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Lost Ninja

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Everything posted by Lost Ninja

  1. Would it create a new style of IO like those that have been attuned, or would it just spit out a max level of the specific IO? Could you use it on an already attuned IO to get a max level attuned IO? I think it's a good idea I just wonder at how you see it working.
  2. If you buy your converters then it isn't worthwhile, in the last few days I've spent well over 1000 of them to get 8 LoTG +Recharge, but my total inf cost was about 3 million everything else came from drops or merits. In the process I also made about 50 million which I know is small potatoes to real Traders but will help me flesh out the rest of the builds. (Triple Boxing is expensive...)
  3. In live playing a pair of mind/rad controllers I "soloed" (that is I as a single player, playing two characters at the same time) several TFs and Trials intended for full teams. Confuse is incredibly powerful especially when you can double stack it. Bear in mind that these two controllers barely had any sets (certainly only cheap ones). Now that not only could I play with three and I have access to far better IOs... it's only lack of multi-boxing ability that is holding me back... 😄
  4. Considering the confuse is as functional as a hold in preventing an enemy from effecting you, doing damage to a confused mob should IMO cause containment. Pets that control like the singularity (or a confused Frostfire) set up containment for you. Pets themselves aren't normally considered a control.
  5. I play with cell shading on on my main monitor (1080p), I find that with cell shading on the low resolution textures of most 3D objects in game are less glaring. I dread to think how poor they'd look if I was playing at a much higher resolution. Biggest update that the game needs IMO is in the 2D anyway, the UI desperately needs an update. But I'd be happy to see some higher resolution textures too.
  6. If you can convert Merits to Hero Merits and Hero Merits can be sent to alts (which is what I'm understanding from reading this thread), why are merits not just trade-able directly? (At least between alts on the same account.)
  7. I always felt that, at least when first introduced, stalkers were more of a Blaster/Blapper than scrapper. Brutes are scrappers in scrapper-lock with slightly higher survivability and lower damage. And though I played a MM from CoV launch I never felt it was a great tank.
  8. I recall that even in the very early days things were often said to be impossible because the code was so poorly documented (if at all) and the then devs couldn't make the changes needed. And this was back in i3/i4. I always felt that the underlying engine must have been inherited from some other developers project and that Statesman (the dev) et al didn't really understand how it worked.
  9. Go to a character that has the settings that you want, type: /wdw_save /option_save /chat_save Then on each character created after using the above you "should" retain those settings. If you want to load those settings on characters created prior to using the above, type: /wdw_load /option_load /chat_load WDW is windows including scaling and opacity. Chat is for Chat tabs/channels/etc. Options is for everything else that isn't a bind or graphics/sound. Binds can be saved or loaded with /bind_save or /bind_load again if you save a "default" with /bind_save new characters will inherit those keybinds. Graphics and sound options are not stored in this way and must be managed through the registry (on windows, unsure how it works in Linux/Mac). Lastly you can save/load specific files of any of the above by adding a _file <path>\<filename>.txt to any of the above (eg: /wdw_save_file D:\Games\Tequila\wdw-tiny.txt). This allows you to have character specific settings (if you want) or to have different windows layouts for example different screen resolutions. Personally I have the load commands bound to a key so I can always revert windows positions/scaling, options changed for something like doing a TF or if I manage to delete a chat tab with a single keypress, (/bind <key> "wdwload$$chatload$$optionload$$bindload").
  10. Or grey for how boring it is?
  11. The only change I'd like to see to confuse is have it count as a Control Power for Controller Bonus Damage (which even though I play mostly controllers I have totally forgotten...) 😄
  12. If it happened I'd use it but I don't feel it's especially needed. I would prefer a change to how Power Pools function, specifically make it so I can pick a fifth PP instead of the Prestige on character that really don't need/want the Prestige Pool. Then add FX free versions of Ninja Run, Jetpack & Jump pack to P2W. Personally I like ninja run as it's my own power... 😉
  13. And if your RP-Fu isn't capable of working it into your story/concept, that really is on you... 😉
  14. The guy I quoted suggested moving morality missions into the PvP zones (I'm unsure why). If as you say all that you want to see is Villains in all zones (because lets be fair Heroes certainly don't seem to care for Villain zones), your job is to make a compelling argument for it. What benefit does it give? The benefits you've already mentioned are already there, albeit in a somewhat different format. If whichever dev it was that released CoV (I think it was still Cryptic, but could be wrong) had actually listened to what (some of) the beta testers of CoV had actually said, then there would already but something much the way you describe linking CoH and CoV. I'm not against the idea because it changes things but because it's seems pointless to add it now when it is unneeded.
  15. Glad I didn't waste my Inf then, thanks.... 🙂
  16. I noticed in the Teleport section there are two Team teleport items, one costs 1,000,000 and the other 10,000,000. What is the actually difference in function? I was hoping that the more expensive one would have a lower cool down (like the one from the Safeguard mission).
  17. The version of Mids/Pine I got when I first came HC had them listed, I did several builds with them in before realising they weren't actually in HC, I was disappointed. 😞
  18. Gets my vote, never did enjoy the MM non-pet primary powers. Especially if it opened up new options like suggested above, though I think I'd prefer some more control type powers.
  19. You could read my original comment as: Don't think it's a good idea but if you really think it must be done it'd be better to make RI into part of Paragon. Not I think it should be done. Because I don't. I don't think it would take much work just to add new exit points to existing routes, I'd imagine that that sort of change is a Database change, you might (depending on how they're coded) need to change drones to not automatically target enemy faction players. But as you can already switch sides with impunity why is it needed? Other than, by the sound of it, forcing players into PvP zones.
  20. Pink! You playing?
  21. I'm not sure how I did it but I did for a while on live have strafe and turn bound in such a way that when I had mouse look on I strafed, when it was off I turned. /bind <key> "dialog_yes"
  22. I've been really enjoying a Water/Time Blaster, might even end up as my 1st 50. I love the knockdown attack in water (I forget the name), you can fire it off every 15s or so. I also like that Time buffs my Regen/Recovery/Recharge so making me a more effective Hero. While I haven't played it in HC yet I also highly rate Energy Blast for blasters, especially if you can get into the mindset of hovering above your enemies and knocking them backwards (main downside of NRG) into the ground. I'm also really enjoying an Electric/Rad Corruptor, AoE and damage is there especially once you get the debuff toggles running (-Def, -Res, -ToHit, -Dmg.) And as you progress a PBAoe Hold Toggle.
  23. Seems like a lot of work for little benefit. You can already switch sides with ease, it's what 10-20 missions (not done this in a long time so I could be remembering this poorly) using the "legit" in game method. Or using the Gull in PD. Updating maps so that villain groups appear in Paragon did happen (with CoV and then in later issues), I expect that it will happen going forward (assuming actual development continues). So by making a rather large change you lose the need for the whole morality system. And unless you want to see open world PvP you gain very little, ease of access to Paragon for villains. Looking at the numbers playing villains I doubt that many heroes want to make the return trip. I would agree about villains not being exactly villainous, major downside with the whole CoV concept, and I mentioned it several times during CoV beta... 😕 Edit: In fact on re-reading my comment the only thing I'd suggest a long a similar vein would be to get rid of villains/rogue isles altogether. Paragon City finally act to stamp out that hive of villainy, Keep the physical zones, add a ton of CoH hero groups, as Paragon dispatches Arachnos. Some extra level appropriate zones to mission through would be fine. If the game were still being run as paid content you could even spin this as an advertising thing. have an issue where the zones are in contention (CoV zones), if more heroes than villains complete maps during the 3/6/9/12 months (whatever) then the zones become part of Paragon, if not they remain in contention... ((But I still don't really see the need for this either.))
  24. The Video and Sound settings (everything in the "Apply Now" Graphics Tab) are only saved to the registry. They should save when you hit "Apply Now", I've directly observed this on my PC when an open copy of Regedit updates after hitting the "Apply Now" button. As for why the OP is having an issue, no idea.
  25. I have had this issue, in a slightly different context. I run a trio of Fire/Kin Corruptors (via Multi-boxing), the two following characters will speed boost the main. No issue, On my main I have /macro "targetname <character name>$$powexecname speed boost". If I'm either targetting an enemy or nothing and have my mouse pointer "loose" (not looking around so it's visible on the screen) that macro needs to be pressed twice, once to target the character and once to fire the power. If however I have the mouse pointer in use (looking around, or mouse look toggled) I only need to press the macro once it targets and executes in one press. Unselect is generally bound to Escape (think that's the default).
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