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Everything posted by twozerofoxtrot

  1. As a Dom, your opener should be controls to keep you alive and not debuffs. You need to be active and aggressive with controlling enemies (particularly while solo) because you'll have a dearth of defensive abilities. Those you can pick will be from pools and endurance-inefficient. Pair that with the endurance consumer that Arctic Air is, and you're having a bad time. Control into heavy damage. Debuffs should be tertiary until you can bring Sleet (from Ice Mastery) online. Even then, you should lock down your targets first (lest they squirm away). Edited-in Additional Advice: Place the three damage procs Cold Snap can take into it. This will make it a fairly rapid cooldown aoe damage and control power. Not a terrible one to open with but you will take an Alpha even if you land it thanks to how Fears work. Flash Freeze is another decent control to proc bomb, and you can even work a heal proc into the lineup for some extra survivability. Humble Ice Slick is going to do a tremendous amount of work for you. Don't underestimate it. Use it often. Do not slot it for accuracy. The knockdown portion is autohit, and every 0.2 seconds it rolls for an 8% chance to knock an enemy down. If on a budget, just throw recharge into it. The damage portion is probably too low to matter. Ice Mastery is basically a must. Many people won't build a Dom without it, due to how oppressively good Sleet is, but as the poster above mentioned, Frozen Armor (which isn't a bad defense toggle) can be used to make you theme appropriate as well as mule valuable sets. Depending on how much freedom you have for power picks late in your build, Hibernate and Hoarfrost can be good sustainment tools, or even just one-slot mules. Thorns is an interesting beast. It's slow but heavy hitting, with a lot of -DEF which while of course nice for procs, is also helpful when you're in a low-challenge setting for sticking more controls down. Be aware that Thorn Burst is hot garbage; while it does do a lot of -DEF in a wide radius, you're going to animation lock yourself for over 3 seconds for pithy damage. Thorntrops would usually be a skip for me, but layered on top of Ice Slick it would be absolutely hilarious.
  2. Actual feedback to OP's concept: I'd personally prefer if this set was limited in range from level 10-40 with no more than 4 or 5 pieces, so that: It's available to slot early on for players, especially ultra-casual or non-grinding players to enjoy. It does not effectively compete with Provo DSOs, hopefully eliminating concerns from players who feel having something comparable on offer would reduce the enjoyment they'll get out of the game if "the poors" can have something as nice as they've obtained.
  3. I trust the user named Hedgefund on this statement.
  4. Someone once suggested this but for Beam Rifle instead and I gotta say, it really fits better there if you think about powers like Energy Torrent and Nova.
  5. If "Jelly" is the actual term of art for that section of the UI, I am going to absolutely lose it. 🤣
  6. Excellent point, I agree entirely. We have Spines and Thorn Assault. It's way past due for Thorn Blast. Stop the blaster discrimination already!
  7. Frequently. My decision isn't tied to levels. That said I don't think I've ever given up on something prior to running Posi, or on Red prior to completing the clone arcs. Delete. I recycle the biomass for new characters. Recently I've moved a few venerable characters that simply have gone unplayed for years but that I like to less important shards like Torchbearer, Indomitable, and Excelsior. Hard to go back to something I deleted. Which is a perk, I have found.
  8. Oh, so it is. Okay well... broot ninjitsu when?
  9. Other than what was mentioned: Ninjitsu is quite strong by 16, with healthy positional def, stealth, mez click and End click by then. You do need to wait until 24 for KB resist but if you can fork over the inf for a Zephyr IO that will mostly do you until then. Rad Emission has all of it's most important tools by 12 on a Defender. 20 on the rest. Nearly all Control sets have their kit by 16 minus pets. Sets where people might skip or otherwise not miss the pets are Symphony, Elec, and Fire. Plant might be the exception here because of how important Carrion Creepers are and those come online at 22 and usually aren't near perma that early.
  10. If you're a badge hunter, save them for April (or May?). The anniversary month for COH is the only time you can get certain badges, which sell for 100 (?) Merits each from Luna in Ouroboros.
  11. Can confirm, replicated myself on a mave/SD Scrapper after seeing this post.
  12. They were (relatively) recently removed; some time in the past 2 years and only on HC. There's probably a few things that slipped by the team or were too difficult to remove from code to make the effort worth it. I'll take the quirks to see TOs removed. They were always vendor trash for me.
  13. I use Combat Jumping, Athletic Regulation, and Athletic Run on my Bio Sent (similar to what you describe) and it works like a charm.
  14. Controller: Plant MM: Necro (or heck, Ninja if you feel funky) Def: Anything with useful debuff effects Corr: Anything that leverages Scourge
  15. Yes every Grav character I have needs TP Target just for Singy. Though sometimes it's less about following around maps and more about putting it exactly where I want in the center of a pile of enemies.
  16. I'd take Gloom. I had a Fort who had enough recharge that her chain was Gloom and Procd Dominate back to back. Just those two. Not sure what her DPS was but it worked out well enough when I stayed at range. She had a few melee attacks as well.
  17. Not having played this but knowing the two sets intimate on different tankers: 1) Invul changes were very minor. Basically yoi don't need to over-program Psi Resist in anymore. Just and IO or two of Impervium will do. 2) Find ways to improve End efficiency. Invul doesn't have recovery tools and you'll be buring blue with your damage toggle plus the heavy hitters from Rad. 3) Depending on your risk comfort levels, either throw a couple of Accurate Heal sets into Rad Siphon or just full proc bomb it. It's not a great heal but if you feel like you need something between Dull Pain refreshing you have that. 3.5) Definitely put Theft of Essence's Endurance proc into Rad Siphon. It'll make the power pay for itself when it procs.
  18. You're right. But if the people @Sic is talking about are the ones I'm thinking of, it's more than a brief mention. It's basically their entire bio. A list of 'pets' or 'owned people' are included. It's mostly one particular VG on Everlasting whose leader has been around for years and knows better but for whatever reason in the past several months to a year has decided to flagrantly violate the CoC. The name is something like "Color-Flower-Classical Military Formation." This isn't what the OP is about. It's beyond writing something like [All RP] or even [M/ERP] at the top of the bio. It's when the entire bio is a lurid detailing of your specific niche fetish, for your own personal gratification.
  19. I think it's kinda neat how the new sunglasses actually reflect the environment. You don't see actual reflections a ton outside the AE building windows. That silver line in her shades is the railing around DJ Zero's platform.
  20. Ma'am, we're all here to party and have fun but could you please dial down your rocket engine a bit? It's a fire hazard. I'm sure you understand.
  21. Agreed. Invader is so much simpler to get, even taking the time to unlock the contact for all Mayhems? It can be quickly knocked out in 30 minutes or less.
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