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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Not with the way hitstop works. With hitstop, once the object hits the target's hit box, it stops. So there isn't any visible structure damage to the target, and then the object is pushed through. Hitstop works great for dramatic effect which is why you see it in anime and movies (edit again: , but much more often in fighting games where the pause in combat isn't detrimental to the flow of the game). Just like slow motion effects added to the combat sequence to heighten the perception of what is happening. (Edit: In anime and movies, hitstop is more of a slow motion combat interrupt effect to let the viewer get a better view of what is happening anyway.) And just like with slow motion for visual purpose effects, does not translate to MMORPG games. (Edit again: Not unless the game starts out designed that way and has it apply to every weapon/attack used.)
  2. That will require extensive work on all the powers to have alternate versions. (Edit: And it wouldn't be a toggle anyway. It would be basically selecting an alternate version of the existing set and sticking with the high speed/no damage result for that character.)
  3. I think you are misconstruing things, because we can currently see with the shorter weapons that that is not the case. However, I am not up for yet another circular argument, so I'm just going to leave it at that.
  4. I wasn't arguing against the use of macros. I was arguing against the author's statement that macros are necessary to turn on all of a character's toggles during the Untouchable window of self-rezzing.
  5. The weapon model is sized for the character model. The weapon model does not change size when being used in animations. So a weapon sized for a max height huge character and a min height any character will stay that size through all the set's animations and simply get plugged into the specific attack's animation sequence. Neither do the animations change to account for the weapons' size and design. Which is why some weapons in staff fighting wind up not being held for the attack as described earlier in the thread. So for a double-ended bladed staff, the animations will still have the character gripping the off-blade for the mentioned attacks.
  6. Could you be more specific?
  7. I run 8 or more toggles on my melee characters routinely. And selecting just 1 at a time, having to wait for their activation animations to end, I get all of them up and running without any macros without any difficulty in the Untouchable time window. (I have all my toggles on the same tray. The same two adjacent trays if for any reason I have more than 10 toggles I run at once.)
  8. Admittedly, I haven't done anything higher than 2-star, with most of my Advanced Mode runs being 1-star, but with just 2 or 3 of us, we had no difficulty and none of us had boosted IOs. Supposedly it is in 4-star content that you need it, but like you, I find that less likely than needing needing good teamwork and buffs.
  9. Yes please! This has been requested multiple times before. I would very much like to have characters that aren't just black that have wings and tails that actually look like they are the character's own flesh without having to settle for obviously not but maybe can be viewed as such in the correct lighting if you squint real hard while suitably drunk.
  10. There are players that tell everyone that if their enhancements aren't level 50 boosted to +5, they won't be able to do anything. Especially in Advanced Mode/Hard Mode content.
  11. At least until players start complaining that they can do radios/papers regardless of their level while staying in a single specific zone except for Atlas Park and Mercy Island.
  12. That's not what I said. What I said was: You missed the "that" in that statement. Admittedly, I don't know very many players that only use boosted IOs. However, those that do only use boosted IOs that I know of never exemplar.
  13. With the AE you stand inside a single building entering and exiting a column of light. At least with papers you'd be running around the zone fighting crime! It wasn't the leveling in a single building that got AE taken out of Atlas Park. You can still do that in Pocket D. Just go to Pocket D at level 1 and then not leave the AE area until you're level 50 with all incarnate slots unlocked. It was the leveling to level 50 without ever leaving the starting zone and so having no clue there were other zones or how to get to them. At least level 1s going to Peregrine Island to join radios and level to 50 in the one zone still requires players to learn there are other zones and how to get to them.
  14. Yes, Madame Bellerose is optional, but given what the author is saying, (s)he/they should not be having issues with the Keres appearing and so I am trying to cover as many possible interactions as I can. As for the freeing her earlier in the arc, I may be mistaken, but you need to free/interact with her and Detective Hopp in every mission they appear in for the badge. (Edit: At least it is easier to make sure you find them every time than try to remember when you can skip them.)
  15. It has already been declared that no, it is not possible given how power selection is designed in the game. This was covered in the previous threads asking about this. Just like the enhancement slot unslotters that keep getting asked for. What do you mean?
  16. Uhm, no, you don't. The whole point of the Untouchable period is for players to be able to turn their toggles back on. I've rezzed many, many, many times, and unless the enemies get their attacks in before Untouchable can take effect, I just stand there turning on my toggles one at a time while enemies waste their efforts trying to hurt me. Again with the absolutes.... and this after I and @tidge already told you that we take those powers.
  17. I mean the room at the end of the map with the rows of bleachers where on other missions that use that room is where you will find the NPC to be saved from being sacrificed. So if you freed Ajax and the ???, and spoke with Diabolique, and you still aren't finding the Keres and chest in that last room past the lake room where you talk to Diabolique, then I don't know what to say. The Keres has so far never failed to appear for me.
  18. I use attuned for everything but purples because I tend to skip a lot of content and then go back to things when teaming with others, which means exemping often. I also use attuned for everything other than purples. However, the question was about boosted IOs, not attuned IOs.
  19. Yes, for the same reason AE was taken out of Atlas Park.
  20. Correct. I'm not aware of signature villains being in radio missions, but I also don't typically do those. In order to get their 25, they would need to be doing tip missions, TFs, and story arcs. With TFs and story arcs having a good chance of getting them their 25. (Edit: Well, and safeguard missions, but I don't count those as radio/scanner missions. And they aren't going to be seeing enough villain variety doing just level 50 safeguards.)
  21. Nope. Takes 25 different signature villains. There are a lot of options for getting them though.
  22. If you get the Hero Slayer badge, Lord Schweinzer will give you all the mayhems with no paper missions required to get them. If you get the Villain Disruptor badge, Agent Hassell will give you all the safeguards with no radio missions required to get them. Hero Slayer and Villain Disruptor can be earned by defeating 25 signature enemies, and the number of enemies that count has been greatly expanded so you aren't limited to mayhems or safeguards to get them. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Hero_Slayer_Badge https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Villain_Disruptor_Badge What radio badges?
  23. Especially if the Untouchable period is retained. That would be... what... 15 seconds of being able to do anything to enemies without them being able to fight back?
  24. True, and I do know players that have a boosted build and an attuned build. That isn't what the OP is about though. Near as I can tell, the OP wants to replace all their attuned IOs and have a boosted build. And while I am surprised to hear about players that have both boosted and attuned on the same build, I still don't know anyone that has a boosted only build that does anything under level 50. (If @Psyonico or @tidge do this and I am misunderstanding their posts, then I sit corrected.) I don't care about the second part of the OP. Personally, I think that part is a good idea. However, I'm not in favor of the first part. The author could have just slotted generic IOs for far less than attuned set IOs and then not need to worry about recouping funds to pay for boosted IOs, can just devote his/her/their saved funds to getting boosted IOs.
  25. Please don't speak in absolutes. Every character I have that has a self-rez in their power set also has the self-rez. And I'm not the only person that does so.
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