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Everything posted by dangeraaron10

  1. They're useful if I'm thinking about CoH but I'm away from my computer either on break at work or on vacation. I like to know about updates/patch notes and people's thoughts on them, plus the AT forums for build ideas. I only recently returned after a loooong break but Patch 5 looks exciting with Sentinel changes and Illusion Doms, plus the MM pet buffs.
  2. I wouldn't really be strictly opposed to it but the pets themselves range from okay to clown show. Umbra Beast might be a tuff pupper but I'd rather take anything else other than, say, Gremlins which range anywhere from useless to an active detriment. Edit: Put more succinctly, I don't think the majority of the pets will be the help you think they'd be at low levels.
  3. Illusion Control's not great at setting up Containment, either, but it's still (iirc) the most popular Controller set. And Electric and Ice Control have only a couple attacks that Dominate. There's room for Illusion Dominator, even if the numbers have to be tweaked since it'll be combined with an Assault set instead of a Support set.
  4. I'd rather see Dominators get Illusion first. Few powers on it would Dominate, sure, but few powers Dominate in Electric or Ice Control and few powers set up Containment in Illusion on Controller. Not that I want to crap on this idea out of hand. I wouldn't *dislike* a version of Illusion on Mastermind but it'd feel like Dominator was robbed and there's a long list of fan favorite new pet types for MMs having been suggested before. Not an outright /jranger but I'd be a bit miffed.
  5. My goodness I'd adore a CoH take on the Nemesis System. Champions Online's best feature after its character creator l.
  6. I think that it'd be cool to have costumes you can (optionally) assign to long duration, long cooldown big buffs. Not just Rage, but other stuff like Meltdown. I'd love the ability to activate Meltdown and have it automatically swap to a costume that turns all my normally green radioactive powers red and then auto switch back when the power's duration expires. Like going into a thematic "Critical Mass" thing would be fun to play out. Essentially you'd have an additional costume slot to assign to a click power (only certain powers could be assigned a costume change, at least long enough to account for 2 costume change cooldowns to prevent stuff from breaking or rapid costume changing bogging down the server) it'd auto switch on activation and then auto switch back to your previously used costume once the power expires. One hiccup I could see with this is if a player activates a costume changing toggle and then manually detoggles the power before the costume swap cooldown resets. In this instance you could just prevent a costume switch from happening if players decide to get cheeky. That way you can have your Hulk out or Hyde moment, or even have certain parts of your suit glow or have a costume aura that persists through a specific power. I like where your headspace is at, but I think it should be something players could opt for in other Rage-adjacent powers.
  7. Getting strong Guild Wars 2 Elementalist vibes from this. Or rather, from the second suggestion.
  8. Beam Rifle/Energy Aura is a useful and thematically appropriate set! It's my go-to when wanting the "ranged hovertank" playstyle.
  9. Broots, in my experience, make the best use of Resistance based sets. You want to get hit to generate Fury, but mitigate those hits as much as possible. Not that I think Defense Brutes would be starved for Fury, but I get more mileage out of Res on Brute. I like the balance between Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers in a sliding scale of damage vs. survivability. There's also nuances to which ATs favor ST, AoE, sustain, avoiding damage, mitigating damage, etc. At least, I'm pretty sure avoiding attacks via Defense means not building Fury. I think for Sentinel there's room for growth/buffs for more inter-powerset/stat nuance that the Melee ATs have that isn't strictly limited to a sliding scale of damage vs. survivability. Or just bump the damage a bit. Back before my hiatus I got into some pretty heated debates about Sentinel and how much damage in should do compared to Blaster (my unpopular opinion is that Sentinels should match Blasters range damage modifier while Blasters would still do more damage via their stronger melee attacks and PBAoEs and higher target caps and what not, but I stopped arguing that as it was *truly* an unpopular opinion lol) but these days I just embrace The Broot* and play Sentinels as concept characters.
  10. This is getting me pretty excited! I took a hiatus from CoH:HC for like a year and it's nice to come back to Page 3 with what is apparently Page 4 waiting in the wings!
  11. I could definitely see something like "Infernal Assault", basically just porting over Demon Summoning whip attacks with adjusted numbers for the Assault set's melee attacks and then throw in some fireballs for the ranged part of the assault set. And holy crap it's been a while since I posted on these forums.
  12. You guys ever consider that people who don't know how to build use that as an ice breaker to interact with the community? No? Keep being passive aggressive. I'm sure that'll breed a happy, helpful community people actually want to join.
  13. Savage DoTs scale with Fury, which makes it uniquely suited to Brutes (though it's a good set on every AT to some extent) I have a Savage/Rad Brute and it works amazingly well.
  14. WoW players that leave for new MMOs are likely going to concentrate on FFXIV as the closest competitor and filter out to others like ESO, GW2 and New World. HCs population will only decline from here. The CoX enthusiasts will remain in on and off again play but you can only play the same game over and over before moving on. That or go to other CoX servers that actually adds new stuff and tries new things.
  15. I'm all for more costume and power options! I support!
  16. Huge get shafted on Circle pieces as well. No mage love for our swole brethren.
  17. I don't see why not. People have been asking for more Redside stuff so this is a good start, and we get to go throw fisticuffs with the OG mascot. I support!
  18. I support it! I feel like the testing environment would be a great place to just throw crap at the wall and see what sticks. If you discover magic, put that on the live servers! If it causes a catastrophe, it won't survive the next round of testing. Like, I get it that HC wants this server to emulate a live-service version of CoH, but you have a bit more freedom! I just want to see what kind of insanity (or, maybe, magic?) that would come from being able to pair any powerset with any other powerset.
  19. I agree with Zepp. Removing or reducing the effectiveness of PA's Taunt strips a vital component of Illusion Control away. This is primarily how Illusion Control actually controls mobs, by distracting them with the phantoms. It's different. It's not the same "1 immob, 1 hold, 1 aoe immob, 1 aoe hold, some flavor stuff" like all the other sets. If you must, then reduce the damage. But I would wholly recommend to just add Illusion Control to Dominators as is and see how it performs in a test setting to determine if it actually overperforms. Much of Illusion's current use in high-end builds is pairing them with secondary sets that floor Regen like Radiation. Once in a test environment, then see if Illusion's numbers for Dominators could be fiddled with. I just don't see the reasoning that Illusion can't be a Dominator primary because it's more damage focused when Gravity Control exists, or that it would become overpowered when paired with an Assualt set when it can currently be paired with Radiation Emission or Storm Summoning or what not. It's fine that Illusion is not a standard Control set that rigidly fits the formula. Shouldn't we WANT more diversity of playstyles within powerset categories and not one-for-one identical with different effects? I say, so what if it does really good damage? Would that stop more controlly Dominators from being made? Would they outpace TW/Bio Scrappers or Fire/Fire Blasters? That's why I feel it should be ported as-is in a test environment to see if such concerns have merit.
  20. I support. Also, I'd support making the little buggers untargetable so they don't get Thanos'd if a minion looks at them cross. If their buff is that big of a deal, then maybe cosmetic versions that can't be killed.
  21. I guess you could always just tweak the numbers. If they don't have PA, then they don't have Illusion Control so that would be pointless.
  22. Some say it wouldn't do much for Domination. I say that's fine, because it doesn't do much for Containment either. It doesn't need to as it stands on its own. I support!
  23. I'm all about more choices. I support this. Stuff like this would be what makes me actually do more than street sweep and papers in redside.
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