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Everything posted by Pbuckley818

  1. Two cents here. "Angel" minions could be used by villains, without doing anything contrived or stupid. (though I do argue letting people do whatever they like is fine) If you can bind a Demon to your service without it's consent, surely you might be able to do so (at least in a Comic Book styled universe) to an Angel. Hell that might make such a villainous character extra evil, forcing angels to commit wicked deeds in his service. Keep in Mind CoH does not seem to use any given gods or cosmology beyond its own. What it does borrow from is mostly Greek, and Celt and even then it does it's own thing with it. These "Angels" could simply be the Good counterpart to Demons, so them being bound or enslaved to a villain could easily work. Simply add that note. There are also some villain groups in game that have goons with an Angelic Appearance, the Furies have their Sirens for example (I think those are the names) so it could just be that the Villain is summoning something that only appears angelic, but is very much not. I'd also call them celestial, not angels, just to avoid getting too specific in what they are intended to be. (and minimize dumb arguments between angry busybodies.) So all you'd have to do is lampshade the other possibilities in the powers flavor text, like so; “The Mastermind may call upon the aid of otherworldly beings, who resemble Heavenly Messengers. These beings may truly be benevolent spirits who hail from a higher plane of existence, or only superficially appear as such. Regardless these spirits heed the Mastermind either out of genuine loyalty, or supernatural compulsion.” All of this is coming from someone who hates the trope in media where they twist angels into being evil, or agents of elemental order, or any sort of other contrived nonsense. There are ways to do this without devolving into what I'd personally consider pure stupidity.
  2. Thanks! For the Feedback. I guess all that matters is whether or not it works in game.
  3. Ok, so here's the deal. I have a Street Justice + Shield Defense Scrapper I really enjoy, and have been working on him for a while. I am having trouble deciding whether I should Take Body Mastery for Conserve Power & Physical Perfection, or Blaze Mastery for Char & Melt Armor. Now I feel like Body is the better option as far as optimization goes, but honestly I am not having energy problems, and frankly I was trying to build a Scrapper with some mild group support features, I.E. Buff's and Debuff's , Yes I am fully aware this is stupid, but it's what I wanted to do with the character. So heres the question. In a Group of 3 or more (As I have a consistent Group I play with) is Melt Armor worth the investment to add a smidge more damage during the groups Nova Phase, or is it a waste of an investment. If it is, should I consider anything else from Blaze Mastery. If not, are there any other Mastery Set's I should consider for this weird build priority? If not, what would you suggest fir me to take that might make up for something I would be lacking with a Street Justice + Shield Defense Scrapper. (As it really feels like I am not lacking for anything. At least ATM.)
  4. That could work, but Empathy does not have a cooldown reduction power. Pain might, but I can't remember if it effects you... Ill is hard enough to spec for. Have been considering Mind/Pain Controller. Might not be the most thematic but it makes sense with the intended powers. Anyone know if that's any good/fun? I am not super familiar with Mind Control.
  5. So I have a concept for a Hero with a Clown them who uses the power of joy and laughter to aid his allies. (Essentially a complete inversion of the Evil Clown Trope) Wanna run Empathy (Though Pain Dom in not out of the question) but have no idea what AT or other power I want to run. So I am looking for suggestions that fit the theme and sound like fun to play. Help me Homecoming Community, your my only hope.
  6. Looks interesting. Not really a fan of the Stalker playstyle, perefer Scrappers added toughness to the Stalkers Sneak/Backstab gameplay. Also Rib Cracker was a big draw to the power which I'd loose on a Stalker. Was thinking about going Body for better Endurance management (and maybe Lazer Vision with an Achilles Heel Proc) or Blaze for more AoE and AoE -Rez. (With a Patriotic Red and Blue theme) is the extra defense and Luck of the Gambler necessary for double Active Defense? Or can I still get away with one of the other two?
  7. Technically CC is it's own thing, older MMORPG's from back when people knew how to make them, had four roles not 3. CC is the forgotten forth pillar of the quaternity, and it's presence or lack there of in an MMO can be one of the single most important indicators of actual quality. As it's absence means tactics beyond tank & spank are likely not going to be a meaningful element of gameplay.
  8. So I made a SJ/Shield Scrapper, and have been enjoying it. (Tried the combo on Tank but the Damage Numbers kind of sucked the fun out of it) The Idea being I wanted to make a more Selfless/Supportive Melee. The Two combined have some solid Enemy Debuffs and Group Buffs, even if their a bit weak values wise. In a sense it's kind of a "I can't believe it's not VEAT" (Except it most certainly is not a VEAT) except it actually fun to play, rather than a chore. The character is kind of a Captain America by way of Cybernetics concept wise. What I want to do Is to continue with this idea a bit, but I really don't want to screw the pooch to much. I still want to build a solid scrapper with good damage, (Otherwise why play a Scrapper?), I just want to see how far I can take this without screwing the pooch, and was looking for some suggestions, Sense Scrappers have poor numbers on leadership, that seems to be a bad option, (Despite it thematically fitting the character) Force of Will looks interesting as it does have that debuff (Though I heard it got nerfed sense I last used it), having a heal could be nice but from what I understand Medicine is not very good, is the Experimentations heal better (Is trying to grab a heal even worth it? Doubtful). Is Confront worth taking for the utlity? (Dividing Damage output D&D style), even if it's a bit niche and I cant (Or should not) use it to take heat off of a tank? Could I use to to help pull stray enemies to the tank? Or would a good Tank not need that? Obviously it might be good in 2-4 mans with no tank, but is that worth a power slot? So can I get some feedback? Please keep the "this is a dumb idea and your stupid for even trying it" nonsense. I would prefer to keep the conversation constructive, if it's a stupid idea, I will figure it out on my own.
  9. Sense Storm is kind of more damage focused than other support sets and all... What do?
  10. I had a similar idea, to your Demoralize I called it Goad also had them get a power called Faint (In place of Build Up) which is like a Placate that make the enemy more susceptible to attack. The idea being that it's like a Build Up for the whole party not just you, and can be used to take a bit of threat off you in a pinch.
  11. Honestly the more I have thought of how to build a such an AT like this. The more it resembles something like this. So I am all for it. I have actually worked on one a bit, using a combination of Idea's and powers from shield, and the Buffed Leadership toggles from VEATS. It was basically the proof of concept power for a more "Defense Oriented" support power, though it could easily be tooled to be more of a pure support power, as that was the goal. I think a Captain America type is really what a lot of people who are interested in this concept would want to play overall. Who'd of thunk people who want to support their team while punching their enemies in the face would be the type huh? 😉 On the Taunt conundrum, the way I had rigged powers in my own theoretical concept was like this, Instead of Getting Taunt they got a they got a Confront called Goad that debuffed the target's Damage and/or Accuracy and instead of Build Up they got a Placate called Faint that debuffed a Targets Resist and/or Defense. I liked the idea that they could use Goad to take pressure off of the Tank, or to peel enemies off of squishies and bring them to the tank, and the idea of them having what essentially amounted to a group wide Build Up that went off a bit less often.
  12. I can agree that their are reasons to remove Gender-Locked Badges. But I am cuorious to know your rational for wanting to get rid of Alignment locks? That seems a bit odd/sad.
  13. I actually have a Bane I enjoy. But I have played both VEAT's but I really don't like how passive their support feels. Anways So I ended up going Time/Duel Pistols Defender (I know I had dismissed Duel Pistols as an option, but like I said I wanted this to be a character first and I had an Idea) So I am Playing M1nut3 Man a Gun Toting Patriotic Superhero with Time Manipulation powers. Been using the Fighting Pool attacks and it's actually been doing some solid damage consitstanly dealing more Damage than my Duel Pistol powers even, and Time really seems to make for a scrappy defender. I will keep you appraised of my progress.
  14. Someone has actually finished the Primalist and some servers are getting ready to launch it on their test servers. No information on whether or not Homecoming wilkl be implementing it, If I had to guess it won't be implamented for a while. They will want to make sure it's up to their quality standards after all. Though I think a lot of that will have more to do with the interest from the server population and difficulty it takes to implement. I'd love to have some kind of official poll for this, though maybe after we see the AT in action. It's also a Melee Support AT, so that might make those demands settle down a bit here on the forumns (I doupt It will kill them entirely, but you never know) Though we don't know too much at this point, for all we know this AT is the king of jank and totally and incurably OP or UP, in which case I doubt we will ever see it implemented on Homecoming (and for good reason).
  15. I suppose you have a point. It would also be nice to see the Origin Pools get a slight buff, which they might be able toget if they where made their own thing.
  16. I am mostly against this as I feel it would essentially let people pick a travel Power Pool without actually having to sacrifice anything. Mighty Leap, and Sorcerous Flight will both become EVEN more ubiquitous as travel powers, while people will be able to freely grab whatever they like for everything else. No hard decisions having to have been made. Just yet more power creep. Personally, I don't like this. But I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
  17. Hmm... I do have neat name for a time Toon, though last time I tried it I found it a bit dull (on Mastermind) this would be a melee toon howver so odds are it will be a bit more exciting. I do know Duel Pistols will probably be a HARD pass for me, it may or may not have good DPS, but it just FEELS like your firing wet macaroni, and that's on a blaster!
  18. That sounds pretty good.
  19. I am looking into it, but I would prefer a build that actually uses melee attacks. I am fine with having ranged attack powers but I'd PREFER if they where not my primary means of attack.
  20. Play in melee I am fine having ranged attacks, in fact I prefer to have them just in case. My favorite melee sets or Kinetic Melee and Spines after all.
  21. I know it's a bit of a meme but I have been wanting to make a Melee Defender/Corrupter build for a while, and I am not sure what powers in the very short list of those that will work with such a build to start work with. On top of that I would like some advise on how to build/play this kind of character. To be transparent, I already have a Rad/Sonic Defender (My main actually) and I did try making a Meleefender before as a Kin/Sonic which didn't work out. I am also going to want the character to be more than Just a build I wam going to want to build them into a Character so the more the powers "Fit" together the better. Help me Forums your my only hope!
  22. I mean if Homecomeing implaments Primalist I will be the Happyist of campers. But I don't think it would entirely invalidate desires for a Melee Support AT, as Elite Archetypes don't come with power customization. Though at that point it would feel a bit like choosing beggars. At least their would be a Melee Support in game, one with a theme I quite enjoy. So I really do hope to see it in Homecoming. Does anyone know where we can go to throw our support behind this request? Though I guess that's premature until more information about the Mod(?) is known.
  23. The Following is part of Project Projector a personal pet Project, the idea is to create a working Melee Support AT that could feasibly be implemented in game. This is the first part, an attempt to reimagine and tune Composition powers into something that might feasibly work in game. This is essential for the introduction of a Melee Support AT. For the Uninitiated, Composition was the Power Pool from which the unreleased Guardian AT would pick their Secondary(?) Powerset. It is a combination powerset much like Manipulation, however instead of a combination of Melee and CC powers, Composition would be made up of Support and Armor Powers. From what I have come to understand Composition was given to two main problems that ultimately sabotaged the original Guardian AT The following is a list if issues I have heard came up with the Composition Power Sets. They had issues with endurance management. They did not provide enough survivability to the AT. They where difficult to make use of. There are two changes I am going to assume for the theoretical AT to which these powers will be attached. One, it is a Melee AT, and Two Composition will be it’s Primary Power Pool not it’s secondary. Why? The original Guardian was a jack of all trades not only was it splitting survivability and support, but also a split between Melee & Ranged. Apparently, it even had some CC tucked somewhere in there also. While I do think an assault primary AT is a good Idea, I contend forcing that idea on top of a “Melee Support” AT watered down the design too much, creating more problems to solve than was necessary. These two idea’s need to remain separate and distinct. For the Assault Primary AT suggestion, I’d throw my hat behind, check out the Operative. If your heart is set on this combination check out the Duo, which MIGHT just make this general idea work by attaching a Pet. Making the Composition sets the Primary means ensuring that the AT can have whatever numbers it needs to survive/support their group, (The End Goal is around Sentinel/Stalker level Survivability, and around Corruptor level Support) while also communicating that this is not a damage AT. The plan is for this AT to do about the same amount of Damage as a Corruptor (perhaps even less) except in melee. As I feel anything more than that will begin to make the Corruptor feel obsolete. This is where you come in, I need feedback and suggestions, so for all those interested let’s get started. Martial Composition (Shield/Leadership): T1: Deflection- Toggle: Self +DEF(Melee), +Res (Smash, Lethal) T2: Battle Agility- Toggle: Self +DEF(Ranged, AoE), +Res (DEF Debuff) T3: Battle Tactics: Coordination - Toggle: PBAoE Team +DEF(All). T4: True Grit- Auto: Self +Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative, Toxic), +Max Health T5: Battle Tactics: Assault- Toggle: PBAoE, Team +DMG Res (Taunt, Placate) T6: Rally- PBAoE, Team +Res (Disorient, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Fear, Confuse, Repel, Knockback, Def Debuff) T7: Battle Tactics: Leadership- Toggle: PBAoE Team +ACC Res (Confuse, Fear) +Perception T8: Shield Charge- PBAoE, Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown, Self Teleport. T9: Battlefield Control- PBAoE, Foes -To Hit, -Def, -Res (All). Notes: Battle Tactics: Coordination functions more like Grant Cover combined with Phalanx Fighting. Alternatively, Merge the T1 and T2, and try to Find Room for a suped up version of Victory Rush. Psychic Composition (Willpower/Empathy/Pain Domination) T1: High Pain Tolerance- Auto: Self +Res (All), +Max Health T2: Healing Aura- PBAoE, Team Heal. T3: Soothing Aura- Toggle: PBAoE, Team Minor Periodic Heal. T4: Mind Over Body- Toggle: Self +Res (Smash, Lethal, Psionic) T5: Rise to the Challenge: Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -To Hit, Self +Regen. T6: Aura of Clarity- PBAoE, Team +Res (Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immobilize, Fear, Confusion) +Perception. T7: Aura of Fortitude- PBAoE, Team +DMG, +To-Hit, +Res (All, Placate). (Just World of Pain) T8: Recovery Aura- PBAoE, Team +Recovery. T9: Battle Cry- PBAoE, Foe -DEF(All), -Res (All). (Just Anguishing Cry) Notes: Alternatively, the T5 could be Resurrect. Storm Composition- (Ice Armor/Storm Summoning) T1: Frozen Armor- Toggle: Self +DEF (Smash/Lethal), +Res (Fire, Cold, DEF Debuff) T2: Thunderclap- PBAoE, Foe Disorient. T3: Chilling Embrace- Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -DMG. (Maybe add -Fly) T4: Steamy Mist- Toggle: PBAoE, Team Stealth, +DEF(All), +Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Confuse). T5: Freezing Rain- Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT (Cold), Foe -Recharge, -SPD, -DEF(All), -Res (All). T6: Second Wind- PBAoE: Team Heal, +Res (Disorient, Sleep, End Drain), +Perception. T7: Vortex- Toggle: PBAoE, Foe -Range, -To-Hit, Knockdown, Self +DEF (All but Psionics), +Res (Fire, Cold, Energy, Confuse). T8: Tornado- Summon Tornado: PBAoE, Minor DMG(Smash), Foe Fear, Disorient, Knockback. T9: Lightning Storm- Summon Storm: Ranged, High DMG(Energy), Foe -End. Notes: Second Wind uses Healing Aura’s animation and O2 Boosts v. effects. Vortex: Uses Hurricane’s Animations & V. Effects. Alternatively, Frozen Armor could be renamed Storm Ward and use the Storm Aura from the character creator. Other sets I want to do: Dark Composition: (Dark Armor/Dark Miasma) Energy Composition: (Energy Aura/Kinetics) Radiation Composition: (Radiation Armor/Radiation Emission) Thermal Composition: (Fire Armor/Thermal Radiation) Chemical Composition: (Regeneration? / Poisons) Tactical Composition: (Super Agility/Leadership) Further Notes: PBAoE Mez Protection Power- There has been some fear of granting a Melee/Support AT Mez Protection, and while I cannot entirely agree with most of these fears. I also feel I’d be remiss to completely dismiss them. As such here is a purposed compromise, all Protectors get a PBAoE Mez Protection Power, however for most sets this will be a clicky with a duration to recharge ratio designed to make it difficult to impossible to perma though hopefully not so punishing as to make it all but unusable. (3/4th's when fully optimized sounds pretty good to me) A Possible Inherent for the AT is thus: (Inherent: Stalwart- A Protectors is not daunted by overwhelming odds, when others would flee the Protectors stands resolute spurred on by their convictions. As a result, A Protectors receives additional Damage Resistance and Recovery for every foe with whom he his allies are currently engaged. Notes: The Damage Resistance by its very nature needs to be quite low. Furthermore, the Recovery buff will need to be finely tuned.)
  24. I don't feel this stop gap is necessary, as you can already build a Melee Fender right now, you are fairly limited on options, and the built wan't be the most optimal thing ever, but it does the job better than your purposed suggestion would. Though the change would make these builds better for leveling/exemplar and easier to build, I don't think it's worth the major change it would cause to the games overall design.
  25. Eh, It has a pet, and has access to melee. It is however not this. It's a fairly solid design though and I do sincerely hope it get's implemented, though I know it is unlikely. I also hope it can scratch most people Melee Support AT itch, even though that really doesn't seem to be what it is at all. That way me and the rest of the "New AT: Melee/Support" crowd can stop irritating everyone on the forums. But until then I apologize for the headaches.
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