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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. I write macros that I know I will use on multiple characters in Notepad++ (well I did until silly borderless windows stole my desktop), copy/paste from there, much quicker and you get to keep a copy of your macros by default (not when you remember).
  2. Gave up on the character at 24, just hate the clunky animations if you miss and lose momentum. I don't mind the "mini-game" like powers that seem to predominate the newer sets (I'm loving water Blast on a Blaster), this one just feel clunky to me. Re-rolled as Rad/Bio... same level and much more enjoyable.
  3. If you use Group Teleport and Group Fly you and then move from point to point, they don't fall out of group fly because when you move they move with you. I have used this for a while, I didn't like at the time needing three powers to get a useful travel tool, plus while outside or in large spaces it worked great (especially with the shorter range of Group Teleport) in smaller spaces it sucked. Now it's possible that this no longer works but it certainly used to work, and while I appreciate that this suggestion pertains to Homecoming and not the few issues after CoV that I used my MM, it was a solution to this specific problem. I thought that my posts and context would have indicated that.
  4. I not that in Graphics Options there is the option to scale the resolution below the monitor/window scale "3D Resolution Scaling". I have been offered by Geforce Experience in the past to run other games at 2560x1440. I no longer use Geforce Experience due to some issue with current Win 10, I'm not even sure if it would recognise CoH:Homecoming. So is Super Sampling something that I can get through the game? I assume that the settings RenderScaleX & RenderScaleY (in the registry) are responsible for storing the setting but I'm unsure how to so in game. Of course I can do this in the registry directly but I don't know if it will have a perceivable effect in game or if this is something I need to do at the driver level anyway. Any thoughts?
  5. <- Is feeling rather stupid now, was of course exemplared down. Because it got the ring I assumed it was supposed to be working... 😄
  6. I played a DM/Rgn Scrapper from late i3 onwards to fifty and was one of the few characters I had access to when the game announced the shutdown. Literally the inspiration for my main online "name" and current forum ID. Regen was nerfed hard, both ED and specific nerfs hit it hard. Then WP came along and showed us what we should have been... 😉 I still like it, there is just so many other good stuff that is as good if not better to play now
  7. Just started out on a TW/Bio Brute, on reading the power description for follow through it seems like an easy pick, however in practice I can never use it. The power starts off unusable, gets an orange ring around it when I have momentum, but never actually becomes usable. Am I doing something wrong? I haven't taken the "Build Up" power yet (I tend to pick those up later when I have a solid attack chain). I'm only level 10 so is it something that will only work with later powers?
  8. That was just the sort of thing I was looking at. Thank you all for the replies. 🙂
  9. I'd prefer them to make Inf global (per account), then I wouldn't have to mess around with email myself Inf I've earned. The reasons it isn't (as I understand it) was that Inf was your (the specific characters) Influence/Infamy with the world which makes sense how the game was originally designed (when you could only trade 9999 inf at a time) but less so as soon as they allowed you to use it as a cash replacement. I'd also quite like to see the AH go global, yes I know it's tied to badges so some way around that would have to be designed. But if Inf could be global it would make sense for the AH to be global too. On a side not when working out how much inf you have prior to sending a mail (when clearing a character, as long as you're not in a mission/base you can do /ah to show the AH window which also shows how much Inf you have. Which is easier than either getting it up in a combat statistic window or via ID.
  10. IIRC the original arrival points were all intended to be close enough to the places you wanted to go but also far enough away that your arrival wouldn't cause graphics lag to people already there. Also one of the reasons that arrival and departure from Train stations are enclosed. Clearly that isn't as much of an issue, we've all got stronger machines (probably) than the game was designed to run on, so I have no doubt that some of the less travelled zones could be updated without seeing any issues. But AP/PI/Talos - the well travelled or Hub zones are probably best left as is.
  11. Or use group fly and group teleport, set the bots to passive/follow so they stay close and jump around like that. It's a long time since I played my Bots/Dark to fifty and I'm struggling to remember the issue being as bad, the smallest bots died a lot, but I assumed that that was expected, the protector bots less often and the big guy even less. So summoning them back unless the whole team was wiping (mission/TF too hard) I don't recall an issue on that side of things. For travel again I don't recall the issues I had, perhaps because I generally have the toe bombing blaster mentality so always (always) ended up too close to whatever I was facing, perhaps because unless you're fighting a GM/AV getting positioned prior to engaging just means the rest of the team has already killed that mob.
  12. My entire installation of Tequila is 4.9Gb (I do have Mids/Pine and costume/power customisation/etc in there too). Took my internet about 15 minutes to download but I do have a very fast connection (Gigabit).
  13. On live (I started with EU Launch) I played two Scrappers up to 50 (DM/Rgn, Claws/WP) and another into the mid 40s (BS/??). And while I tried to play and like Brutes my highest by the time I stopped playing regularly around i15 was only mid 30s. Now I'm back and I cannot understand why I bothered with Scrappers beyond the first one (pre CoV), Brutes just seem more useful. The other Cov ATs seem to have their own play style, which doesn't really mimic CoH ATs so much. So I was wondering with the game as it is ignoring specific power sets (assuming that there is any difference between the two, I haven't checked) is there some redeeming feature to Scrappers that I'm missing? I'm not trying to start an argument, but short of levelling one of each to 30+ (which if I can ever work out how to get onto the beta server I might do) and giving them a good work out I'm unlikely to see where each shines now.
  14. Being able to save all of the Graphics/Sound options outside of the registry and reload on the fly would be neat too.
  15. I used to use Group fly on my Bots/Dark and it worked fine. I think the issue is more about the poor pet AI than about functionality of Group Fly though.
  16. Thanks, probably what I remember, but not what I want 😞 While my password across all my accounts is the same (one of those hard to remember LastPass ones), I can get that in easily enough using the same .bat I launch from which on Win 10: echo|set /p=%pswd%|clip Replacing %pswd% with your actual password ofc. However the account of course differs between accounts. and while I don't really have an issue with having a different Tequila for each account it's not ideal... 😞
  17. 1)You can change the scale of the chat window, I'm a bit rusty on this what with more than ten years since I last played around with window scale, but I think its: "/window_scale chat 1.0" for normal size, under 1.0 for reduced size and over 1.0 (up to 2.0) for increased so 1.2 is 120% etc... (Range is 0.65 to 2.25 apparently.) It's not quite what you're after but if it's possible to do precisely what you want I never came across it sorry. 2)I don't know of a way to lock the tray numbers but you can bind a key to change them back to what you want (or make it into a macro). In game: /bind <key> "goto_alt_tray <2>$$goto_tray <1>$$goto_alt_tray2 <3>" ((The order is specific as a bug in goto_tray prevents it working if placed at the beginning of the macro (apparently), you can also omit the underscores, I left them in to aid comprehension.)) Where <1> is the number for the original tray, <2> is the first expansion tray and <3> is for the last expansion. So for my setup I would use: /bind numpad0 "goto_tray 1$$goto_alt_tray 2$$goto_alt_tray2 3" You could make it into a macro instead of binding it to a key by replacing the /bind <key> with /macro <name>. (Name has to fit into a power icon size space though.) More information here: https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/List_of_Slash_Commands#G
  18. Got it working with InnerSpace (Not Free) and ISBoxer, plus some messing around with batch files. I'm so happy right now, finally achieving some of the things I wanted to try on Live but couldn't due to lack of PC power or being unable to run 3 accounts for as much time as I'd need. Not being much of a power gamer I level much slower on these three than doing each one individually... 😕 If anyone wants to know the specifics of my setup I am willing to share (or chat in game @Lost Ninja is the main).
  19. I have three accounts, I have more than ten characters per account. I have to keep a spreadsheet to work out which character is where and doing what. Mostly to see what Currency each has (being able to see what Merits/Inf/etc would be my wish) but being able to see what level there are would be a help... more so for the actual level and XP to reach level than how far through a level they are. (So if I'm playing at 15, but I haven't got powers/slots since 12 I want to see 15(12).)
  20. Setting it to Borderless Fullscreen IS a new thing, not being able to get some windows to open on top of CoH clients isn't a new thing. And the new Borderless Windows are far worse than the occasional issues in the past and it's fricking annoying.
  21. I seem to recall that back on live there was an option to launch a client and give it the account & password details to speed up login. Now I don't actually need the speed but would like to know: 1)Am I remembering this correctly? I cannot find any information on Google (I have looked). 2)If it does exist what are the switches? I tried -password (I can already switch Account using pre-saved .reg files to change the registry). Just to be clear I'm looking for flags that apply to the cityofheroes.exe not in game slash commands.
  22. It's what I'm doing now, but it doesn't scratch the itch, I remember being able to play all accounts actively... I played a Fire/Kin duo to fifty (and beyond) with three (only briefly as I could seldom afford 3x subs) you could get frankly stupid recharge from Speed Boost/Siphon Speed/Hasten. I had a trio of Mind/Rad controllers who could perma mesmerise EBs (excluding pink triangles ofc) and again 3x AM is godly... 😄 Might have to dig out my old laptop and see if I can get three PCs running again...
  23. I two or three boxed back on the live (pre-I15 or so). In those days besides being glad of the price of the cup of tea I had many poor computers so I ran a client on each (when I could afford to sub those accounts. Now I have one much (much) better PC which can easily handle 3 clients (or more) and I want to try some multi-boxing again. And yes I really do enjoy it as much if not more than playing a single character at once. The rules state that I may do this as long as I do so outside of peak times (under 1500 players) and restrict myself to no more than 3 accounts. I'd like to play three (I have three monitors so that the easiest). However I'm struggling with the actual software side of things. I can get three clients running, on three different monitors I can control each one individually however the software I used to use no longer works written to send keystrokes to another PC not within one. So questions: Is this even possible on a single box? Would using VMs work (if so which one)? Aside from ISBoxer/Inner Space is there a software solution that works with Homecoming? And if so how do I set it up (on one PC). If IsBoxer/Inner Space is the only working solution, again how do you set it up (I spent several hours failing to get it to work)? And yes I know it's borderline cheating, I stop other people from playing and or ruin your enjoyment of the game. I and my ilk should be banned. And I'm only doing it to destroy the markets. ((Some of this isn't true from my perspective.)) Please don't bother replying if that is all you want to tell me.
  24. Always late to things... Lost Ninja reporting in. So many names I recognise, so many fond memories. I have seen one or two of them in other games, through steam, etc. Hope to see at least some of you in Homecoming. 🙂
  25. People like being heroes, whether in real life or fiction. And if people want to be a villain going red side won't scratch that itch because there is little genuine villainy. You're either assisting some other not very villainous villains or stopping really bad (but still not very villainous) types from being badder than you/recluse. No Rape, Torture, Mind Control... etc (and I get that's it a game so it cannot really have those in anyway but...).
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