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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Here is every post you made in this thread up to now: It isn't until that last post, after the rest of us had finally figured out it was a Fairly Odd Parents bit that you finally state it is a Fairly Odd Parents bit. So, no, you didn't. I'm done with this thread. Bye. Edit: Oh yeah, you asked me questions. Were you aware that there's a reference to Vampire: the Masquerade in the game? Nope. The Simpsons? Nope. Pokemon? Nope. Star Trek? Nope. James Bond? Nope. Michael Jackson? Nope. With this being restated, what makes this particular one bad? Because something that already exists is being asked to be changed for a reference only some people will get. Is it because you got baited and are now upset or do you have a legitimate reason for disliking this one in particular? So you are saying you and the author were intentionally ambiguous to bait responses. Got it.
  2. You're right in that not everything is a single mesh. However, because I don't know what parts of the zone are parts of the geometry and what aren't, I say "possibly". If it isn't, then it isn't. If it is, then it is. And I don't have to bother with what is or isn't. With no reason given for why a change is being requested, I am limited in what I can think of as reasons. The most obvious one being that maybe the author wants to do some RP and the car is the wrong color for it. Still not a good reason t change the car's color, but a reason. And that would be playing with it. So, yes, players play with those elements. If the author does not want to bother giving reasons, then it falls to those reading the suggestion to come up with possible reasons for the request. And since neither you nor the author felt like bothering with actually giving a reason for the request, the rest of us are left floundering in the dark trying to figure out why the request may have been made. Thank you for playing. We have a lovely parting gift for you.
  3. Because everyone has watched that show and knows automatically what you are asking for and why. (Hint: I've never watched that show. And I'm willing to bet lots of other people haven't either.) There is a reason why we need to explain why we ask for things.
  4. So the whole reason why you want that car's color changed is so that the cars are colored like the Fairly Odd Parents' hair? Seriously?! Edit: I can't speak for the devs, but speaking for myself? No.
  5. Which still does not explain the reason for the request.
  6. I did say possibly. I don't know if the static vehicles are map geometry elements or if they are added on elements. We aren't talking about adding something from pop culture for players to play with. We are talking about the random color change of an existing map element. Why should that be changed? If you're keen to defend the proposal, then give an explanation why it should happen.
  7. There is still the fairness aspect. The game does not let characters change their alignment from Hero or Villain until level 20 when they get the ability to get tip missions. And it takes them 10 tip missions plus the morality to go from Hero to Vigilante or from Villain to Rogue. (Unless they go talk to Null the Gull and have him quick change their alignment even if still level 1.) So for fairness, your Praetorian character gets sent to Primal Earth where (s)he/they/it must then choose whether to start as a Hero or Villain and progressively change just like every other character in the game. (Or go talk to Null the Gull and shortcut the change.) If your Praetorian would start their career on Primal Earth as a Rogue or Vigilante? Then you have to use the same option that every other player's character does for their characters that start as rogues and vigilantes. Go talk to Null the Gull and have him change it. Otherwise, you follow the game's presented story line.
  8. Which has what to do with the why for the suggestion everyone is asking for? Edit: Let's try this another way. Why should that car's color be changed? What does it add to the game? What does it improve? (Why should it be green instead of orange, yellow, or any other color someone else may prefer? What if someone prefers the current color instead?) Why should the devs sit down and possibly have to rework the zone map to change a car's color?
  9. Then a new set like Hypersonic. Still not a big deal to ask for an enhancement set. You also need to slot a lot more to get Fly to its cap than you do Super Jump. (Or use Afterburner to match Super Jump's speed for 30 seconds.) So is that what you want then? For Double Jump to let Super Jump exceed the leaping speed cap to match? (I'm still against this too, just like I'm against the -leaping protection. Just asking for clarity.) Here's the thing from my point of view. When players take Super Jump, they get the ability to jump faster, farther, and higher than before. And when they activate Double Jump? They can fly for 30 seconds. At Super Jump's higher speed than Fly. Getting 30 seconds of "I can fly!' out of an "I can jump good!" power seems more than fair to me.
  10. Neither does any other travel power pool. Except for the Flight pool, if you want protection against -movement for the travel power in question, you have to go find other powers or enhancements. Why? The only thing Winter's Gift is missing is jump. So ask them to add it there. It already fits in. Unmodified for a level 50, Fly gives the character 58.63 mph travel and Super Jump gives 78.18 mph travel. Flying caps at 87.95 mph while jumping caps at 92.5 mph. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Travel_Powers So what is your point about Super Jump being only slightly faster than Fly? It matches Super Speed. And it still gives Fly control over your movement, just not Fly travel.
  11. No, it really doesn't. When you leave Praetoria, it is to help the heroes defend Primal Earth against the impending Praetorian invasion or to seize power for yourself while there is still time before the invasion. As a Vigilante alignment, while you are still ostensibly going to help defend Primal Earth against the invasion, you may not since you may think murdering other threats is the better choice. So when they send you to join the heroes, it is as a Hero. As a Rogue, while you are still ostensibly seeking power, you are more focused on the profit and opportunity available rather than the absolute power. Further, those missions are available at level 20. At level 20, alignment tips become available. And unless you use Null the Gull, player characters have to do 10 alignment tips and then a morality mission to change from Hero to Vigilante or Villain to Rogue at that level. So your Praetorian has to do the same thing. Either do the 10 tips and the morality to change alignment or go talk to Null the Gull. It's about fairness.
  12. The only power in the Flight pool that shows -Fly resist is Evasive Maneuvers. The rest function by not being close enough to the ground for -Fly effects to yank you down. I use Hover frequently. Very, very, very frequently. It provides zero protection against -Fly effects. So this argument fails. So ask for a jump IO that does the same thing. Which is why flying is the slowest travel power. You need a better argument.
  13. I said give more functionality to double jump not take away its ability to double jump. it still does what it does but now has something the differentiates it from the start vendor power is the idea. You are not the one I was quoting, so not the one I was addressing.
  14. Maybe just call it Continuous Jump then? I would rather not nerf the power and have to go to START to get that functionality back and devote another power slot to it rather than have the popup tray hold it.
  15. Doesn't have to be. It just has to be strong enough that with gravity, you can't jump out of it. (Edit: By the same token, flying lets you defy gravity too. And a web grenade will still stick your keister to the floor. Are you telling me it shouldn't do that for characters that can fly? [Edit again: And Afterburner doesn't do anything to protect you from that either.]) (Edit yet again: And considering the things we can glue to hang down from something despite its mass, the adhesive of the web grenade is very probably stronger than gravity. This is a super hero game with materials well beyond anything real world physics can currently make after all. It even has unobtainium.)
  16. To have in the tank head option as the controlling entity for the body.
  17. I would need to see proof of that. Because I've watched her swim past Tuatha without anything happening.
  18. Like @Psyonico said, that is caused by being red side. Most players avoid red side like plague. And without a robust player presence, doing anything like a DFB is going to be difficult.
  19. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Guide_to_Flight_Poses
  20. Well, I've never seen them activate for combat purposes. (Edit: And I've waited out the timer before since it no longer causes mission failure.) And you have to admit, fighting 5 bosses at once is a bit of an ask for a solo level 8-15 character to handle.
  21. The 5 Metronome prototypes in the mission Finale of the arc Clockwork Face are listed as Notable NPCs (edit: without the normal ally or enemy tags shown) in the wiki. It's been a while since I did that arc, but I don't think those 5 bosses, and they are only bosses, are actually enemies.
  22. Buff her how? Aid her in what? Nothing that isn't a PC attacks her and she doesn't attack anything.
  23. I'm not seeing that in CoD and I don't use Arsenal Control. I'm not arguing how well Mass Confusion works or doesn't, I'm simply saying that those three powers aren't comparable. (Though if the constant application of Smoke Canister is correct, then those two are at least similar.) So if you want to argue about whether Mass Confusion needs buffing? That's for someone else to argue, not me.
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