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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Correct. I'm not aware of signature villains being in radio missions, but I also don't typically do those. In order to get their 25, they would need to be doing tip missions, TFs, and story arcs. With TFs and story arcs having a good chance of getting them their 25. (Edit: Well, and safeguard missions, but I don't count those as radio/scanner missions. And they aren't going to be seeing enough villain variety doing just level 50 safeguards.)
  2. Nope. Takes 25 different signature villains. There are a lot of options for getting them though.
  3. If you get the Hero Slayer badge, Lord Schweinzer will give you all the mayhems with no paper missions required to get them. If you get the Villain Disruptor badge, Agent Hassell will give you all the safeguards with no radio missions required to get them. Hero Slayer and Villain Disruptor can be earned by defeating 25 signature enemies, and the number of enemies that count has been greatly expanded so you aren't limited to mayhems or safeguards to get them. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Hero_Slayer_Badge https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Villain_Disruptor_Badge What radio badges?
  4. Especially if the Untouchable period is retained. That would be... what... 15 seconds of being able to do anything to enemies without them being able to fight back?
  5. True, and I do know players that have a boosted build and an attuned build. That isn't what the OP is about though. Near as I can tell, the OP wants to replace all their attuned IOs and have a boosted build. And while I am surprised to hear about players that have both boosted and attuned on the same build, I still don't know anyone that has a boosted only build that does anything under level 50. (If @Psyonico or @tidge do this and I am misunderstanding their posts, then I sit corrected.) I don't care about the second part of the OP. Personally, I think that part is a good idea. However, I'm not in favor of the first part. The author could have just slotted generic IOs for far less than attuned set IOs and then not need to worry about recouping funds to pay for boosted IOs, can just devote his/her/their saved funds to getting boosted IOs.
  6. Please don't speak in absolutes. Every character I have that has a self-rez in their power set also has the self-rez. And I'm not the only person that does so.
  7. Would you if they were all boosted like the OP seems to be doing?
  8. That is why melee AT self-rez powers include a period of untouchability, so you have time to turn those toggles back on.
  9. I'm curious now. Are there players that slot boosted IOs that ever exemplar? Everyone I know of that uses boosted IOs rather than attuned IOs never exemplar.
  10. Not sure what you mean by the process. Anyway, you should avoid spamming a topic. Two different threads isn't spamming per se, but you have two different threads on the same topic in just two days with nothing really driving the original thread from view yet. Like I said, while your original thread was posted yesterday, it is still only 4 links down from this thread. So it is very much still visible to the devs without any need for any search fu. If you start a thread about a topic and you get more information to add to it, you should update the original report with the new data. The added data can be added as a new comment in the thread to refresh the thread's position to be closer to the top for visibility or you can just edit the original post to add any new data. However, if you just keep making new threads about the same topic, you're going to find yourself getting tuned out. Maybe even being warned or possibly reprimanded by the GMs for spamming the forums.
  11. No one said that. What I said was: There were times when it happened. Why it happens, I don't know. It isn't consistent, but it did happen. Tips seem to be set to specific zones, but sometimes a tip I check in the zone where I got it even though the zone is too low level for me, specifically Talos Island because that is where I gather them, kept me in Talos Island. (Edit: Unless you are referring to @tidge's post, which I'm not sure about that post's intent.)
  12. Is there a reason why you are posting repeat reports? This thread I linked is 4 posts down from this thread I am responding to. And it is also your post.
  13. Yes, it is on a timer. When you use a Titan Weapon attack and you don't have Momentum, you get Momentum for the next 5 seconds. I don't know if Momentum refreshes or if you can only get it when you have none though. (If it doesn't refresh during its duration for having used another attack, it really should in my opinion.)
  14. Why not just use generic IOs until 50 and then slot your boosted set IOs on top of them?
  15. You're thinking of the 'you have entered a co-op' zone message. The exiting co-op zones to non-co-op zones has a notice that cannot be disabled or bypassed to confirm you want to do so.
  16. More content can also include more tips and expanded radio options.
  17. In my experience, that is only with radios. I usually find myself hopping between zones blue side if I'm chasing alignment tips. Not constantly mind you, but I do find myself being sent to different zones depending on the tip. (Edit: Mostly to Steel Canyon or Skyway City with a smattering of Atlas Park.) (Edit again: And there were a few tips that if I checked them while in Talos Island, the mission was in Talos Island.)(Edit yet again: I have a tendency blue side to head to Talos whenever I'm out of tips to smack around Warriors for more tips. So I wind up checking them in Talos, and there have been multiple times where the mission wound up in Talos.)
  18. No, they aren't. 'Exotic Armor Schematics' and 'Seeds of Destruction' always send me to Port Oakes. (Edit: I always do the Rogue choice, so I don't know about the Villain choice.) Edit again: And the morality 'Easy Job, Easy Money' always sends me to St. Martial.
  19. No, but I thank you for posting it anyway. I forgot about that discussion since it wasn't as full of vitriol as the original War Witch discussion. Though I'm not seeing the original discussion on a search to link, sorry.
  20. No, that thread happened after the War Witch... uhm... discussion....
  21. Trying to sit this out, but I do have to point out that adding hitstop would impact other players using the set. Players that may be happy with how their big weapons aren't forced to stop when hitting a target and now would see their massive weapons stopping when hitting targets where other weapon sets do not. (Disclaimer, I do not currently have any Titan Weapons characters. I have not made any since the Live game shut down. However, Titan Weapons picking up an imposed stop/pause in their attacks for impacting targets will prevent me from making a Titan Weapons character on HC. Given my preference for fast attacks though, that isn't a consideration for the proposal. How it affects others already using the set however, should be considered.)
  22. I'm not running under any assumption of hitstop being about the weapon being stuck. (Edit: And my hitting the ground example has nothing to do with getting stuck either. It takes longer and more effort to lift a massive weapon than a small one.) It is about showing the weapon/attack hitting the target. I am aware of that. I'm just saying that as far as hitstop impacts go, the titan weapons should be affected less by hitstop than lighter weapons which would full on stop depending on the target. This is progressing beyond the questions I wanted to ask, so I'm not going to pursue this any further. I have to ask then why would a katana or a broadsword, let alone an axe or a mace, be assumed to be making glancing blows or anything else other than a full hit while titan weapons would be assumed to be making full blows. Yes, titan weapons would be a very gory set if the graphics of the game and the game's rating allowed it, but so would any sword or axe. This is a tangential discussion, so I'm stopping here, but I do have to say I very much disagree with your presentation of how the melee weapon sets work/are portrayed.
  23. Teleport Foe, as part of Teleport Target, cannot teleport bosses or higher. It can teleport lieutenants, but only some of them. That is why earlier in the thread it was described as only being able to teleport minions and under.
  24. I would have to say you have it backwards then. A lighter weapon should have the same impact, stopping when it hits a solid object like a monster from Monster Hunter or worn armor. A titanic weapon should stop when hitting something more solid than the lighter weapon. The feel you are looking for is the weight of the weapon. Which would be conveyed by knocking the target back or sideways if not of a sufficient mass to withstand the hit. Now if you were talking about a hitstop with the ground instead, then I would be inclined to agree. It would take longer to get the massive weapon back up and ready than it would a smaller weapon. However, if you want to argue how something feels rather than how something functions and you feel that having a more massive weapon means it feels stronger if it is affected by impacts that smaller weapons are not, that's up to you. I figured that would be your response. And while I won't disagree because if it were to be applied to every enemy in turn then you would lose a lot of time with the set's attacks, I do have to ask why only the first target hit would do anything to impede the weapon and none of the other targets also being hit do not. After all, you are hitting each of them too, so they are being impacted as well. And with the momentum you lost with that first impact's hitstop, each following enemy should have a longer hitstop than the previous until the weapon is denied the ability to hit any further enemies despite not having reached its target cap yet. I believe this is better addressed by aligning the effect (and impact) to mesh with the animation. Not going to argue about "a nice meaty 'crunch'" though. Sound effects do go a long way to conveying depth and feel of action.
  25. Dumb question: why would titanic weapons with all their mass stop upon impact when light weapons still pass through? Wouldn't titanic weapons have an easier time punching through targets with all their mass than smaller weapons? (Edit: That was why execution swords and axes were so much more robust than combat weapons. To make sure they went through the target in one hit rather than risk the weapon not fully decapitating the target.) Edit again: Another question: When you use one of Titan Weapons' four AoE attacks, would the hitstop apply just to the 1st enemy or would it have to trigger on each enemy in turn?
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