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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Man, we can't have anything nice anymore.
  2. I had a MA/SR scrapper on Live, but the Ninjitsu set ported over from Stalkers has a bit more utility to it. I picked it instead this time.
  3. Hover takes Defense sets so it's good for any of the Defense set special IO's. If they're Unique or Globals then most of them work just being slotted.
  4. You should be able to just grab the bottom, side or corner and resize them like a desktop window. A lot of the base stuff defaults all tiny.
  5. Can we address the important issue of how to pass someone on the interstate? It surprises me how people don't understand the physics involved. They work like this: (This is kind of a dirty explanation but meh) When you approach a vehicle from behind the first thing that happens is as you get close the leading vehicle (henceforth referred to as John Cleese) you begin to create drag on it and John Cleese's engine has to work harder to compensate. Then when you swing out to pass, John Cleese is no longer experiencing the drag created by your vehicle (Eric Idle from here on) and Eric Idle experiences a loss in power due to the engine suddenly having to pull the full weight of Eric Idle again. As you overtake John Cleese, Cleese's engine and Eric Idle's engines begin working in tandem with each other to pull the weight of both vehicles. As Idle draws even with Cleese its Cleese's engines that take most of the drag from both vehicles and Idle's engine is not working as hard to maintain the same speed. This causes both vehicles to achieve an almost equilibrium of speed. At this point Idle's engine is not working as hard as Cleese's and eventually it will overtake Cleese enough to suddenly cause Idle to take the majority of the work, easing the burden on Cleese's engine and causing it to maintain an almost equilibrium with Idle's. This can continue back and forth until one vehicle applies enough force to pull far enough ahead that both engines return to only pulling their own weight. In other words, you can't pass someone without having to accelerate beyond them! Just be careful because if you pull back into the same lane as them without a good leading distance you will begin to drag them and they will catch up.
  6. That I'm not sure about. In order to get bosses in regular spawns you need to increase the number of heroes you fight as. I've only done up to x2. I think you should start seeing bosses in the spawns around x4. There's a bit of info in the "Spawn" section of this article: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Notoriety
  7. Anything set to 0 or 1 players will generally only give you single bosses as the final group in missions. Enemy group and the mission itself can be factors in this as well though.
  8. Let's go ahead and do that then. Because its apparently a fucking joke now when I get attacked by other posters.
  9. Well, if he doesn't I'm just going to have to call them a liar for lying about me lying.
  10. What specific post was me lying? and lying about what? I insist that you back up the claim that I've told some sort of lie in the last page or two. Point it out and then explain why it's a lie.
  11. And now I'm lying. Do me a favor and tell everyone what I'm thinking right now.
  12. I'm glad I have you around to speak for me. Keeps me from having to post myself. Go on, what else do I not like about AE, farms or builds?
  13. So you agree that its exploitation. Good to know. Hey everyone munkilord says all those builds are exploitative.
  14. Am I? It suspiciously sounds like you're telling other people what I think. Please provide some evidence in the form of my posts that back this up. Because if I want you to know what I think I'll fucking tell you.
  15. Ok, let me ask you a real question. How do you expect me to reply to that? Am I supposed to flame you or something? Get all upset? Report you? I hate to tell you but I'm mostly laughing about you thinking of my butt. It is nice though isn't it?
  16. That's better. You didn't once reference what you think other people think. Well, until that bit at the end. That's what we call "passing judgement" and it works both ways.
  17. Good for Positron. How many people bought into it? Lots is vague and useless as a metric.
  18. You can justify it however you want but you still tried to make an argument for those you percieve as opposition and then treated it as if it were true. We call that a strawman. How would you feel if I did the same? Let's find out. I remember back on Live everyone in favor of AE farming just came right out and said they liked the easy button it gave them. They didn't have to worry about being challenged anymore because they could just pack their own missions with weak enemies that folded like tissue paper when they gave them hard looks. They said it really shoots up the influence/hr to levels unmatched by players who don't play farms filled with one-armed infants.
  19. This isn't a court. This is a discussion/debate and when someone presents a claim its perfectly valid to ask them to back it up. If you can't do that then maybe don't make broad sweeping claims about what you think other people think. It has no bearing on reality and is in fact a logical fallacy.
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