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Everything posted by ZorkNemesis

  1. Disruption Arrow replaces itself if you use it more than once so it can have the short cooldown for that reason.
  2. Maybe that's a problem with Staff but on all the Stalkers i've played I can't recall a case where I was revealed and attacked before the slow Assassain's Strike landed. Typically the hit is what reveals since missing doesn't break Hide. I've seen it happen with slower attacks (Ripper, Golden Dragonfly, Mass Levitate, Greater Psi Blade, etc) as starting those attacks breaks Hide but not with Slow AS.
  3. Maybe, but I feel like Nuclear Blast was already underpowered, even during live server days. Any time I tried to use that it did so little that I felt I had wasted the half hour getting it to begin with. CoD has it doing roughly 200 damage (Smash/Energy) at level 50, with a bonus 170 (Energy) to anything flagged Electronic. This feels pretty pitiful for a one-time use, especially when most Blaster T9s beat it soundly with no real investment. It would probably be a lot more effective with Judgement values instead of whatever it currently does. And presumably the suggestion isn't tweaking Chemical or Bio Rockets as both of those are still really good.
  4. It'll probably be like the winter presents, drops go to whoever opens it but if they spawn mobs anyone can fight them. And there's more than enough spawns of those for everyone, which respawn in about a minute. Usually some of the dead zones, like red or gold side, won't have any competition.
  5. I think a couple of these powers might be a little strong for their selected AT. Notably Defender and Corrupter getting Smoke Canister and Liquid Nitrogen with their buff values would be a little excessive, even with increased End cost and recharge. I get you're giving controls to ATs that don't have them but those two might be overkill. There's also a few other choices I would tweak. My suggestions for different powers: Controller - Swap Surveillance with Serum; Controllers have buff/debuffs already, they might benefit more from a self-buff. Corrupter/Defender - Replace Liquid Nitrogen with Sleep Grenade (Blaster). This gives them an easy AoE control that doesn't heavily debuff. Since it's the one from Blaster's Arsenal Mastery it won't pulse like Controller/Dom but still do some minor damage - Smoke Canister for LRM Rocket. Blasters get this for some reason, why not the other two rangers? Dominator - Force Field Generator, not a bad idea but I think this would have to be reworked a little bit; I think a mobile Dispersion Bubble would be a bit too good for a Dom. Maybe this one could be an immobile deployable like Faraday Cage, but a longer recharge so you wouldn't have it for every fight, just the ones that would benefit from the extra defense. - If it's still too much, Coordinated Targerting is a good alternative Sentinel - If Wide Area Web Grenade is intended to be exclusive to Arachnos ATs, replace with Sleep Grenade (Blaster) - Web Cocoon replaced with Cryo Freeze Ray; Cocoon is already in Mace Mastery I believe - Similar to WAWG, if Venom Grenade is stuck on Arachnos perhaps it can be reworked into an Acid Bomb which could function like Acid Arrow by debuffing defense and secondary effects with minor toxic damage to those affected. Alternatively, LRM Rocket again but that might be a little lame. Or Trip Mine (Dominator) to give the set a PBAoE melee attack like other Sentinel epics.
  6. Probably me. I had an idea like this a couple months ago.
  7. They're generally always there but in Atlas Park there's a Hellion mugging a woman north of City Hall in the parking lot, but there's also a random NPC hero who is in hearing distance of the event talking to someone on his phone. If you step in and beat the Hellion youself, the hero runs off claiming "this cape won't fly itself!"
  8. Favorites to just pick up and play? Among my roster: Spines/Ice Scrapper who has some of the best AoE potential among my melee characters and solid survival options Thermal/Ice Defender, when a team needs strong support this is my go-to Arsenal/Trick Arrow Controller, my latest Controller who is a debuffing monster and has a lot of power in all the patches I leave behind. Illusion/Arsenal Dominator, my latest Dominator who packs a surprising punch. Managed extremely high recharge so my downtime is minimal on all fronts. Poison/Pistols Defender, debuff all the things! Also probably just my favorite concept across my 50s, being a poison-dealing science gorilla.
  9. This is fairly common and probably has something to do with how the interractable terminal spawns. It happens on a number of other missions too, such as the Rogue tip to find the other half of a codebook to disable a weapons system, as well as the Red Widow event arc where the ritual site has spawns of Council for some random reason (some of which are hostile but do not fight back either)
  10. Will this be the only event happening or are we going to see the other events pop up for a week like previous years? I have one alt who desperately needs one of the winter event badges.
  11. Back on Live servers I had a Mercenaries MM. I named them after the Cheat Commandos from Homestar Runner. They were a parody of G.I. Joe toys and merchandise-driven media. Soldier 1: Fightgar Soldier 2: Gunhaver Medic: Silent Rip Spec Ops 1: Firebert Spec Ops 2: Ripberger Commando: Renforcements I had macros set aside to make them recite their box taglines and perform the Cheat Commandos battle cry while I was at it. After I did that I desperatly wanted to rename the MM to Crack Stuntman (the in-universe voice actor of Gunhaver) but someone had the name and never let it go.
  12. Aid Self has an interrupt period, it's just very short and generally negligible unless you're trying to use it while moving. CoD lists a 1.0 second Interrupt period: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.medicine.aid_self
  13. Spines, but also making sure to take Whirlwind from the Speed pool so you're basically a literal blender. Dual Blades and Claws are also pretty blender-y.
  14. I'm not usually a fan of Brutes but my current project is a Dark/Fire Brute and i'm thoroughly enjoying it at level 40 so far. Not the most survivable Brute yet, Fiery Aura isn't known for it's defenses, but if I can survive the alpha strike most everything melts, figuratively and sometimes literally. Generally, one Soul Drain followed up with a Burn is enough to level entire mobs and then I can pick off stragglers with Dark's good ST damage. Siphon Life and Healing Flames help me stay alive with Consume shortening downtime, the combo leans pretty hard into the notion of "the best defense is a good offense." The only other Brute I got to 50 is a Rad/Dark which I consider a strong mix of offense and defense. Endurance was an issue to the point where I had to do some odd slotting things to not run out of blue bar every fight but once I got everything in place and got my Cardiac Alpha slotted most issues went away. The combo is super tanky to nearly all damage (Toxic is a little troublesome though) and Rad Melee's inherit splash damage with the Contaminated effect makes quick work of most groups.
  15. If you run Calvin Scott's story arc before running Crow's, well Crow is cannonically dead and no longer an option at that point. The only way to get him back is to go through Ouroboros, which you won't be able to do until you exit Praetoria proper. The real bug here is that you shouldn't be able to run Calvin Scott's story arc immediately upon reaching Neutropolis, he's supposed to be third after Crow and Dr. Helix. Running Scott's arc early causes script breaking issues.
  16. Can't speak for Control, I don't have it built on a Dom, but for Assault I took everything but Elbow Strike on my Illusion/Arsenal. Five slots in all attacks, six in Buttstroke, Buckshot, and Trip Mine; Buckshot and Trip Mine are only six to fit a Sudden Acceleration KB>KD (Trip Mine needs it since it's a 100% chance to scatter the crowd, especially bad with Arsenal Control's focus on patches), they otherwise run Positron's Blast and Obliteration for the Recharge set bonuses. Buttstroke's sixth slot is the Ascendancy ATO proc but the rest of the slots are Crushing Impact or Hecatomb (level and finances dependent). Power Up is the standard two recharges, Targeting Drone I had to low slot just because I didn't have enough to spread but it has a Gaussian's Build Up in it along with a Cytoskeleton HO.
  17. Taunts are fairly rare but there's a couple groups that do use them regularly. Off the top of my head, Black Knights in Night Ward tend to spam them. PPD Awakened that turn into White Dwarves will taunt. Crey Juggernauts taunt, through their untouchable force fields no less. Black Scorpion can taunt you but you don't fight him all that often normally. ETA: Ghoul Painted Ones and Failed Experiment Type 52s have an ability that lets them give their target a taunt aura. If they are confused or on your side anyway you'll be taunted to their target should they land it. Generally there's nothing to be done about it. Assault from the Leadership pool makes taunts last for shorter times but that's pretty much it and generally not worth it since a taunt will end if the taunter is downed anyway (of course more team damage doesn't hurt, just don't take it specifically for the Taunt/Placatte resistance). Confusion however is a problem as a lot of status toggles don't protect from it or Fear, many armors predate these effects (players weren't succeptible to these until Issue 4 with PvP and issue 5 was when we got the first mob that could use Fear on players, Jack in Irons). Some of the newer sets protect from these but older sets often have to rely on Tactics or Break Frees to protect them.
  18. It wasn't long ago (or was it?) that we had some new enhancement sets added, specifically Ice Mistral's Torment, Synapse's Shock, and Power Transfer, where we were given sets that mixed in damage with their intended effect, namely Slow movement for Ice Mistral and Endurance Modification for the other two. This got me really wanting similar damage-focused sets to fit other powers as well as from what I can tell almost nobody slots for a damaging power's secondary effect unless the damage is already negligible (nobody slots Consume for damage I hope). While i'm sure these sorts of things have been pitched before, I would absolutely love to see new sets for Accurate Healing, Accurate Defense Debuff, and Accurate ToHit Debuff where the sets mix in some damage with their additional values. For example, using Ice Mistral's Torment as a baseline, here's an idea for a set called Lifesteal or Vampyric Embrace. The idea would be that you could slot this into a power like Life Drain, Dehydrate, Radiation Siphon, etc to benefit from the healing without sacraficing too much damage from having to spend a slot on a Healing enhancement alone. Heal/Absorb/Endurance Damage/Recharge Damage/Heal/Absorb Accuracy/Damage/Endurance Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge Chance for +HP (3/min) The proc idea I had here was that the power could occasionally give extra health when used. Entropic Chaos already offers this with Ranged Attacks but melee attacks as well as any other accurate healing would have access to this, though I think it should be limited to once per activation like Power Transfer so putting it into something like Dark Regenration wouldn't make it fire 4+ times (not that Daek Regeneration even needs it). Now, i'm no expert on balance so I also have no idea what to have for set bonuses without breaking things. I'd imagine an Accurate Healing set could have a Healing Bonus for one of it's boosts which might be pretty helpful for increasing heal potential of a secondary set depending on the power combo. Maybe someone else with better expertise could brainstorm potential set bonuses or enhancement setups, but my main point is that I would love more options for boosting power secondary effects without having to dedicate additional slots to those effects.
  19. Another BOSS_DISPLAYINFO, this time it's the Slag Golem guarding Captain Stuardi in the Rouge Tip Mission to...save Captain Stuardi from the Slag Golem's Brain tip.
  20. The Arachnos Agent Day Job badge description has the incorrect text for both the progress meter and after earning the badge as a Villain/Rogue. The progress meter's description is currently using the description the badge should have after earning it as a Villain/Rogue while the description after earning it is using the Hero/Vigilante description instead. The progress meter as a Hero/Vigilante and the description for the badge after earning it are both correct. Villain Progress Meter Villain Earned
  21. The 5th Column Nightwolf guarding the scientist at the end of the mission "Track Down Your Clone" From Dean MacArthur has the BOSS_DISPLAYINFO placeholder for a description.
  22. I think I recall hearing this has to do with enhancement availability at certain levels. I think Attuned enhancements convert at their lowest available levels to prevent the possibility of "upgrading" to a set that's not available until later. There's at least one Ranged AoE set that has this issue as well from what I remember.
  23. If this is "Take the ledger to Carla Brunelli", Carla tells you to go hunting in Perez. If you talk to Lorenzo while the mission is active he'll also tell you to hunt in Perez. There are many missions that the compass won't tell you what zone to fight in and the devs expected you to read the mission details a little bit. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Lorenzo_DiCosta#Take_the_ledger_to_Carla_Brunelli
  24. One thing I discovered while playing around with multiple Dual Pistol users that I found interesting: while they're not taking extra damage from it, Malta Operatives are technically weak to Toxic damage, I kept checking Power Analyzer on most of their goons, they all have standard SL resistance and Gunslingers and Titans are resistant to most everything but every enemy had a flat 0 for Toxic resistance, even the Titans (though the Gun Drones dropped by Op Engies resist everything). Pretty helpful discovery really, especially since my main Blaster has /Plant for a secondary and gets bonus Toxic damage in place of Build Up.
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