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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. I was on one of those big Incarnate raids recently, and while it mostly went smoothly the league leader had a heck of a time trying to move people around to different teams within the league. First the League got scrambled when we zoned into the Trial. This is pretty bogus and should really be fixed, there's no real reason for this to happen. Second once we were in the trial it was impossible for the league leader to rearrange people within the league. Some rearrangement was possible, but sometimes moving people to different teams would fail or some other problem would prevent it from happening smoothly. This is also pretty bogus and there's no real reason for stuff like this to happen. Don't mean to be too negative, overall SCORE and the Homecoming team are doing a great job. I realize these are problems that occurred when the code was still at Paragon Studios. Still would be nice to have the code fixed. Thanks!
  2. Nemesis? Ha ha, yes, it is best idea that SCORE = Nemesis Plot. Now this needs to happen *in game.*
  3. All pets have a graphical upgrade when they get hit by the pet buffs. The pets look different when they've been buffed, so you can tell if they're upgraded just by looking at them. Robots get red lights, usually on their backs. The main bot gets a visible weapon upgrade. Wolves and zombies get auras and breath upgrades. Etc. Look carefully at your pets after upgrading so you can tell the difference. Actual suggestion: The default macros for controlling pets never use Defensive, and therefore never activate Bodyguard mode. The three macros are Attack Aggressive, Follow Aggressive, Follow Passive. The second one should be changed to "Follow Defensive" so that newbie masterminds can use Bodyguard mode. This goes for the icons on the pet window too.
  4. Yep, just found them, thanks! 100 Merit per badge is pretty steep though.
  5. We can buy anniversary badges with merits? How does that work? Do the regular merit vendors have them or do you get them elsewhere?
  6. I decided to plan out a build because I have one character who is getting fairly high level. I located and installed Mids' OK but I can't seem to find how to access IO Set inventions to add IO Sets to my build. In fact all of the Enhancement options seem to be empty. Am I just missing something? I right-click on an empty power slot, and a dialog box comes up for Enhancements. I click on the IO Sets icon (far right choice) and then nothing comes up. Shouldn't the dialog box allow me to chose from available sets for that power? Do I have to select something further? The rest of the choices in the dialog are just blank. Any help is much appreciated!
  7. I think this is a little misleading. You do need healing. Especially early in the game when no one has all of their powers, and the powers they do have aren't fully slotted up with IOs or other powerful Enhancements. You also need healing to minimize downtime and keep the XP flowing in. What you don't need is a "dedicated healer" or a "pure healer". In other games these are desirable and useful. In CoH as long as there's a couple of heals in the group you're probably good to go. Powersets with broader range of effects -- like Dark Miasma, Nature Affinity, Kinetics, Radiation, etc. -- are perfectly viable, and even far preferred in the end-game. In the early game a focused healer will be useful. Try to pay attention to your other powers though. Understand when it's better to prevent damage by using your secondary (or primary if Controller, Dom or Corr) so that your team has an easier time all the way around. Throwing green numbers around is basically hitting the panic button and admitting that the team messed up, so look for opportunities to prevent the damage from happening in the first place. This also means that as you level up, you should look at becoming less focused because as players level up they will need less and less healing. Concentrate more on your other powers, and understand how you can branch out as a player. What we don't need is someone who puts their healing aura on "auto" and assumes they're contributing. They're probably not. And don't be afraid to talk to your teammates, ask them questions and understand how they like to play the game. Some folks prefer to corner-pull, some like to wade into mobs and just fight them in place. There's advantages to both. Some folks are a lot more powerful when they have a certain power up, but that power might have a long recharge, so the team might need to be a little more careful once that power is used. Stuff like that helps you play the game, learn the game, and also play better with the particular group you're in.
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