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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. No, they don't. Make a new toon. Enter City Hall. Enter any of the origin offices regardless of your origin. Talk to the contacts. They give you their missions. I make it a point of doing every origin contact at the starting levels with every character I make blue side. (Edit: Then the Habashi arcs.) The later origin contacts? Got introduced to your character without regard to your character's origin even before the origin limitation was removed back on Live. You were just more likely to have them introduced to you if you were that origin because of the contacts you started with.
  2. I don't understand. The origin contacts, which I'm guessing you mean the starter contacts since the later ones don't care what your origin is, can all be completed. (Edit: Actually, none of the contacts care what your origin is any more. So... disregard that part please.) The conflict comes in the tutorial assigning you to the newest contact that starts the Hellions/Arachnos arc. If you try to do those arcs and the origin contacts with xp on, then yeah, they can't be completed before you out-level them. If you skip the tutorial and just walk into City Hall and talk up your origin contacts though, there is no problem with completing them. I am not against being able to dismiss contacts. I am just confused by your declaration that they can't be completed. (If you want to do the Hellions/Arachnos arc and the origin contacts? Then do the origin contacts. You can complete the Hellions/Arachnos arcs in Ouroboros. Or turn off xp, do the origin contacts, then turn on xp and do the Hellions/Arachnos arcs. Whichever you prefer.)
  3. Mass Hypnosis is a sleep? Whoops. Thought it was an AoE confuse. Sorry. Edit: I'm... going to go edit my list of powers now.... Note: When using a post for data, actually re-read all the powers each time to be certain.... Sometimes I'm just a goombah.
  4. Except I don't see it being activated in the middle of combat, but rather maintained as per Shadowfall/Steamy Mist. If it were activated during combat? The enemies would still know there were enemies there and be trying to find them/attacking where they last saw them. Regardless, I'm not sufficiently familiar with controllers/dominators to say more than that. Also, as an aside? The only reason I suggested Mental Army have possibly 4 or 5 phantoms is because it is now listed as a higher tier than Phantom Army and I was trying to differentiate it in a way that explains the higher tier. I'm fine with pretty much any differentiation. Reduced endurance cost. Longer duration. Faster recharge. Flying blue monkeys delivering tea and crumpets to the character. Don't care, just want a differentiation. Also, instead of psychic psychic attacks, I see the Mental Army phantoms being spawned with random attack animations. They should do psychic damage, yes. They are only in the viewers' minds. The attack type animations should be randomly assigned per summon though, from a list of equal animation time attacks. If possible... which probably isn't... but a body can dream.... Edit: Hells, the psychic damage with random animations should be ample differentiation now that I think about it.
  5. Works for me. I'm not even close to an expert when it comes to controllers/dominators. Don't enjoy playing either. Edit: Except for the placate effect. Nothing to see is already set up to grant invisibility rather than stealth as long as players stay within the power's radius. And then the def bonus if they attack/engage in combat. Placate feels a little over the top to me.
  6. My idea, just for contrast. Mind Control (New, not to replace exisitng): Tier 1: Mesmerize: As per Mesmerize. Tier 2: Dominate: As per Dominate. Tier 3: Confuse: As per Confuse. Tier 4: Cloud Senses: To Hit/Accuracy Debuff. (AoE? ST?) Click. Tier 5: Mass Confuse: As per Mass Hypnosis. Edit: As per... yeah... Mass Confusion.... *face palm* Tier 6: Nothing To See: PBAoE invisibility. Toggle. (Because in comics they like to make the baddies not see them passing by.) Tier 7: Mass Control: AoE Hold. Click Tier 8: Mental Army: As per Phantom Army more or less. Though probably with 4 or 5 phantoms. Click. Tier 9: Enthrall: Target lieutenant or lower becomes player's combat pet. Teleports to player if maximal distance is exceeded as per MM. Toggle. Telekinesis/Psychokinesis: I rather like your version more than mine.... *hangs head*
  7. Mmmm... making 2 sets is feasible... after all, we have broadsword and katana. Would just have to make sure the psychokinesis/telekinesis is sufficiently different in feel and application. However, if you want to go that route, I recommend three sets then. Set 1: Mentalist: Current Mind Control (with any tweaks). Set 2: Mind Control: Which would need to be fleshed out as a controller/dominator style pet class. Set 3: Telekinesis: Which would need to be fleshed out and differentiated from Gravity. Edit: Reason being is that comics have pure mentalists (the pet mind control idea), psychokineticists, and general mentalists (that have various names) that do a bit of both. Edit again: The mind control (pet version) should probably also include some illusion control ability as well, since that also falls under what pure telepaths inflict on others. Which would also need to be differentiated from Illusion Control in some way. ... This is getting more complicated than anticipated....
  8. Oh yeah, the target would also need to despawn if released to keep people from enthralling a level 54 lieutenant and then releasing it in Mercy Island or Atlas Park. Or the thrall should not be able to zone. Or some other method of containment. Whatever.
  9. Nah. Let it affect lieutenants and lower, and have it as a toggle that costs as much or maybe a little less than a damage aura in endurance. Maybe a little more than? ... Would depend on how effective overall at contributing damage it would be if only applied to lieutenants compared to a damage aura I guess. As for becoming de-toggled if the controller is held, stunned, or otherwise rendered inactive? I'll let wiser heads determine that. I don't really see a need for escalating endurance costs, except possibly as a variable dependent on whether the target was a lieutenant, minion, or underling.
  10. Ha! Make it a toggle to reflect the effort of keeping the target enthralled! That could be the Total Domination! 😄
  11. *cringes at the thought of a player mind controlled Nemesis sniper* Would be thematic, but maybe limit the thrall to the mission? Put the mind control ability on a longer timer? ... I don't know. As long as the player isn't running around with Lord Recluse or Deathsurge or something else equally over the top, which your suggestion of limiting to lieutenants and below addresses, I don't see anything wrong with mind controllers grabbing a random pet follower.
  12. I'd settle for consistency of just showing prices at this point.
  13. This was addressed in another thread. I don't feel like combing the forum to find it again, but what it boiled down to was perception. Kinetics melee applies its damage at the end of the animation and the other sets applied it at the start. So it seems to have a longer animation time. The damage and animation times are actually comparable, in some cases it favored kinetic melee. The timing of damage application is what gives that perception. That said, I am running purely off memory here. So if I'm misrepresenting this, someone please correct me.
  14. I think that would run up against the same coding problem as having AH access in a base.
  15. If you're going to go that route, then just spring for the Base Transporter power from P2W. They can supplement each other if nothing else. And if you don't log off at your base, you still have the P2W version available to use.
  16. I love the concept of redraw. I am using a different weapon so I have to grab it. However, I only love the concept. Mechanically? It is more than a little annoying out the gate. I'm using two one-handed weapons? Gotta redraw them both to use them. Even if my character is only attacking with one of them with this power. Using a ninja blaster? You can't just blast with one hand while holding your weapon in the other? (Yeah, I know, they can't match the animations across all those power combinations.) It gets compounded when the draw/redraw is so long like with a ninja training blaster. Have to take the time to draw the weapon, then grip the weapon with both hands, then set the weapon before you even get into the attack. Meanwhile, that plasma rifle wielding Rikti Infantry runs up to you, starts his plasma sword draw animation well after you started your blade draw animation, finishes drawing his weapon in maybe half the time, and is already carving you up while you wait for your attack to finally start. So yeah... I love the concept of redraw, but I hate the actuality. I'm in favor of this suggestion, but not just for staff scrappers/stalkers. Let's face it. Redraw sucks. Edit: I should clarify before I am told I am confusing draw with redraw. In the provided example, I just finished cutting down a Rikti Headman in my face with the sword after shooting him repeatedly to start the fight, then had to redraw the pistols to shoot the distant Infantry, then had to redraw the sword to finish the Infantry in close combat.
  17. You can also just step out of zone and back in, and it cycles the available missions. Just in case. It's how I change my paper missions. Enter my base or hit up a ferry. Or yeah, choose a mission, abandon the mission, and then check what the replacement missions are. I have no opinion on this, but I do have a question: what about paper missions?
  18. I like Vidiotmaps. As often as I can't find anything I'm looking for, it helps me a LOT. There are those that don't like it though. Instead of making Vidiotmaps part of the game, would it not make more sense to ask for the explores and plaques to be selectable options on the map? ... well... maybe not explores since we have the explore tips now... but maybe the lore plague locations? ... except maybe in Praetoria where most of those are graffiti instead of commemorative plagues.... ... ... ... Know what? I'm not going to be for or against this idea. Too many things Vidiotmaps provides doesn't really make sense on an official map, but most of it I want. So... y'all have fun with this thread. I'll keep reading it, but I don't expect to have any other opinions on it.
  19. You're thinking the alignment tips. The explore tips are a new addition. And to the best of my knowledge, were added to help people find the explores.
  20. Good point. I should have remembered. Apologies.
  21. Add a place where the Voids can appear outside of kheldian missions. Rare faction to surprise players. Maybe in Striga since the only kheldian contacts I know are there.
  22. I don't know if they actually can be sorted alphabetically. I agree it would definitely be nice though. It can be aggravating to scroll through options looking for something, but it is not where you expected it to be because its... uhm... reference number, I guess?... has it sorted out of alphabetical order. I don't know how the costume parts are sorted. I agree it would be nice if it were simplified or a name search filter were added though. (I'm also not sure a filter even can be added, given the horror stories I've heard about the game's unmarked, jumbled mess of a code.)
  23. If you fix her, please don't her fix her that much. It's nice being able to leave her behind to clear the map. And would really like to avoid having another Ms. Liberty who aggroes to mobs that aren't even rendered on the screen yet and goes racing off to fight them.
  24. A notice that tempers are flaring is not a comment about derision.
  25. My read on that is not there is derision, but that the argument had accumulated so many posts in such a short period of time that the GM Widower stepped in to tell everyone to take a step back if we did not want the suggestion. I see no mention of derision in this response. (Edit: A need for us to chill out rather than keep fighting over the suggestion, but nothing about derision.) I even made a post with just your comment and highlighted how you were proposing the suggestion should be implemented because it could free up a pool slot. Which was what everyone was arguing about before you decided to post your first comment. Reading your comments and thinking that is what you want, and then commenting on it, does not make a person a liar. By all means, re-quote yourself. I will re-bold your comment. Then when I asked you to explain what you actually wanted? You posted a comic where the character apparently taunts off-panel, makes a brief monologue, pops 100 red inspirations, super jumps into a group of unaware or confused mobs from 3 different factions, then self-destructed in a mushroom cloud judgement power. I still have no idea how to take that comic. People can only infer from available information. The way your posts read as compared to the OP, it was inevitable for them to be read as being the same idea. If you want to stand out as a different idea from the OP? Clarify your post with as much information about your intent as possible. (Edit: Something, something, not psychic, something, something....)
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