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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. More options as in greater variety of set bonuses is also a good thing. I just wish more players saw it that way.
  2. Ooh! That brings up an interesting question! Can the Kheldian forms be re-colored? Or just their blasts? Edit: I'm not directing the question at @Vindicator, though (s)he/they are free to respond. His/her/their post just popped the question into my head, so it needed to be quoted for reference.
  3. Thanks for answering my questions. I'm satisfied. I'm in favor of the OP.
  4. 4% regeneration as its starting set bonus is pretty good for a set that can be slotted as early as level 12. It also has 2.25% Smash/Lethal resist with 3.75% mez resist as its 4th set bonus. 4.5% Toxic/Psionic resist with 7.5% mez resist as its 6th bonus. And if the movement speed buff affects the pets the set is slotted in, it helps those pets move with the MM a bit better. That said, yeah, I don't use the set either. The 1% confuse duration isn't something I look for on my MMs and I use Blood Mandate, Edict of the Master, Sovereign Right, and sometimes Expedient Reinforcement as my non-ATO/Soulbound Allegiance sets.
  5. I am very much against having an AT introduced that couldn't do the same things every other character in the game can do, like side switch. The rest of your explanation works for me though. Thanks for providing it. So if I am understanding correctly, a Nictus PC that changes sides stays a 'Nictus' instead of becoming a 'Warshade' simply because it is too soon for the Peacebringers and Warshades to accept the individual until (s)he/they proves to be an ally of at least Warshade levels. (Which considering the Peacebringer contacts don't actually trust the Warshades is saying something.) So the Nictus PC stays a Nictus PC instead of becoming a Warshade because of the extreme lack of trust from the other two groups. That works for me. Thanks. (And yeah, I am very much in favor of the proposed Nictus AT not being able to do the Kheldian arcs blue side. However, if any other AT can start a given TF, then the Nictus AT should too. I have not run a Moonfire TF ever, and it has been a very long time since I was last on one. So I don't know if you need to be a Kheldian to start it or not. If you do, then yeah, the Nictus AT still wouldn't be flagged as a Kheldian, or at least would get a different Kheldian flag to prevent arc cross-over, and wouldn't be able to start it. If anyone can start it though, then even Moonfire should be available for them to start. Maybe she thinks she's dealing with a Warshade? I don't know.) One last question about the AT: Peacebringers and Warshades are hunted by the Voids. Which I believe are hired by the Nictus to do so. Would a Nictus that goes hero also be subject to being hunted by Voids since the character would just be another filthy traitor like the Warshades now?
  6. A Nictus that renounces their ways and 'goes good' becomes a Warshade according to Kheldian lore. Once a character is created, if the Nictus character goes full hero, like the Warshades did, which according to the Kheldian lore would make them into Warshades, what becomes of the Nictus character?
  7. What about if they go hero?
  8. The only real issue I see is with side-switching. Currently, Peacebringers and Warshades can go villain whenever they want. According to the lore though, when a Nictus chooses redemption, they become a Warshade. So how would that work since the AT can't be changed after character creation?
  9. A tangent response to what @Greycat said. And yes, I've seen anime and friendly demons. I've also read stories (that aren't manga, I've never read manga) about friendly, or at least helpful, demons. Doesn't stop me from laughing when my demon stops to ask a foe if they're okay or apologizes for winning. (I've also played Disgaea, so I know it isn't original. [Edit: Demons apologizing for hurting foes, that is.] I still find it funny though.) And yes, I know the character is not a pacifist. That had to change because I didn't want others to carry the character to 50. That was the original basis of the character though. And I can't think of the correct term, so "pacifist until the fighting starts" is what I stick with for the time being.
  10. I'm not going to argue to defend Kheldians getting APPs. I'm not actually invested in it, just in favor of it. To answer the question though: Just like a natural, science, mutant, or technology character can learn magic (and still be a natural, science, mutant, or technology character), or any character can pick up a hyper-fusion beam cannon (patent pending) and use it even if a magic origin character (and still be their original origin despite the sci-fi tech weapon), the science-based Kheldians can also learn to pick up other abilities. That would not change the AT lore, just that specific character's late development. I'm not against more options for players. I say let people play what they want as long as they are not taking anything away from the game lore, taking anything away from their fellow players, and isn't yet more power creep. Edit: Also, yes. " even coming from a RPer who folds and spindles things 10 ways from Friday to be what I "want" them to be... why should "I want to play this in a way that it isn't" be a reason for this sort of change? When the same concepts can be done utilizing other ATs and more appropriate sets? Pacifists who want to never attack and petless masterminds also kind of fall into that same category, to me - which is not putting them down, I've got kind of a cheat-pacifist (they don't attack, but their minions will *not* see them hurt) myself - but should edge-of-that-envelope play start getting a bunch of buffs and specialty pools *just* for that? Should I want pools for a Scrapafist, a scrapper who doesn't attack or want to do damage? (... which, if you thought playing a petless mastermind was bad... has anyone even tried this? 😄 Throwing it in mostly because the idea came and I thought it was amusing, not to actually argue it...) " Back on Live I made a pacifist demon Corruptor. (That I brought back on HC.) And I had to find a "new definiton" for "pacifist" because as a friend pointed out since I played solo most times: "That is a great level 1 character." (My definition is that as a demon, pacifism meant not killing or inflicting excessive harm. What excessive harm means is still debatable. I still think its funny to play a demon that apologizes for mopping the map with foes.)
  11. That would be because I don't play them, so I don't know how those work.
  12. It's specifically the fire effect, dark effect, other effect that I have seen asked for on the forums with the requests for non-Kheldian Kheldians.
  13. Side rant: I don't know what I am doing wrong. I don't understand why I can't be understood. Back to thread: What I am saying is that non-Kheldian ATs get 67 enhancement slots to assign to their 24 powers. Kheldians get those same 67 enhancement slots, and their choice of 24 powers, plus their inherent powers that the other ATs have to use up power slots to get.
  14. What I mean is that when a Kheldian character is made, that character gets the Fly power or the Teleport power for free. At level 4, when non-Kheldian ATs can get Fly or Teleport, and they choose Fly or Teleport, that Kheldian is grabbing another of their powers from their very robust list of powers. Yes, all powers come with that 1 slot free, but the non-Kheldian AT now has a power that doesn't really need any additonal slots to be effective, so can assign any additional slots elsewhere, whereas the Kheldian has another power that most likely needs to be slotted with additional slots. Edit: Basically, the over-abundance of powers Kheldians wind up with makes it seem like they are suffering from a lack of slots. However, as you pointed out, the opposite is true.
  15. There are players that want access to Kheldians that are not limited to just their current primary and secondary. Granting Kheldians access to APPs, but not PPPs since VEATs don't get access to APPs, would grant Kheldian players the ability to add in fire, dark, or other attacks the base AT lacks even if they are not equal to their existing abilities.
  16. The Live devs tried adding a 7th slot, I think as a purchasable, but that broke the game hard. So they dumped it. Not sure about adding more slots as long as it stayed at 6 or less though. I think that is part of the complaint. Non-HEATs have to use power slots to get those same powers, and I know very few people who slot Fly or Teleport past the basic slot they come with. Maybe even Fold Space. So those slots that could have been assigned to those powers are available for other powers on other ATs, but Kheldians get additional powers that eat slots as well since they don't need to use a power slot to be able to fly or teleport. Mind you, I'm not disagreeing with you. It is just my take on the situation from what I've heard from Kheldian players and read on the forums. Edit: I am in favor of Kheldians getting access to APPs. Just not more slots.
  17. That's going to make every mission impossible to solo.
  18. They can't be boosted because they are attuned. They started as attuned when in standard version and stay attuned when made into their superior version. If you attune the Very Rare sets, they also cannot be boosted. And once an enhancement is attuned, I am unaware of a way to de-attune them in order to boost them. Edit: And yes, I know that the purple sets function as if attuned despite not being attuned, but if you attune them for any reason, they become no longer boostable. And ATOs and WOs start out attuned.
  19. I don't really see how, but I'm not a dev. If it works, okay. I just figured take the existing animation, clone it, but leave off the drips.
  20. I am in favor of the OP. I am simply against the argument of real world counterfeits justifying in-game model access. Especially for something as generic as the spear Valkyrie and Shadow Hunter have.
  21. Pretend what? I already do re-color. (Edit: I'm not asking for Soul Noir to be changed, I'm asking for an additional version that doesn't drip.)
  22. If a person brings up real world activities as justification for something, then real world laws are going to get brought up too. CoX is a fiction, but they obviously have laws. Otherwise there wouldn't be a PPD.
  23. And neither does Soulbound Allegiance, which is a purple set. And they are purple sets because they are Very Rare sets. Which the superior versions of the Winter Origin sets are as well. Overview Winter Origin (WO) Enhancements are all-unique and attuned enhancements. There are four damage sets and a hold set, for a total of five sets. Standard winter enhancements grant set bonuses that are roughly equivalent to rare enhancement sets, while superior winter enhancements grant set bonuses that are roughly equivalent to very rare enhancement sets Superior Enhancements Enhancement catalysts can be applied to the standard enhancements to boost them to "Superior" versions with higher enhancement values and bigger set bonuses. However, catalyzing a winter enhancement will also increase the minimum level requirement to 50, similar to very rare (purple) enhancements. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Winter_Origin_Enhancements There are 10 purple sets if you drop ATOs and WOs. Of those 10, 1 does not have the +10% recharge boost. We can only gain the benefit of any specific bonus, like +10% recharge, up to 5 times. And there are already 9 sets that grant it.
  24. In addition to what @TheZag said, making a new APP that granted additional slots to Kheldians would cause an uproar among the players who would then demand they get access to the same APP so they can get more slots for other ATs.
  25. If you're already buying the SOs to go through all that... then why not just buy the SO you need?
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