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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. I am somewhat ashamed to admit that I used a memory editor to lock the amount to 9999 so make large transfers easier (it didn't give me any inf just made it so you only had to set the amount once).
  2. If you have sufficient recharge to get it's cool down below 120s now, it will stack with itself on zone change (so In zone it's not finished the uptime in the next zone it finishes the cool down and fires off again). And the powers monitor will show you the doubling. So I expect it did stack with itself back in the "Good Old Days" but it may still have only stacked after zoning.
  3. Make SG base place Pillar of Ice & Fire, do rescue the mystic from circle of thorns (it's the badge mission at around level 14, fast to do and on competition you should get the portal.
  4. Not sure if it was only when zoning but Hasten Pre-ED certainly did stack with itself. Six slot it with 50++ SOs and it briefly stacked (at least visually). ED put a stop to that.
  5. Would IMO make a bigger difference to the number of people taking it than fiddling around with how it appears to work. If I had to take SS as my travel power just to get Hasten I would work my way round having it at all as I hate SS unless playing a character that is required to play close to the ground (looking at you Hot Feet)... actually that's not true I hate it even if the character has powers that require you to be near the ground. 😕
  6. It's not your thought process that is hard to fathom but why you think changing but not changing something will make any difference.
  7. I would quite like there to be a system that would allow you to annotate notes onto the map which could then be shared with others. Sort of like in in game Vidiot maps. For instance I can make a marker and add a note that could say "under the bridge". Perhaps have these annotations shareable by in game mail as well. You could set up treasure hunts with it... perhaps make some of the zones a little more lively.
  8. So 69k people take a travel power, of 60k. So many take more than one (I'd be interested to know if the figures exist to show how many take none), Hasten is only taken 53k, and while you can certainly argue that I cannot lump all travel powers into a single "pick", they all share a function, they all do the same thing, they all require just one power to be picked & require you to burn a Pool to do so. Is Hasten powerful? Yes. Is Hasten too easy to make permanent? Perhaps, but then the issue isn't Hasten but how Set bonuses and global recharges work. Why then is your ire aimed at Hasten? Remove +Recharge IOs and Set Bonuses instead. The Original Post was "Delete Hasten" that would affect everyone who used it whether they then stacked recharge or not. Which is way too far. And if it isn't, which you now seem to suggest, why on earth did you water it down to your 2nd attempt at fixing it? Hence why I implied it was a psychological nerf. If the "nerf" merely changes how a power works without actually functionally changing it why even bother with the change? If the change in the patch-notes was: "Hasten is being split into an un-enhance-able inherent that grants a flat +20 recharge to all characters, and a Speed Pool Power that grants a 50% +recharge. With the intention of allowing people to not take the Pool Power if they wish while allowing those who want to retain their 70% +recharge." It would do nothing to prevent the vast majority of people still taking hasten leading to a retread of this thread in a few months. Cryptic managed it with ED. And people left the game because of it. If the current devs remove or drastically change Hasten I would fully expect that to happen again. Hell I know I'd be looking at the alternatives and I don't see Hasten as an Essential Power. It does rather sound like Cryptic and especially Statesman (the Dev) "Play the game the way we say...".
  9. I was basing this on the OPs assertion that her newly revised version of Hasten would be pretty much identical to the original version. Ergo pretty much a waste of time.
  10. While you're at it a simple checkbox on the screen somewhere that locks/unlocks trays so I don't have to delve into Options (or find space for a bind/macro). Probably away from those places people click buttons.
  11. Too many sets already, remove all the low level ones entirely (if there are procs (like Steadfast & Karma) move them into a different set) and make all the current 30-50 sets extend down to 10 instead.
  12. Is it Hasten that is broken or set bonuses and recharge IOs though? I once took Flurry... mostly because I was a Dark/Rgn Scrapper with Sands of Mu, Shadow Maul and Flurry... oh the whiffing was glorious... 😄
  13. The first one went too far and would in effect be a global nerf to everyone who takes Hasten now, I can't believe that you wouldn't have spotted that when you wrote the OP. The second one doesn't actually change anything real and is just psychological. (I have a feeling most non-forum dwellers would see it as a psychological nerf anyway TBH.)
  14. I can't be bothered to look but what is the percentage of levels 50s that have a travel power? (SJ, SS, Fly or Teleport). I'm betting that that figure is much higher than 83%. Shouldn't they also be moved to inherent? edit: Not intended as a Strawman but as a sly dig at the OP who think Travel Powers shouldn't be made inherent at level 1...
  15. Hasten isn't essential by any means. It's very useful as it is. Removing it would be akin to the ED changes, because it is used by so many people and removing it entirely would impact a huge number of people negatively (A Nerf). Changing it as you suggest doesn't address the what you seem to think is an issue though. The only people who would benefit would be those who don't use it now. Everyone else who uses hasten now would just switch over to the new version especially if it is in fact a buff. You're changing a lot of things to in effect preserve the status quo. If you think that removing Hasten entirely (as originally stated) is something that would be good for the game. I will disagree but understand your point. Changing it to be slightly better (IIRC 70% -> 75%) makes zero sense from that standpoint even if it might in a few edge cases open up a spare PP.
  16. I'd agree with this in general across all ATs, but specifically for a controller, what is better 45% Defence or 100% "Defence"? If the mob cannot attack you through being held (or in similar mez) the fact that your actual Defence is lower than 45% is immaterial. The controller AT was designed prior to IO Sets, it's supposed to use it's controls and buff/debuff mechanic to replace other ATs real defence/resists. Before inventions I doubt you could get close to either the resist or defence cap without extremely gimped builds (taking extra armour in PP/PPP) or using external buffs. So your mitigation was never designed to be soft capped defence. I'd further argue that with such a low health pool higher resists are more useful than defence anyway.
  17. I'm almost sure that once upon a time you could do this (an undocumented slash command or similar), it doesn't exist now for sure but I so remember doing it. And yes I totally want one of these, would make badge hunting so much quicker. 😄
  18. I don't get the whole "Lets delete Hasten and replace it with Faster Hasten". Why not just do 20% Inherent (not part of another ability just a flat unenhancable inherent. Keep a power called Hasten in Super Speed, functions as it does now but only gives 50%, same end cost, same recharge. Total benefit would be 70% +recharge. @biostemAs for the whole thing about perma Hasten allowing you to do things that you shouldn't be able to do, Hasten isn't the issue at all. Get rid of +recharge IOs and set bonuses, then that might be an argument.
  19. Accept that you're squishy. Defence is fine if can get it but an active defence in Holds/Sleeps/Stuns/Fears/Confuses is a far better "defence" than merely preventing a mob from hitting you. I'd happily have 300% recharge and zero defence (though it's not realistic due to needing defence powers to slot some of that recharge into) and permanently lock down the mobs, in effect 100% defence. AV & GMs with their purple triangles are of course one reasons to have some defence because you cannot lock them down as easily (or perhaps at all depending on Primary), this is why you have a secondary, buff yourself or debuff them and even if they are able to function on their own they cannot hit you, cannot see, do any damage when they do hit you, fire off powers (zero end), move or regenerate (again depending on secondaries). Ambushes are a pain though... 😉 Case in point: Doing the Yin TF, the ambush after Clamour re-spawned wiped the team (4x Fire/Rad at level), on the way back to the mission we levelled to 22 (IIRC) and got two each of the Rad toggle De-buffs (Enervating Field -Res -Damage, Radiation Infection -Def -ToHit). Dealt with the ambush by pulling most of it out of the reactor room. Then after dropping debuffs onto Clamour we all went afk for thirty minutes just to prove she had zero ability to beat us... well perhaps not but she was an absolute walk over. It's probably not a great example because running such closely match characters in a team is probably not what most people enjoy and until we hit 32 and got the Imps our speed wasn't actually great.
  20. Shadowfall, Darkest Night and Tar Patch... who needs defence if the mobs cannot see or hit you... 😄 Still wasn't a tank (this was before bodyguard mode was added, I'd hit 50 and got bored of the character by then).
  21. Insps, Enhancments, Recipes & Salvage can all be drag & dropped either on the character in the 3D world or on their name in the team list. They can however turn off gifts (somewhere in settings). Inf as far as I know must be either mailed or traded.
  22. If they could add the Ouro settings to the normal difficulty settings to buff enemies and debuff players that would be handy. Especially if the increased difficulty were rewarded the same as normal content (so only people who were really testing themselves needed to use it). The other alternative that the OP could try is an under-performing AT/Build and play with that.
  23. Game created the folder for me and mine is "Costumes", so I'd say case doesn't matter.
  24. Shouldn't be free, should be something you have to consciously take. If Fitness were still a pool and not automatic I'd agree, especially if some +something else was added to hurdle so you had a choice as opposed to needing Swift on all builds (with the normal caveat that not all builds would need it). An Universal Travel IO with a scaling (to level, 10% @ 50) +recharge unique, would IMO be a better option.
  25. I think he's talking about leveraging the existing creative types to create new content. For instance you could flesh out zones that have little current content, Boomtown, Kalisti's Wharf. You could increase the numbers of enjoyable filler content (Newspaper/Radio/Morality) without touching the overall story. You could even work their way through existing content that was released with I0/I1 that doesn't look or play as nicely as content released more recently. I know that this was suggested to Paragon Studios back in Live (on the EU forums at least), and their response was that it'd take too much time on their part to prevent blatant farms getting through (or penis jokes). Nowadays I suspect that while there might be the same issues regard farms and unwholesome content, because the dev team is much smaller and also part of the community user created content might happen. I'd guess it would be more of a team effort to create good looking content that appeals to many so a "Hub" site with assets might be the way to go. I doubt though that with the limitations built into the AE system as it stands it'd be fit for doing the sort of in depth design that would result in content fit for mass appeal.
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