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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. The Winter Origin enhancements are still classified as Rare or Very Rare enhancements depending on whether they are the standard or superior forms. The superior versions are treated the same as the purple sets, having the same requirements to be slotted. (You must be level 50 to slot a superior form Winter Origin enhancement or to catalyze a standard form to a superior form.) They also grant the same magnitude bonuses. So they are the same in my book.
  2. Do you have an idea for the build? Like what powers would you like at what tier?
  3. Am I really that hard to understand? This seems to be a running trend. You are misunderstanding my comment. I am not arguing against players getting access to Shadow Hunter's or Valkyrie's spear. The entire last paragraph of the post you quoted, not to mention the other posts I made on this thread, are actually supportive of players getting those weapon models. It is the arguments being given for why we should get them that has me smashing my head against a wall in frustration. Valkyrie's spear may not even be unique. It is a nanite weapon from War Earth. Just like the halberd Battle Maiden uses. Nanite weapons on War Earth are difficult to find in that dimension because of the sheer destruction wrought upon that world, at least according to one of the story arcs we can play blue side. However, even in that arc, it is mentioned that there are probably more nanite spears and halberds waiting to be found, and likely even other weapon types, just that no one has currently found them other than Battle Maiden and her followers. Now, setting aside the lore of nanite melee weapons, we get to the models used. Valkyrie's spear is closer to a javelin in appearance, except too big and top-heavy for throwing. Other than that, it is still a fairly basic generic spear weapon. So as I have said, multiple times now, since I think her spear's color is one we don't have access to, then we could get her spear, color it according to the colors we have access to, and it would still be visually different from hers. So her spear would still be unique if the devs decided hers was the only one anywhere in the CoX multiverse for any reason. Same thing for Shadow Hunter's spear, which is less a spear and more... I can't remember the name of that poleweapon right now. It is spear, but reminiscent of another weapon with a specific cultural name. And since unlike Valkyrie, Shadow Hunter does not derive his powers from his weapon, I believe his weapon is just a random weapon like any of his Spirit Stalkers may have but don't use. Or anyone else for that matter.
  4. Yep, counterfeits do exist in real life. And there are laws against them in real life too. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2320 https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1704-trademark-counterfeiting-elements-18-usc-2320 https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCODE-2011-title18/USCODE-2011-title18-partI-chap113-sec2320/summary And for outside the US: https://www.unodc.org/documents/counterfeit/FocusSheet/Counterfeit_focussheet_EN_HIRES.pdf https://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/global-guide/anti-counterfeiting-and-online-brand-enforcement/2017/article/international-anti-counterfeiting-legislation-existing-regime-and-future-developments So if the argument is that we have counterfeits, so we should have counterfeits, then the argument is borked. Because our law enforcement lacks things like mind reading, time travel, and other super powers to track down counterfeiting operations. So that argument can be flushed. Why not just leave it at spears are not unique, so can we please have them? Even if a specific weapon in a game is unique to the character, like Valkyrie's spear might be but probably isn't, the model itself is just a spear. I can make a character right now that has a broadsword in the game that is completely unique. It did not originate from any part of the City of Heroes multiverse so it has no cross multiverse duplicate to be found anywhere. And yet that model is available for other characters to be a generic broadsword, a magic broadsword, an artifact broadsword, or whatever. Valkyrie's spear can have its unique color, at least I think hers is not a color we have access to, and still be unique to her.
  5. Not all purple sets have the +10% recharge bonus though. Soulbound Allegiance, Superior Frozen Blast, Superior Winter's Bite, and Superior Avalanche don't grant +10% recharge bonus.
  6. When someone disagrees with a suggestion, they are not going to chime in and say "Yes! Do it!". They will say "No". Sometimes they even give an explanation as to why they are saying no. That gives others the means to give counter-arguments as to why it should be "yes" instead, and maybe even though not likely change the opinions of the individual(s) saying no. Either way, it gives the devs more food for thought and more viewpoints to consider. That is the nature of a forum. And since this is obviously going to be another overly long argument, I'm dropping out of it. I tried to give clarification on something someone said, and it started yet another argument. And more so than previous ones, it is a pointless one. Back on the OP? Yes, if the devs are willing, getting access to some of the other spear weapons in the game for player use would be nice.
  7. Some questions: Magnanimity: Why would sympathizing with your enemies inflict penalties on them? Clear Mind: This is already a very good power, so why does it need a +DEF component added to it? Aggrandize: To aggrandize something is to widen its scope, size, or intensity, or to make something appear greater. So why is it also lowering enemies' resistance and defense on top of enhancing allies' movement and maximum hit points? Why is everything an AoE? 7 of 9 are 25 feet radius effects while two are 15 feet radius effects? Basically, the proposed new Empathy set seems way overpowered to me. And that is even before we get to my traditional "you are taking away powers others are using" argument in the form of Heal Other. (Everything else just looks like they got rolled into combined powers instead of the individual powers they currently are, and then made even more powerful on top of that.)
  8. All I am saying is that Portal Corp will do their best to give every discovered dimension a unique name so they know quickly which world they are dealing with. As opposed to War Earth, Alternate War Earth, Different War Earth, Other War Earth, and so on. Take the Nemesis arc where you have to investigate three dimensions he conquered. The one where he blocked out the sun would probably be called Sunless Earth because that still differentiates it from Warwolf Earth. The one where he forcibly addicted the entire world to Superadine would probably be called Troll Earth because everyone not in the Nemesis Army is a Troll. So on and so forth. Funny how even there they use different names and costumes. Silver Age Flash, Flash, Professor Zoom. I did in that statement was point out how your own argument could be used against player characters as well. You're really reaching here with that comment. (Edit again: Also, you do realize I am one of the voices in favor of the OP?) Which is the point I was making. A suggestion was made. Then it was expanded. So players are debating about whether or not the old rule still applies, because unless we are told otherwise by the current devs, it is what we have to go on. (Edit: Not as in we are required to, but what we have available.)
  9. One problem with that. War Earth, like Praetorian Earth, Council Empire Earth, Primal Earth, et al. are unique dimensions that make up the City of Heroes multiverse. So no, you can't go to an Alternate War Earth where Valkyrie fell and cracked her skull open. Because Valkyrie is a Primal Earth person that found a War Earth weapon on Primal Earth. Now, there can be other dimensions where nanite-based weapons that look like primitive weapons exist just like they do on what's left of War Earth, and there can be more spears like what Valkyrie uses just waiting to be found on War Earth itself or even on Primal Earth or other realities where they wound up in those locations as mysteriously as Valkyrie's spear did on Primal Earth, but you won't find an alternate War Earth. And in the real world, players making characters that are true replications of fictional characters in games of the same genre claiming to be those characters have resulted in law suits of the game owner(s) for copyright infringement. And if super heroes were real, I'm willing to bet there would be an entire law industry on suing people pretending to be those super heroes. (Except for villains who would probably just kill the impersonator and be done.) No one is worshipping the NPCs. However, some of us remember why the devs back on Live refused to provide specific costume pieces despite us players asking for them. And that was so that we couldn't make characters like those NPCs. I don't know if the HC devs hold to the line of reasoning, but until we get clarification stating otherwise, some of us choose to run on the possibility that the Live devs reason still holds true. Considering more than half the player characters I see also lack a back story and are only briefly on my screen, let alone actually doing anything, the same could be said of player characters by that logic. What it boils down to is the request is being made, but because of previous dev arguments, we don't know if unique NPC costume pieces will be made available to us. And that is a large part of the conversation.
  10. Valkyrie's spear may not itself be unique, as in there could be more out there somewhere. It is the source of her powers though. We also know it originates from War Earth, home of Battle Maiden, uses nanites to alter its wielder like Battle Maiden's halberd, and is currently the only known one. Like I said, that does not necessarily make it unique, and as a spear, can be made available as a colorable item since I don't think that specific color is available for weapons. So yeah, basically what you said. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Valkyrie_(Hero)
  11. Works for me! Especially if it actually stays in the PC's hands instead of constantly popping back to their back like it does in the Shadow Hunter mission for The Magician.
  12. I'll leave it at I disagree because that would still be a charge, and move on.
  13. Wouldn't a shield bash just be a use in place ability?
  14. I really like the Soul Noir option for Dark Blast. The only thing I find annoying about it is the constant drip from the character's hands. Would you be willing to provide a version of Soul Noir that doesn't look like the character sprang a leak?
  15. @Zepp was correcting me. I don't boost my enhancements. The last time I did was back on Live and I could have sworn doing so added plusses to the enhancement, not actually changed its shown level. (Edit: And if @Zepp wasn't correcting me, then I apologize for the assumption.)
  16. I meant for merging. So instead of being limited to 3 level 30 SOs, you could merge a level 30, a level 29+, and a level 28++. Edit: Nevermind. Boosting doesn't add pluses, it changes the level.
  17. Inspirations are cheap. 50 inf' for a regular inspiration from a nurse, combat medic, or other vendor. Inspirations also get used in battle, and if you have a tray full of inspirations other than what you need at the moment, combining them is very helpful. No one is going to be slotting enhancements during a battle. SOs aren't cheap, compared to inspirations. And while I may be remembering incorrectly, I'm pretty sure I saw all origin SOs available at the vendors. I'm against the OP. If the OP is to be implemented though, then I think it should play by the same rules as inspirations. So yes, same origin, type, and level of enhancement. (Edit: Though I would be fine with being able to boost SOs to be the same level.)
  18. Masterminds can get their first pet upgrade power at level 6 and their T2 pet at level 12. I am not aware of any Flashback content that exemps you below level 7. So a Mastermind playing at lower levels, but not leveling up through those lower levels, still gets a minimum 3 pets with their first upgrade if they take their pet powers at lowest available level.
  19. As opposed to say Ninjas? Jounin get Caltrops and Golden Dragonfly. Oni get Fire Breath and Rain of Fire. Genin get jack all. And that is just one power set for comparison. I don't have time right now for the rest. Edit: Dire Wolf gets Chilling Howl (3 target, 80 ft 20 degree cone), Terrible Howl (16 target, 15 ft. radius PBAoE debuff, terror, and damage effect), and Freezing Roar (16 targets, 50 ft. 30 degree cone). Lionesses get Claw Swipe (16 targets, 7 ft. 90 degree cone), Ferocious Growl (6 targets, 15 ft. PBAoE Stun), and Lion's Roar (255 targets, 15 ft PBAoE debuff). Wolves get Howl (255 targets, 15 ft. PBAoE debuff) and Growl (16 targets, 15 ft. PBAoE debuff, Alpha Wolf only). https://cod.uberguy.net/html/powerset.html?pset=mastermind_summon.beast_mastery&at=mastermind Claw Swipe, Howl, Ferocious Growl, and Terrible Howl are granted by Tame Beasts. Freezing Roar, Lion's Roar, and Growl are granted by Train Beasts. So Beast Mastery isn't lacking for AoEs, just 4 of 8 pet AoEs are debuffs/Stun rather than damaging attacks.
  20. I'm pretty sure you will never find anything that automatically does all that for you. And if you did? You would likely wind up on everyone's ignore list in a real hurry. Leader: "This player asked if (s)he can join? Sure!" *toss invite to player* Requesting Player: "I'm already on a team/league." Leader: "Then why did you ask to join?" *Leader re-advertises team/league* Leader: "This player asked if (s)he can join again?! Uhm..." *tosses another invite to player* Requesting Player: "I'm already on a team/league." Leader: "Then why the hell did you ask to join again?!" Requesting Player: "Oh. The game is automatically sending those whenever the correct flag comes up in chat." *Leader places Requesting Player on Ignore list* So you will always have to be watching for the notices yourself, even if you have a script that lets you know if one comes up, and then you will have to initiate the request. Auto-requesting? I don't ever see being a thing.
  21. Question for you: Have you considered just having these powers apply a random inspiration-equivalent effect? Like The Roaming Fortress grants a defense buff already. So it could go something like this: Fortune: You draw a card from your deck and confer a benevolent effect on a target and any allies in close proximity. The Roaming Fortress (+RES) The Healthy Llama (+Max HP) The Unearthed Treasure (+DAM) The Secret Stash (+stealth effect?) The Page/Jack (+movement) The Knight (+DEF) The Queen (+END) The King (+HP [heal]) (Edit: Or apply a small inspiration effect in targeted AoE as "sole" effect.) Great Fortune: You draw a major arcana from your deck and confer a benevolent effect on a target and any allies in close proximity. The Shooting Star (+REC) The King's Stash (+DEF, +RES) (both effects, just using lesser values for two effects) The Marksman (+ACC, +RECH) The Vigilant Nurse (+Regen) The Hierophant (effect equivalent to a Breakfree inspiration) The Fool (turns target(s) into Rikti Monkeys) (Edit: Because sometimes you just want a good laugh or the deck says "no".) The World (+Perception, +ACC) (Edit: Or apply a medium inspiration buff effect in targeted AoE as "sole" effect.) Or maybe having them work like the Mystic Fortune power from P2W where Fortune is single target in effect and Great Fortune is targeted AoE?
  22. That's not possible. Neither would the OP function like that. You would still need to be aware of the advertisement for whatever was joining, click the leader's name, and then select to send the pre-generated tell. Now what could be possible, I'm not sure since I don't know what all a macro can do in this game, is set up a macro that sends a pre-generated tell to the target you have selected, like the hopefully team leader. One thing to keep in mind, more than half the time I see people advertising things, they are not the team leader. They are simply on the team and sending out messages for the team leader. Why? I have no clue. However, I routinely see things like "<insert WST> forming. Send tell to <insert character name not broadcasting the notice>." If you've already developed the capability, then why not just improve your script and post it to mods for the game?
  23. This has been brought up before for other options. It really doesn't work that way. The only way for that to work is for the devs to create new inspirations based on the existing inspirations that are non-transferrable upon being granted. And that is a lot of work for no real gain. Sure, all that's needed is a damage adjustment for The Reaper when dealing with stronger enemies. I'd have no problem with it simply dealing an amount of damage in line with other T9 nukes. If The Reaper was changed to function like other nukes and The Hungry Pack was brought in line with other powers? I would be all for it. What about a variation of the Quills power from the Spines power set?
  24. Oh, I agree with you. I was just answering your question.
  25. Most likely as a pre-generated Tell.
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