again the costume creator might be used to create those kinds of demons. Oh, and Thugs: I really like the look of the Syndicate for Thugs. Would love to see some thugs with better fashion sense for my MMs.
  22. Just a thinking out loud here, but what if we changed this system? Let's make Defense work more like the ED system, where you hit a soft cap and your defense is still limited, but adding larger amounts of Defense still gives some incremental improvement, even above 95% protection. Like, softcap Defense at 90%, but each 10% Defense over 100% actually adds 1% to that, until you hit 99.9% Defense. And remove the 1 in 20 auto hit, at least for players being hit by NPCs. (Depending, it might be kept for special NPCs, like AVs and Giant Monsters.) The Homecoming Devs might not want to do this for various reasons, but I thought I'd toss it out there.
  23. Yes, this unfortunately. But if we're wishing for ponies, MM customization is high on the list. I'd like to see some sets based on groups and ideas from the game itself. Like an Agent set, with guys and gals in black suits and martial arts and ray guns. Maybe another set with guys with longbows (isn't there a group like that in game? I think so, and I don't mean literally Longbow). Beasts needs a few other options, like a set with bears and stags or some such. Possibly other sets too, like I'm not opposed to making a Longbow and/or a Vanguard set. Really any group in the game (Arachnos, Car. of Shadows, Crey, etc.) might be appreciated by someone as a MM set.
  24. Realism: Face it, CoX was designed by people living in California. Winter is something that that happens to other people. We only get snow for exactly two weeks right around Christmas, and only shop windows. It can be easily tidied up over a weekend and put away for next year. All alien planets look exactly like Southern California chaparral, and all seasons consist of mostly nice with only occasional rain.
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