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Everything posted by DarknessEternal

  1. Replace electric blast with any other set in the above and you’ll see better damage, thus making it the worst. That’s why this thread asked.
  2. Electric Blast/anything Blaster. It's a set designed to do no damage on an AT that only does damage.
  3. Not even close. Even after the Brute nerf on PTR, still not even close. Sentinels do less damage than Corrupters, probably even less than Tanks (on live, certainly on ptr).
  4. I know you're agreeing, so this isn't an argument, just a continuation. That's what I meant by melee design superiority. Except for one outlier (Fire), all of the ranged sets would do noticeably less damage than nearly every melee set even if they were on the same scalar. Melee sets are just designed to do more damage.
  5. So if your pretending “range” is a defense all on its own, why have a defensive secondary at all?
  6. Increasing their damage scalar to scrapper’s would still leave them noticeably behind scrapper actual damage, because of critical, targets, and melee design superiority. as for survivability, why not? Aren’t we past the point of pretending “always at range” even exists? All ATs are in melee nearly all of the time.
  7. Why would you exclude pets from a Crab's single target damage? We're talking about damage. We're not talking about some arbitrary construct of rules designed to favor one side or the other. Single target damage, AOE damage, survivability: those are the categories that matter in this game. Crabs beat Sentinels in all those fields.
  8. This is entirely the correct comparison. The best Sentinel currently is Crab Spider. They're better at literally everything than Sentinel.
  9. Easy fix to sentinels: 1. Increase damage scalar to Scrapper. 2. Increase defense scalar to Scrapper. 3. Stop pretending range is something you can force into actual play as exclusively beneficial.
  10. Show me the screenshot of you having done every story arc and task force in the game.
  11. This thread should actually be abandoned. The topic relevant to this thread is already covered and answered. There is no smart agent checking to see what you're doing that influences drop rates.
  12. Homecoming has a system to prevent inflation already. It's called Reward Merits. Their changes to those effectively limit the cost of things in influence because if things become more expensive than their merit/time ratio, people will use that. It does not have a drop throttler.
  13. It’s all in your head. No such thing exists, you’re just trying to make a pattern out of randomness.
  14. Any chance some brave soul will consolidate the times (and builds that go with those times) into something more readable than a 20 page thread?
  15. My suggestion is to not use Electric Blast on a blaster. It's the worst set in the entire game.
  16. Clicking on the game window switches which monitor it is displayed on. This happens every time, so I can't actually do anything except keep moving it to different monitors.
  17. Yes, why aren't you? Well, that's hyperbole. I'm only at the damage cap from half way through the first pull until the end of the mission.
  18. The upcoming Fury change does not change Brute damage. Brute damage will remain exactly the same at 700%. You'll just need 1 fewer of your infinite number of red inspirations to get there.
  19. Yes. Especially if you shift into sets with even more AoEs.
  20. Completely irrelevant. I can make a new maxxed out guy in a few hours and I have no emotional attachment to any of them. If these changes go live, I'll just make a Tank farmer. If you want an example of power creep though, that's it. One patch and one AT makes another completely irrelevant. Is that really the direction you want this game going down?
  21. I agree the damage buff is necessary. My contention is with the target cap. When one AT is hitting 16 guys and every other AT is hitting 10, you're going to have a problem. The current numbers are just not acceptable.
  22. This will have absolutely no impact on the current problem of Tanks doing more damage with AoE attacks. They will still more damage with AoE attacks no matter how much Fury a Brute has. And for those of you who just don't understand why increasing the target cap is a problem, Tanks will now clear maps faster than BLASTERS. Remember how bringing up Blaster damage is what caused the Brute nerf in the first place? Let's hope it does again with target caps. Everything else about the Tank change is fine. Target cap increase is a multiplicative effect that is not properly being accounted for in the current state of this change.
  23. So? I use red inspirations as soon as I get or convert them and I'm always over the live brute damage cap. Do you not use inspirations? Is that the source of this disconnect? Am I the oddball because I only use red inspirations and I never save them?
  24. Why do you think this is true? It's certainly not my experience of how the game plays. Damage caps and target caps are trivial.
  25. Did you not read the rest of the post where I pointed out how Fury makes zero difference?
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