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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. Being able to use the various salvage types on enhancements without having to slot them first would be nice improvement too. I craft/buy/etc on a single character I'd like to be able to get the enhancements ready entirely so I don't have to share that salvage out among my many alts.
  2. The stone armours do look dumb, but granite is no better. If I spend hours making a really good looking character I don't want it covered in shit that at best is slightly recolurable. (This goes, for Ice and Bio too.)
  3. I'm not sure that I agree with the OP's reasons, however the UI IMO needs a massive overhaul. I would also like to be able to filter buffs I have provided from buffs that the player has received. Very difficult to see when to re-buff specific players in a team situation when there is are 15-30 tiny little icons. (This is on the team/league display, not anything new just make it easier to read as is.)
  4. But changing or removing fast travel options won't actually make anything harder. Not being able to travel quickly will increase the time it takes to get somewhere but once there you'll still be OP and two-shot groups. I'm not sure I agree with your socialism argument, but what you're actually asking for is to still have your expensive car, house and holidays but you can live without your electric toothbrush. You'll still be in the lap of luxury but without something completely incidental that won't in any way reduce your comfort level.
  5. I've published some stuff online and it's been fairly well received (very niche NSFW sites OFC) and I am in a local group. Still slow going.
  6. As it stands at right this minute you can build a character that plays at pre-IO levels of "Super", nothing is stopping you from doing that. You can chose to take your 1st main travel power at 14 (with a prerequisite from 6. You can use TOs until the mid 20s, DOs till the mid 30s and SOs from then on. AT 50 you can stack those SOs to 50++. You can farm and trade (directly with other players) for HOs (and similar). And you'd still be super, you'd still be able to do some of the "end game content", it might even be fun to be so far below that normal power curve, we all take fun from different things. I doubt that you'd be two-shotting groups, I doubt that you'd be comfortable at +4/x8. You would certainly be able to earn all your debt badges. And if that makes you feel super go for it. Change the rest of the game because you want full IO sets, you want amazing Incarnate Powers or to trade your effectively unlimited inf (maybe earned through AE farms) for the perfect set up of extremely rare (by definition) purple IO sets and to still feel that the game isn't too easy? Please don't go there.
  7. Plans for the about 30 novels I have planned... Mostly not writing the novels as while I love the world building I'm my own worst critic when it comes to the actual prose. ;/
  8. I read, I write, I sometimes make things... but nothing terribly interesting.
  9. I never really understood the issue with The Hollows, even when it was an issue. I never found it to be so. Hell I have run from AP to PI at level 2 back in those days (during EU beta) as I was told you could find a vendor there that sold better Enhancements... well you could but you couldn't use level 40 SOs at level 2. (I was very new to the game in those days.) And while I might have died, I don't remember doing so. But you do learn situational awareness if there is a real threat. Hollows now seems pretty dead.
  10. OP does say his first language isn't English, I think to be as understandable as he is in a language not his own is pretty impressive TBH. Because I bet I couldn't post in his language with anything like the same understand-ability... 😄
  11. Not my experience at all. I didn't run perma MoG - I ran it as an "Oh Flip" button. I did have Focused Accuracy so yes I would probably have been able to react to potential incoming damage. I didn't have a PvP build, I was never that into it, it was something people in my SG enjoyed at the time and I spent time with them, it could be a lot of fun. And regen isn't great against alpha strikes, it never was, I'd hesitate to say it never will be but, IMO at least giving it the ability to ignore that would cheapen the set. If you know you're about to leap into a big group you could pop Dull Pain, or some purples. Resistance or defence against debuffs would be fine, but not really of much value against alpha strikes. But just giving it defence or resistance like the other sets means it's no longer about the regen. I'm making no claim about how Regen performs in PvP, I don't care. If you want to read that into what I said then do so. Regen is currently lacklustre in PvE due to past nerfs. It needs work (IMO) to bring it up in terms of overall use to be in line with sets that have been added more recently. And as a previous level 50 Regen Scrapper (which I enjoyed) I wouldn't now, with the much better alternatives (outside of story/concept) roll a new Regen.
  12. Ill/Emp would be easy mode compared to Emp/* Defender though. Hell back on live I levelled a Kin/Dark Defender (for theme/story purposes) and solo she was incredibly slow/boring. Was great in a team ofc.
  13. I seem to recall someone doing a 1-50 without levelling up at all (he never visited a trainer), so used vet reward powers and brawl to get there...
  14. I would quite like vanilla style server where all the P2W (which is fundamentally mostly vet rewards) remained mostly available minus the XP bonuses. But all the other easy mode stuff were removed, you have to level up and acquire costume parts just as you had to on live (where it is possible to do so), so capes are a mission as are auras. I think access to HEATs had already been removed from needing a fifty, but I'd return that. And the Incarnate stuff would be back to being difficult to work through. I doubt though that many others would be that interested and it'd be too easy (currently) to PL to 50+ on a "normal" server and transfer across.
  15. If you mean what I think you mean it appears to be fixed on Pineapple... personally I hate it... like to have proper stealthy look (without actually taking invisibility).
  16. I once stood in Warburg (around CoV launch) and had three separate stalkers and a blaster all trying to kill me, luckily they weren't working together or they might have managed it) but my regen easily beat their damage. And that was without MoG. Not getting into the whole what was changed for PvP and what wasn't, but regen was not just about MoG. @Thread Personally I think Regen needs a buff, even though my main on live was regen I won't play it now it's lost it's lustre and so many other sets are so much nicer to actually play with. However I'd ideally not want it to gain much in the way of resists/defences because then it just becomes a clone of WP or Bio.
  17. I have wanted Nemesis robots since they started Power Proliferation. Jaegers and warhulks for the t1 & t3, not too sure about the t2. Possibly one of those human clone things he does... Also now I think of it how about the Praetorian version of clockwork they'd look awesome. 😄
  18. *sigh* What sarcasm? What false statements? You felt the need to blow what was either (based on my specific text) a joke (as I intended it) or something that wasn't going to happen completely out of proportion. A simple "They aren't going to remove PvP" would have been a logical or sensible response. @macskulls response was on the nail, in fact. Yeah it led to my rant and eventually here, but I never felt he was being unpleasant for the sake of it. My opinion is that I hate PvP in this game. Whether or not you agree with that is immaterial. But saying that my opinion is false? What gives you the right to say that? There were changes made to the game that were intended to address issues in PvP that then effected PvE, I notice you aren't calling out anyone else that remembers this, only me so clearly you have an issue with me and not the facts. I object to people telling lies about me. Disagree with me, agree with me, doesn't matter. But if you make assertions about me and my behaviours that aren't actually reflected in reality I will have an issue with it. Oddly that sounds pretty much like the very same thing you accuse me of... strange that it's okay to accuse me of something but I'm not allowed to accuse others. Even if I had, which I didn't. And once again: I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THE PVP COMMUNITY!!! That is in your imagination, and I don't know why you will neither provide proof of it (a quote), let it drop or explain how you think the devs making changes to the game is "The PvP Community". And even if you do think that changes to the game for pvp == the pvp community, how is me saying I don't like pvp and I didn't like changes to the game for that purpose slinging mud. You in fact are the only one slinging mud. And you've done it since your first reply to me. If I am wrong in something and you (or anyone) can show me that I am wrong by arguing for their standpoint or showing me the correct facts I am happy to acknowledge that I was wrong. Nobody has done that (in this thread). People remember changes to the game differently to me, but that is really (unless you can provide direct developer quotes) akin to hearsay now. Nor can I prove that what I say is true either, again hearsay. My opinion isn't hearsay or based on facts it's based on how I feel about something. It can be changed but it isn't going to change from your arguments because your arguments are based on an entirely false view of reality. As you clearly aren't actually interested in anything but lies and false accusations it's not really worth responding further. OTOH find some actual proof of what you're saying and I will.
  19. DE with Seeds of Confusion... 😄
  20. The oddity of mind control IMO is that it does less damage to robots (including psychic clockwork). I think the only buff it really needs is for confusion to count toward containment. With that you wouldn't need to confuse and then control to get extra damage. Also reduce/remove the difficulty in damaging robots... I'm literally tearing them apart with my mind... 😄
  21. Implement a web front end for the AH. Add a Browser window to the game. Make it so only that browser can "use" the AH, you'd be able to browse the AH on a web client but only buy/sell through the in game browser. Move the /ah command to /showwindow browser auctionclient Add some other sites to the in game browser, like Paragon Wiki (especially if/when it gets updated, or failing that a wiki for Homecoming).
  22. A power pool that it's entire purpose (apart from that first pick) is as a LotG mule... 😛 IMO: (Purely PvE uses.) Stealth - Leave as is. Invisibility - A much better version of Stealth, Totally invisible to all enemies at any range. Turns into normal stealth if you attack. The downside is it costs more than double the end of Stealth to run, takes longer to come back up after combat. And applies a -ToHit to the user (you're less accurate as you cannot see your own hands/feet/laser beam eyes/etc. If you pick both powers (Stealth and Invisibility) the -ToHit is removed. (Out of combat enemies cannot see you, even if they're a much higher level or have huge amounts of +ToHit, in combat all those advantages disappear unless you also have stealth (or similar power from your AT). If you do the power reverts to what ever other stealth power you have, after you are back out of combat it comes back on suppressing whatever other stealth type power you have. While it won't work at the same time as another stealth type power, it won't detoggle them, their affects just won't coexist.) Grant Invisibility - Grant stealth to other players/pets/etc. Works like all the other Ally buff powers, it applies to all in range (not the caster), breaks on combat (though still grants minor +def (enemy -ToHit). Misdirection - 7' PBAoE Toggle, with high end cost (well low end cost with extra end per mob affected (like Repulsion, Repel, etc). Otherwise a placate, has no effect when using Invisibility as mobs won't attack you. Minor chance to confuse enemies (normal confusion caveats) or cause them to panic (fear). Enemies might see you but they're not sure they can believe their eyes and it confuses them, are you there or are they imagining you... Shadow Step - Short Range (30') Teleport (no hover effect). Can click a location or target a mob/ally. Clicking a location when you arrive you emit a short range PBAoE placate (low mag) (same idea as Misdirection but weaker). If used on a mob, the effect on arrival is a ST placate with much higher mag. They won't see you arrive unless they have a very high +ToHit or are much higher in level. If Targeting an ally on arrival you provide a short range placate around the targeted ally, this will stop them being attack from within that range (melee range), but could cause you to be attacked instead, enemies see you arrive even if they can no longer see your ally.
  23. I'd say yes. Habitual users of such temp powers would end up going rogue and could face arrest or employment issues in Paragon, less so in Rogue Isles (maybe).
  24. A good set of teeth? @OP No real interest in more normal slots per/power, I very seldom get to the end of a build and realise I don't have enough slots. However I would like to see some global type slots, with special Enhancements to slot into them. That would affect the whole build, but unlike Incarnate abilities they'd be available at 10, 20, 30, 40 and 2 at 50. And would cover minor QoL things, like adding damage types. An Enhancement that reduces say lethal and adds the same amount back as toxic. Basically things that affect the whole build but are more for concept than actually buffing the whole build. Alternatively I'd also like to be able to slot a knockback to knockdown (or the reverse) enhancement in any power that has knockback or knockdown. Without using up an actual slot. I sort of envision these slots as secondary effects slots and only take that sort of enhancement (though I cannot think of many enhancement of this type that people would likely want. Literally changing the way a power works but not changing what it does. Alternatively a sort of super IO that grants all of the set bonuses from a set (only selected sets available) and a flavour of the set (so a defence set would grant a highish (2x SO++ level) Def, End Rdx, Rchrg Rdx. IO set bonuses would remain the same and a set bonus added from a super IO would count as it's original value even if the value in the super IO was lower. eg if the set that makes the super IO has a 10% recharge. But as a super IO that recharge bonus is set as 8%, it would still count against the 5 cap on 10% bonuses. The super IO would be crafted from a full set, and once crafted cannot be uncrafted or further modified. Also can only be made from unmodified IOs. Any single power can only have a single Super IO slotted but can take further IOs from other sets, or normal IO, SO, etc. Any procs would also be capped as if they were a standard IO, so there would be no extra benefit beyond the 5 cap. eg LotG +7.5 x 5 whether or not that proc is in a Super IO or a normal IO. Could be massively OP but could add interesting build choices too. ((When I started writing this idea it sounded really good in my head... not so sure now though...))
  25. Me too. I also used to use it on my MM for summoning and buffing.
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