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Everything posted by dangeraaron10

  1. 100% this, new main potential if that ever becomes reality.
  2. I know it's a small thing, but I absolutely love the new Laser Beam Sweep animation for Energy Torrent! It looks great, and I hope we see more alternate animations done in this style. Was not sure if I was going to go with Energy or Leviathan on my Brute build but after seeing this it's Energy 100%.
  3. I just want to see some larger tails. Like, 2-3 times the size of the animated ones we have, they are too tiny, especially on Huge characters.
  4. Give me claws like this as a costume option.
  5. Pretty much what Rudra said. Epics are meant to give you power types not normally accessible by your AT. Some MM Epic pools are real stinkers, I'll give you that. One of the standouts is Fire Mastery (or is it something like Pyre or Heat Mastery? It's Fire attacks) for additional attacks and also Bonfire, with proper slotting is amazing control. I'd like to see some of the lackluster Epic pools buffed across every AT, along with adding more Epic pools.
  6. Every game I play that uses this feature generally enables the same behaviors. I'm afraid I can't support DPS meters.
  7. Love it. Anything similar to Champions Online Power Armor is good in my book.
  8. All about it. I'd love a power armor/integrated weapon set, War Machine style. Support
  9. Well it's not so much a /Blast secondary but is more of Manipulation with ranged attacks instead of melee attacks. Plus or minus a few things. So definitely a Melee DPS AT with more built in survivability than a Blaster but not as much as a Scrapper. Personally, as someone that follows Tanker vs Brute vs Scrapper balancing act, I think adding another AT on that sliding scale of DPS vs survivability but on a Scrapper vs Blaster vs Sentinel axis is a bit of a headache in the making. An AT like this would live and die by a really clever inherent. The most interesting thing I think the AT cam offer is more power theme combos. So something like Martial Arts and Assault Rifle/Devices style combo.
  10. Eeeehhh Less passionate about Kick and just trying to make lemonade out of a lemon. Most often yeah I write it off and it's just kinda there. Always fun to kick Hellions, though! But you're kind of missing the point. If no power had a prerequisite power, then people would just load up with all the best powers. By breaking that dichotomy, then you'll find some builds get unintentionally stronger, even if it's just a bit. Look, if I wake up tomorrow and there's a patch that lets you pick Tough without any prereqs and Weave only needed Tough, I would be just fine. I'll gladly take the extra "fun" power elsewhere. But I acknowledge a non negligable number of people who feel building characters is enhanced by having a sense of investment and choice rather than having your primary, secondary, and all the same meta powers in every build with no filler.
  11. That's why I opt for Kick over Boxing. Sometimes you think that Hellion isn't worth your fireball and just gets your boot in their face while they go flying.
  12. Not in the Mass Effect universe. Biotics are kinda like telekinetics. Blue energy that makes stuff fly across the room kind of thing. Gravity Control would fit perfectly if the theme didn't call for Dual Pistols.
  13. To be fair, that is heavily nerfing procs. Most abilities that use them have 3 to 5 in a given power. Either way, it's gonna be a wave of respecs. Edit: I'm glad Fiery Melee got buffed but god I wish Breath of Fire got buffed like originally planned. Breath attacks across the board need love, I love them for theme but they're almost always bad except for Mako patron breaths.
  14. Yep, this was gonna be unpopular. The idea behind the opposition is that taking these powerful abilities takes an investment of weaker (but often still very useful) powers. It also prevents you from just loading out your powers with nothing but top tier powers with no "filler". I'm pretty grateful for the QoL we got recently with getting those powers earlier. Think it's time to throw a bone to those who don't want more powercreep and give this thread the good ole /jranger. And this is coming from someone that hates Boxing and Kick and just wants Tough amd Weave, but understands these valuable powers require an investment to get.
  15. Demons and Thermal are powerful sets in their own right. Thermal helps with Resists which synergizes with Demons being more resist focused vs other pets. Demons were the top tier pets alongside Thugs before the recent Mm pet buffs happened. Now that gap got bridged quite nicely.
  16. Was about to say the same thing. Even MMs can do Demon/Thermal/Fire for fiery goodness
  17. Great idea, needs some work on the mechanics. Even a toned down version of this seems like a mashup of Presence and Leadership.
  18. I admit, way back when I first started playing I seen Controllers that had Control and Support. I said to myself "No damage? Like, at all? How does that even work!?!" Turns out, it works damn well, but they are usually late bloomers and need good slotting to really clean house. Some Controls being more damaging than others.
  19. Your best bet for a literal Sniper is an Assault Rifle Blaster using the range DPS enhancing powers of Energy Manipulation as your secondary powerset.
  20. Anything that isn't my Savage/Radiation Brute. I love the idea of having a swath of cool characters to play at any given moment. Lots of diverse costumes, backgrounds and playstyles. But I never stick with *any* of them. And I'm not entirely sure why. If nothing else I'd at least like a Sentinel, Mastermind and Peacebringer since I always keep tabs on their balance patch notes. I like all the ATs in theory except for VEATs that aren't Crab Spiders.
  21. I really only run into this issue with the Fighting pool. Generally I plan on using any power I pick up except Boxing or Kick unless it's a meme build that takes the entire pool. I don't really gripe too much about it because the community settled on taking Boxing/Kick as a sort of power tax on picking up Tough and Weave, staples in any meta build. Even in Epic pools you get a choice in your first power pick when gunning for powers later in the pool. Would I like to see Tough and Kick swapped around in the power pick order? Of course. Will I lose sleep over always taking Kick to get Tough and Weave? No. Kicking Hellions down the street in Atlas is always fun, at least.
  22. Great for your 20th alt!
  23. You delete Brutes over my Sav/Rad's dead body! And good luck because he's got capped Resists! Edit: Seriously, though, Brutes are fun. That's all the reason they need to exist. I feel like they're interchangeable enough with Tankers for the role of a tank and are perfectly capable of good DPS. If you get passed over in a group cuz you're a Brute then they're gits and doing you a favor.
  24. For a while, DCUO let Shapeshifters turn into a Pteranodon. Not useful in combat but was cool to use but as far as I know they removed it some time ago. Maybe HC will let us turn into Pteranodons. That'd be neat!
  25. Well, I'm not really sure how different this would be than a Scrapper picking up some ranged attacks from an Epic pool, conceptually aside from more variety in powerset themes. I would caution against more ATs that present themselves as a "go between" on a sliding scale between existing ATs as the balancing act causes no end of frustration. If this AT is less durable than a Scrapper, should it do more damage? For all intents and purposes this is a Melee AT with a couple extra ranged attacks for the occasional runner. Personally I like the idea of a sturdy, mostly melee playstyle with a couple heavy hitting but not often used ranged attacks. Very comic booky, in my eyes. Though I would rather see additional Epic pools for every AT including more ranged focus pools for Melee ATs if they don't value additional control or support powers. For this AT specifically? Maybe "The Skrimisher" as Swashbuckler is a bit too specific in it's theme.
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