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Everything posted by ZorkNemesis

  1. I like to get Alpha to T3 first with the third level of merits (I'll T4 it first if I get a lucky roll from Dark Astoria). From there i'll typically grab T1 Interface and Judgement (usually don't have Lore/Destiny available yet) and i'll get T1 Lore and Destiny, aiming for T3 Destiny once I have both. Then I aim for at least T3 Interface since I feel it usually has the bigger payoff than Lore for non-iTrials. Hybrid T1 as soon as I can buy it, and then I'll T3 Lore then Hybrid, and finally returning to Judgement once everything else is built.
  2. I remember back in the old days we tried to make Kronos and Babbage fight each other on Protector. Got as many Illusion and Mind controllers gathered as possible and did our best to pit the two against each other. Ended up being a stalemate though I don't recall if it was because we didn't have enough confuse to stack or if they just didn't do enough damage to each other. Both probably.
  3. You posted this a couple months ago but this is currently happening to me. Scrolling the main board is super choppy, but specifically on Firefox and not Chrome.
  4. Sounds like you're talking about the IR Goggles temp power which was a Siren's Call power. If you still want it you can also get it as a bonus from Mayhem/Safeguard missions as a random reward from the weapons deal side missions. Lots of things to pull from there though so it may take several tries to get it.
  5. I have a Thermal/Ice Defender that happens to be a bit of a monster. It's my go-to character when I join a team that needs some kind of support. Fire shields and Forge are excellent team support while Heat Exhaustion can completely neuter a dangerous target and Melt Armor is (imo) a top-tier -DEF/RES combo. Throw in some proc'd out Ice Blasts and i'm capable of dishing considerable damage to boot. Thermal isn't perfect; the debuffs come late and the shields tend to make the heals less useful (the resistances tend to make the healing unnecessary unless someone takes a big hit or isn't moving out of the axe rain) but I still like having them. My only real dislike about the set is that Thaw is annoying to have to pass around since it's single target but I guess Clear Mind has the same problem; also you can't immediately buff someone you revive with Power of the Phoenix since the 15 second untouchable applies to everything.
  6. Reading over the thread again, it seems you've got a Rad/Regen Sentinel in the works. As it so happens one of my Lv50 Sents is a Rad/Regen so I might be more help than expected. I set mine up for PBAoE damage. While I didn't reach any softcaps in terms of resists or defenses, any layer of resist you can squeeze out still helps since your main form of defense is healing and high regeneration. Of course you don't want to chase bonuses that would be a drop in the bucket and offensive or recharge bonuses can be more helpful. I'll leave my build here if you want to take a look though I don't consider myself a build expert. It's not fully completed yet and mirrors what I have currently in-game, if I spent some more time playing it i'd probably put Apocalypse in Cosmic Burst and Hecatomb into Smite. You definetly want Irradiate though, it can take a lot of procs. Notably it accepts two different -RES procs (Achille's Heel and Fury of the Gladiator) which can add a ton of damage to any follow up AoEs, especially Atomic Blast. Prisma Witch - Sentinel (Radiation Blast - Regeneration).mbd
  7. Decimation or Thunderstrike are my usual go-tos. Decimation has 6.25 recharge while Thunderstrike has that nice double ranged defense and is generally a lot more affordable.
  8. The only two Sentinels I managed to get to 50 without giving up were a Rad/Regen and an Elec/Rad. Both are pretty fun and they both excell in PBAoE range with different flavors of survivability.
  9. I did DP/Electric with a focus on blapping. Took Spring Attack to jump into fights and turned Lightning Clap into a minor proc bomb, along with Thunder Strike and Hail of Bullets. A bit dangerous but it was still fun diving into crowds with bullets and sparks in all directions. EDIT: Didn't notice you said no elemental secondaries so this probably isn't your cup of tea. Though I do think if you wanted a tech-styled character electrical powers are easier to justify compared to other elemental effects.
  10. These are a seperate enemy group, the Infected, which primairly appear on Mercy Island as delusional people drinking toxic waste in the hopes of getting super powers from it. The Contaminated are the group from the Outbreak tutorial that also appears in Recluse's Victory, and there's a mission arc in Ouroboros that lets you get them easily if you missed it or chose the other tutorials. That arc came out before Atlas Park was overhauled.
  11. It doesn't bother me. I'm not usually opening my enhancement tray in combat.
  12. Pretty much default UI for me, I don't generally modify default layouts in games unless they're really bad, though I opened a few extra power trays, and keep a seperate window for Help/General chat. I do change my UI colors based on where my character started however: default blue for Heroes, red for Villains and grey for Praetorians.
  13. I doubt you would have an issue with doing this as long as you're not standing in the way of a door or portal, but that badge (Pocket D VIP Gold Card Member) only needs one hour of being in Pocket D.
  14. I remember long ago on the live boards I tried to come up with etiquite for non-PvP in PvP zones and i'm pretty sure I got laughed out of there. These days I'll accept whatever happens to me in a PvP zone but I won't actively seek out other players without valid reasons. And if they find me, fine, but i'm generally only in PvP zones scooping up badges for the Villain accolades. I typically do a /whoall when I enter a PvP zone to see if I may run into someone (I know /hide blocks you from this command) and usually keep as much stealth active as possible as I go about my business.
  15. There's a lore reason for that. Primal Clockwork aren't traditional robots and are actually psychic constructs. They're weak to Psi presumably because it interferes with their link to the Clockwork King.
  16. Prompt Teleport is for any allied teleport; Recall Target, Shadow Recall, Assemble the Team, Summon Teammates, and Incandescence will all ask the player if Prompt Teleport is active. I don't know if it applies to Team Teleport, but I've never seen anyone take that power in all my years playing. Mission Transporter will ask regardless of prompt setting, probably due to it making you change zones most of the time. Might be jarring to suddenly end up in another zone without input.
  17. Psi tends to get heavily resisted by non-living things (robots and zombies) and other psychics but I don't recall anything being outright immune outside of player pets like Tri-Cannon or Singularity. The hardest Psi resists of the top of my head are 50% and those include mobs like Banished Pantheon zombies, Vahzilok zombies, Zombie Apocalypse zombies, Trick-or-treat zombies, Council/Column Mek Men/Hoverbots, Malta Titans, Turrets, Fortunas, and Carnies. Incidentally Rikti Drones have a -30% resist to all, but as they are classified as robots they have the 50% Psi resist too, giving them a 20% Psi resist while they take more damage from everything else (except Toxic which I think is a 0%).
  18. I've been on teams that stalemate against the Goliath War Walker. Small teams and lower levels that lack DPS and debuffs can get walled by the Walker's big heal when it's close to death. It's been bad enough sometimes that I swap characters mid-fight to my Thermal Defender just to halt its regen and tank its defenses which is usually enough to get the job done then.
  19. Mission Map: P_TECH_BIO_30_LAYOUT_01_01 Position: [157.1 0.0 42.5] Here's an odd one. Entering this hallway, nothing seemed out of place. Positioning the camera just right reveals that there's a doorway immediately to my left. Although the door frame is invisible under normal circumstances it does have collision. and I can walk into it and get caught on it. You can stand on top of it and cause a camera glitch i've never seen in my 20 years of playing the game.
  20. Script error maybe? When the place catches fire all hostile mobs other than Veles, the group that spawns with him, and the group with the foreman will exit the map becoming untargetable in the process.
  21. Me, being the originalist I am and a general non-conformist, will almost never use any easy means of reaching a mission beyond things like LRT, Ouroboros or Base Teleporter. I'm usually so set in these ways that i'll often pop my LRT before the party leader even has a chance to call the Mission Transporter. I don't care how far I have to go once I get to the zone, i'm going the distance.
  22. Zone: Founder's Falls Location: [1042.2 12.0 2132.6] Misaligned texture on top of this wall.
  23. I remember seeing something like this the last time I ran the mission. The Freaklok are supposed to be allies but I think there's an issue with that flag being turned off if they die and revive. I had one of the tank Freakloks keep trying to hunt me down in the yard and while it could harm me I couldn't touch it.
  24. Just going off the notes, the mobs have a larger exp/inf drop than normal so more money and faster earning Vet Levels. The Minotaur drops Prismatic Aether and Monstrous Aether and there's a new level shift inspiration that drops from several sources inside the Labyrinth that I assume can be used outside (can they stack with Ultimate?). The Malevolent Fogs also drop Reward Merits, 3 per.
  25. I can't take a look at this from work but i'm wondering. Seeing as this contact works for Freedom Corps, is this a place where we might see some of the community designed Freedom Corps costumes from a couple years ago or no?
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