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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. You know, as long as that content doesn't require combat. Otherwise MMs are hosed. SG bases don't have pet/NPC pathing.
  2. You're also failing to account for Brute power sets. Let's say you have a Brute with Fiery Aura. You used Healing Flames to stave off being driven into your Fury bar for HP, but here you are, reduced to using your Fury bar as HP. Healing Flames times back in, so you pop it, getting back on your actual HP bar which restores your ability to regenerate and build Fury. Your Brute friend over there however is a Willpower Brute. And that Brute has no heal power, just powers that boost regeneration. Driven down to their Fury bar as HP, all that Brute can do is fight with his/her/their/its dwindling Fury reserve unless the Brute has a green inspiration left. That is going to cause a bias towards secondaries with heals. How long until you see Willpower, Super Reflexes, and Shield Defense get abandoned? (Edit: Especially Willpower since Max HP is a factor in regeneration and the OP shot that by 25%. Even worse, Fast Healing stops working because it is just regeneration and Rise to the Challenge loses half its function. Making the Willpower Brute's position even worse.)
  3. Let's start with Brute health as 100%. You reduce that by 25% just from the change. So now their health is at 75%. Now let's run with 1% Fury is equal to 1% of Brute health, so a full Fury bar, which most players can't achieve to the best of my knowledge, gives that Brute 150% of current health. With players like me capping at about 90% Fury, that would instead be 142.5% of current Brute max health. So you're most likely looking at 142.5% of current health. Sure, that's an improvement in survivability, but you're more likely to run into needing that Fury bar as health bar. Bear in mind that since the Brute cannot sustain or build Fury because Fury is now their HP bar, that means that even if the Brute was not under attack from enemies, the Brute's health bar, because it is now the Fury bar, is rapidly dropping. Fury isn't static when built up. So between normal Fury drain from lack of sustainment and enemy attacks now depleting the Fury bar, that 142.5% we started with is not actually 142.5% of current Brute health. It now becomes much closer to the Brute's current 100% health, not equal to, but much closer, because of the double drain on Fury without sustainment.
  4. The enemies were spawned. That is why 16 of the 18 needed Freakshow were defeated. The problem is that the remaining Freakshow ran off to who knows where and aren't returning to designated combat area. They either are hiding at whatever point they spawned at to run to the event after clearing out the PPD or they chased something and since the PPD combat area for the event was not their spawn point, stayed there. (Edit: From your post, I'm betting the surviving Freakshow were either chased off or chased something, and are just standing where they ran to.) (Edit: Also, the Freakshow phase is the 2nd part of the event. The 1st phase is defeating enough Prisoners in the area.)
  5. So... your take on Brutes is to make them less durable by reducing their health, give them a second health bar that they must build from 0 in combat, make their primary health bar not able to recover while they are on their second health bar, and they die anyway when the fighting is over if their primary health bar does not get back up to at least 5% while not able to regenerate. No thanks. (Edit: Oh, and while I don't know Broxigar, if you are referring to Boromir from the Lord of the Rings? He wasn't a Brute. He fought with discipline. His last stand was testament to his skill, not his fury carrying him. His moment of evidenced rage was from the One Ring's influence and his frustration that what he perceived as a powerful weapon against Sauron was being sent to be destroyed.)
  6. This was already tried. To summon Paladin in King's Row I believe. It was so hated and ignored, the change got rolled back to the original summons method.
  7. Players already have to turn off xp to do all content, so let's just make them have to turn off xp while outside of instance missions so they don't outlevel the content they are already doing just for being in the game? Pass.
  8. I understand where you are coming from and I admit the OP would be useful. (It being a command would prevent it being a forced option anyway, so no need to worry over that in my opinion.) And if the devs decide to go with the OP, my MMs with Teleport Target and Assemble the Team still have their other uses for those powers. I'm just going to leave it at while your suggestion works as a band-aid, it sits poorly with me as a maintainer because it leaves the underlying problem unaddressed.
  9. Please be careful. You are moving into debate territory. I don't know how GMs are supposed to interact with debates, but it poses risks to do so as a GM.
  10. That's the thing though. Fixing AI pathing is every bit as important, I'd actually say more important, than fixing the MM's pet auto-recall. The AI pathing problem affects MMs, Controllers, Dominators, some VEATs, and everyone that has to escort an NPC. Fixing that would go farther for MMs than fixing the auto-recall ability and would significantly reduce the need for the auto-recall ability or your proposed command.
  11. That's fair. Though I tend to approach teams on my MMs as if they were my pets. So I find very little difference between being solo or on teams while on my MMs other than the number of pets I have to keep an eye on and support. As for MM pets not keeping up with fast moving teams, there is a small window of difference. Solo, I move fast enough for my pets to stay with me most times. On fast moving teams, I have maybe a couple seconds of no pets depending on how far we moved from the last fight. Usually, the complaints I hear about MMs and fast moving teams revolve around that window between fight start and pet arrival depending on distance traveled to next fight. (Edit: Or the MM character himself/herself/themselves/itself having to play catch up if they summon replacement pets.) Even so, game NPC pathing needs work, and that should help greatly with complaints about MM pets not keeping up.
  12. Differences in experience then. I haven't had any problems with using my pets while in a group. A fast moving team leaves me sans pet support for a little bit as my pets play catch up, which it would be nice if they didn't need to play catch up, but the MM's core ability of Supremacy works just fine in and out of teams. Here is the issue I have with the OP. Yes, pets lag behind and MMs rely on their pets for a lot. Especially their damage output. NPCs including pets have difficulty navigating maps, particularly stairs, which further slows them down on some maps. Yes, I would like for my pets to be with me as I move, especially on fast moving teams. However, the addition of a teleport pet to my character command takes away from the powers we have in the game specifically for that. Especially since we already have a game mechanic that is supposed to automatically recall our pets to us when the distance between our character and pets gets too large. I would rather that mechanic be fixed so that the distance is a known value rather than a variable range that may not even apply and pet AI or pathing be improved so the pets actually move with the MM and not get stuck on going up or down stairs. Not just for MMs, but also for escort NPCs, Controller/Dominator pets, Crabberminds, and active Lore pets. MMs need help, but at least to me, the biggest issue is a shared problem. Fix that and MMs should have much less trouble with their pets.
  13. You can actually get it for free, but yeah, only after 12 hours of leading a team. And yes, it is usable once per half hour.
  14. START vendor sells Assemble the Team. It doesn't go away after you buy it, yanks all your pets to you at once, and costs no power choices. (Edit: And I agree the MM pet auto-recall ability needs to be fixed. Among other things.) Edit again: So you understand where I am coming from, I would rather something that is broken be fixed than get a workaround built and handed out. MM pet auto-recall is broken. At the very least unstable or unreliable. That should be fixed, not ignored with a band-aid handed out to the players.
  15. If you're going the Teleport pool route, there are advantages to it. By grabbing Teleport Target, you gain the ability to recall stuck pets, yank stuck targets out of their cover, recall teammates to you, and yank targets out of difficult areas reducing the amount of mobs that come charging out to kill you. Teleport itself gets cheaper if you use it in rapid succession and it will get you anywhere you want extremely quickly. Teleport Team lets you move all your pets with you. If you're going the Flight pool route, it also has advantages. Hover gives your character more defense at low cost. Fly gives you the advantage of flight, letting you bypass entire zones without the added complication of targeting your destination like Teleport requires. And Group Fly lets you move your pets with with. And if your pets are ranged, they can sit up out of melee range of your enemies just raining death down on them. So you get a benefit from all your power selections in both those pools. Even if you opt for different power selections to get to Group Fly or Team Teleport.
  16. Please link it. I can't find it. Edit: Nevermind. Found it.
  17. That's odd, because I was on those threads. Yes, threads, the bug thread and the ATO revamp suggestion thread. I didn't see any posts saying Brutes were fine as is. Though debates were being had about the fixation of the resolution being more +recharge.
  18. Yes. Why? Because brutes typically get stronger when mad in comics. Or more vicious. Or more feral. I don't know of any that get faster. Stronger is easy to emulate, that's just +damage. More vicious and more feral are a bit harder to emulate, but can arguably also be explained by +damage.
  19. Unless the mob is coded to be friendly, with its nice blue box, mobs are not your allies/friends. So if something has a yellow box, the target is neutral to you regardless of their faction and yours, and if they come under an offensive power effect from you, they become hostile. Damage isn't necessary, just an offensive power has to affect them. And since they aren't blue/friendly, your auras (if you have any) or other offensive powers will affect them.
  20. Mastermind stand out feature: Pets. Lots and lots of pets. Up to 7 before lores if you take the correct secondary.
  21. Revamping Brutes to a slow starter that builds momentum is a niche approach. While there may be brute characters that work that way, none come to mind. I'm also willing to bet it goes counter to the concepts of a great many brute characters in the game, so this proposal would essentially be forcing those players to re-conceptualize their characters or re-roll them as another AT. As much as I don't like fitting more +recharge into things, changing Brutes to start slow and build up speed is so much worse in my opinion. At least the previous thread's flat recharge boost from the proc' doesn't change player character concepts for them.
  22. When I checked my main, the ninjas all had the same (or slightly better) listed movement than my actual character. Bear in mind, I only had like either Sprint or Ninja Run turned on at the time. And yet, the pets still fell behind. And like by a good deal. I'm not sure what caused that other than maybe they waited too long before they started moving to catch up to me when I started moving away. So outside of like Super Speed or stacked running powers, pets should be able to keep up with the MM. But they don't. As far as teleporting hostages goes? I think, not sure but think, that was disabled so players wouldn't just sneak to where the hostages are, target them, sneak back to entrance, and then teleport them to the entrance and bypass everything. As far as sharing travel powers from their PC? That would put the last nail in the coffins of Group Fly and Team Teleport. The simplest solutions I've found so far are Teleport Target to yank pets back to you (unless they manage to get critically stuck in terrain), Assemble the Team to yank all your pets (and any teammates) to you, and unsummoning followed by re-summoning the pets as needed. I would very much like for MM pets to at least keep pace with the MM when only using Sprint or Ninja Run or Athletic Run or Beast Run, but from their combat attributes window in the game, they already should be doing so.
  23. That is a baseless assumption. For instance, my main is a Ninja/Dark MM. I only see this happen when a pet is critically stuck in an object. To the point where even Teleport Target failed to yank it back out. More commonly, you can lose control of your pets if you try dismissing them just before zoning, such as entering or exiting a mission map. Though zoning again typically fixes that. (Edit: For clarification, if you zone too soon after dismissing your pets, when you enter the new zone, you can find your pets are still with you. And sometimes, they aren't subject to your commands any more.) If Teleport Target, which my main MM has, can't pull a stuck pet out, then I'm willing to bet a recall pet command won't either.
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