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Everything posted by boggo2300

  1. Mind you the process described to you wasn't to fix your issue (I just went and re-read it) but to troubleshoot what was crashing the client for you. My other point is, how do you know the volunteers here are software developers? I'd also say their interpersonal skills shown here and on discord are significantly higher than community managers on most commercial games. These people are trying to help you, and the others, give them the chance
  2. I know its been posted before, but it fits too well!
  3. I'd buy that for a dollar! oh hang on, I wouldn't never mind
  4. I would never pay to be P/L though, I also can't think of anything that would make me want to be PL anyway and skip the actual game
  5. said by a not very nice man, no matter what Hugh Jackman would have you believe
  6. If I'm honest I do now as I always have and spend as little time as possible in any of the shard zones
  7. It's certainly a possible fix that will pick up a lot of the potential problems, and has extra benefits as well, I just want to stress there are so many potential places for a mapserver to be generated it MAY not help, it's certainly a good place to start however
  8. awesome, would need a lot of modelling work, but man it would be cool
  9. Brute Force and Ignorance is how my company operates!! it may not be the motto, but it's definitely the way things work!
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