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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. You are in an enclosed area that is apparently completely filled with fog. Not particularly dense fog, but filled with fog. The only thing wind powers will do in there is swirl the fog around the area/you. Now as for a mechanical reason to not do this? The fog isn't something that can be interacted with. The degree of coding making it possible to have your powers interact with it, given that the effect would need to affect a limited part of a set area fx, is beyond nightmare levels of figuring out given our ancient game code and the game engine it is built on. It isn't like changing fires, which have a defined, limited object, to be affected by water and ice powers to be put out. (Edit: I'm just going to ignore the whole baberynth part....)
  2. Accepted. Welcome to ignore.
  3. Holy hells! A request was made of you, a request made by the team leader. The person that actually has control of the team and gets to dictate what does or does not get to happen. That is a demand that the team, or even just the team leader since you insist on semantics, yield to you and your playstyle despite you being on the team at the sufferance/whim of the team leader. Give it a rest already! The only reason why this derailment has gone on for so long is because of your insistence that you are in the right and the team leader was morally wrong, per your words on that other thread which I went back and read, rather than saying "I disagree, I see everyone else disagrees with me, so I'm just going to move on". Ending this derailment is as simple as what you and I agreed to do until you made this ridiculous comment. Just leave it at everyone disagrees and move on.
  4. Your insistence is baffling. Though I do agree it is pointless to continue this.
  5. What team? You mean the 1 guy? You use the word cater but it doesn't mean what you think it does. It was a 1v1 disagreement. You keep blowing it up to more than it was. Stay on topic. Were you on a team? Yes. Did any member of that team make a request that you stop doing something you were doing? Yes. (In point of fact, the team leader made the request.) It does not matter how many or few members of that team ask you to stop doing something you are doing. It can be 1 of them, it can be all of them. It does not matter. Especially if that 1 person is the team leader. If part of the team is having issues with something you are doing, it doesn't matter if it is using a power or the things you are saying or anything else, the team has issues with what is being done. And that issue needs to be resolved. Either by finding a way for the power to benefit the team without causing issue for that person(s), by finding a way to not affect that person(s) in the undesired way, or by cessation of activity. (Edit: Or by the rest of the team agreeing with you and saying the requester is out of line, enabling you to continue.)
  6. Then your stance is that the team needs to cater to you? As a team member, not the team lead? Edit: It doesn't matter if a single member of the team asked or if everyone on the team other than you asks, when a team starts to have friction with itself, it needs to be resolved. Either by compliance with the request or by finding another resolution. If 1 person on the team speaks up requesting a cessation of your activity and you refuse, especially when that 1 person is the team leader, then it is all on you. It doesn't matter how long that person kept quiet trying to not rock the boat.
  7. You were on a TF and Null the Gull won't talk to anyone on a TF. So if a request is made to not use Group Fly, and you already stated you don't always use Group Fly, then since that person can't go talk to Null the GUll until after the TF is over or they quit the TF to go talk to him, courtesy says turn off Group Fly.
  8. Then you make a request to have the Hell Forge missions less nightmarish. There is already a Hell Forge mission where all the objectives are pre-marked on the map for you, ask to have the other (or other 2?) Hell Forge missions follow suit or make the objectives on that map more noticeable. Yes, I hate going through the Hell Forge map too, but I've gotten to the point where I have a pretty good awareness of where most of the glowie spawn points are on it and can just go grab them without much fuss any more. So maps like the Hell Forge can be learned just like every other map as well. However, it is for the vast majority of maps, not unique nightmares like the Hell Forge, that I have issues with the proposal. You can't just look at an outlier example and go 'great idea' without considering the rest of what we play through.
  9. If this can be implemented, then it should apply to all farms, not just fire farms.
  10. Regardless of it not being an actual mission in our mission list, it is still the assigned active task when we enter the zone. That still removes the mission from the nav bar as the active mission. I also think some contacts are still locked behind the radio missions, so retaining the heads up to go talk to a detective is a good thing. That said, I agree with you in that it needs to be addressed, especially since even after you get access to the radio, when you level up and go to a new zone, you get another 'go talk to the detective' task which serves no purpose because you already have radio access and the detective won't tell you anything other than 'go do some radio missions'. So while I am still firmly of the belief the OP cannot be done and I firmly disagree that new players are going to be so incompetent that they can't figure out how to select their missions from the mission window or even think to ask for help, I do agree that something should be done about the detective and broker tasks in the game.
  11. Didn't the devs say they would not propagate Null the Gull to more locations?
  12. To the best of my knowledge, what you are asking for can't be done with this game's ancient engine. The reason the previous mission blanks is because the game can only track 1 active mission at a time. And even a new player should be able to figure out how to open their mission list and select a mission listed there. (Edit: And if they can't? They can ask in the Help channel, General channel, Broadcast, or walk up to another player and ask in local.)
  13. No, it wasn't a case of overly long holds. The Controller would apply a hold, then it would wear off and I would start to flee or throw an attack, and then the Controller held me again. (Edit: Hells, I even threw my own hold on the Controller, Petrifying Gaze from Dark Miasma, and the Controller stopped doing anything for a few heartbeats, then resumed locking me down.)
  14. This is a huge advantage, not an utility for broken missions. I sincerely doubt you will ever see this. Also something I am willing to bet you will never see. Part of the game play is finding the baddies and the glowies. This is another huge advantage you are asking for, not an utility for broken missions. What is the point of asking players to find the glowies if they just have to click a button and voila, there they all are, no need to encounter enemy spawns you don't want to? I am against this. For most missions, the last glowie gets posted on the map, so all you have to do is go click it. For the ones that don't? Have the devs expand the last glowie mechanic to those as well. While I agree that spawns that are placed where they can't be reached is something that needs to be fixed, this will not be limited to just spawns that can't be reached. So on those grounds, I oppose this as well. (Many spawns that you find in a wall will either remove themselves from the wall after a while or will be removed from the wall if you exit and then re-enter the map anyway.) The Reveal power is available from the START vendor for a measly 10,000 inf'. The other players can buy their own and use it. You can already get Assemble the Team for free from the START vendor as a reward for leading teams for 12 hours. This should just be made available to team leaders when not on a mission map anyway.
  15. Yes, they did exist. Whether you are talking about Break Frees or the Iron Wills that preceded it and had to be used in advance, there were always inspiration responses to mezzes. break frees came after the mez nerf in pvp.....iron wills were lackluster because you had to use them prior to being held/mezzed which is why i suspect they got replaced. Isn't that what my post you are quoting says? And my point isn't how viable they were, my point is that they existed. Please make note of my comments and their purpose. In particular, let me emphasize part of my 1st post: I am not and never was arguing against the OP. I was pointing out errors in your statements and trying to provide clarification. I don't PvP. Typically, if I'm in a PvP zone, it is because I am looking for a badge or I am helping someone else get their badge. And if I see a PvP'er and I don't have someone I am trying to help get a badge, I beeline for the exit. I don't care what PvP'ers do to each other in PvP zones.
  16. No, it wasn't part of the I13 revamp. I was held to death by a Controller on HC. Maybe a few months back. Was in Bloody Bay hunting Shivans with someone that had asked for help getting them when a blue side Controller appeared and held me over and over while the Controller's partner dropped my partner. The Shivans we had been fighting were already dead, so it wasn't a Shivan holding me. I was affected by a Hold, not a confuse or a sleep, until I was dead. The Controller affected me with at least 3 holds, applying each new hold as soon as my Corruptor started moving again. My Corruptor's Hold resistance is 61.25%.
  17. Thanks. As I said, I was unaware of that. So my question is, how did that Controller Hold me to death then?
  18. Teams did and still do. Really? I was not aware of this. The last time I encountered someone in a PvP zone, they held me, the hold wore off and I started to try to escape and they held me again over and over until I was dead.
  19. No one is asking for the existing animations to go away. (At least, I'm not.) What is being asked for are alternate animations for those of us that don't want the overly dramatic, trick shot animations.
  20. break frees came after the mez nerf in pvp.....iron wills were lackluster because you had to use them prior to being held/mezzed which is why i suspect they got replaced. Isn't that what my post you are quoting says? And my point isn't how viable they were, my point is that they existed. (Edit again: Yes, Iron Wills sucked, which is why they were replaced with Breakfrees. However, I never met a PvP'er that lacked a mez protection power that didn't enter a PvP zone with a tray full of the large Iron Wills that they kept using [at 4 minutes duration each] until they were done or needed to exit to get more.) (Edit: Your post also said there weren't any powers that resisted mez before mezzes were nerfed. And that is flat out wrong. Scrappers and Tankers got mez protection powers from the get go.)
  21. That shouldn't change anything as far as the OP goes. In order for the quick version to be active, your character has to be considered to be in combat already. And Shinobi-iri won't boost their snipe damage, which is the OP's complaint, if the character isn't hidden.
  22. Yes. Frozen Spear from Ice Mastery, Mace Beam from Mace Mastery, Zapp from Mu Mastery, Psionic Lance from Psionic Mastery, and Moonbeam from Soul Mastery.
  23. There are also Malta Gunslingers. So between the Thugs MM primary and the Malta, using those as a base, that counts down on the development a little.
  24. And if we're talking about the "slow-snipe", then, IIRC, there's a LoS check both as the start of the power and just before firing, so if you keep moving and using cover, it's less likely to be used against you... Pretty sure you are correct, yes. Edit: Combine that with available stealth options in PvP and the benefit of teams, and the OP doesn't really have a leg to stand on.
  25. yeah well its not like dual pistols is a real damage dealer So you would be happy if Dual Pistol's damage dropped? The request for sensible, non-circus performer trick shot artist, animations has been made multiple times. We keep hoping. However, I am willing to bet you will not see Dual Pistol's animation times reduced. Edit again: Now, if you could prove with in-game play data that Dual Pistols is lagging compared to other sets? Then maybe an argument for the set's animation times can be made.
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